

Brandon Southward 2014年01月22日


    • 2014年最适宜工作的公司榜单排名:95

    • 员工总数:75,008

    • 年度收入:39亿美元

        凯悦酒店(Hyatt Hotels)是一家全球性的连锁酒店,多样性和竞争是它的文化支柱。这家酒店称,他们是第一个提供同性恋伴侣福利,及性改造手术医疗保险的大型酒店。它有一个名为Women@Hyatt的人际网络小组,旨在增加公司领导层的女性人数。凯悦酒店还为凯悦/黑人学院和大学的夏季衔接课程提供赞助。这个为期一周的课程是专为即将进入大学的高中生设置的。凯悦公司总部还赞助了公司旗下酒店之间的评比活动,旗下酒店两两组队,在改进服务方面得分较高的酒店胜出,进入下一轮比赛。这个竞赛如今已经举办了三年,公司总计已经共颁发了14万美元的现金奖励。


    Hyatt Hotels

    • 2014 Best Companies rank: 95
    • Number of employees: 75,008
    • Annual revenue: $3.9 billion

    Diversity and competition serve as the cultural backbone of the global hotel chain. Hyatt(H) says it's the first major hotel company to offer domestic partners benefits, and also offers health care coverage for gender reassignment surgeries. Women@Hyatt is a networking group aimed at increasing the number of female leaders at the company. Hyatt also sponsors a week-long Hyatt/Historically Black Colleges and Universities summer bridge program for high school students. Hyatt's corporate offices sponsor competitions that match two hotels against one another. The hotel with the most improved service score wins the challenge and advances to the next round. In the three years of the game, more than $140,000 in cash prizes have been awarded.

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