Andrew Nusca
“五条Twitter消息” 沃伦•巴菲特 社交活力: 1 社交网络: 4 商业影响力: 10 “沃伦来了,”这是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司( Berkshire Hathaway)CEO在Twitter发的第一条消息,此后也仅仅发了四条而已。不过,当“奥马哈先知”有话要说的时候,它们通常值得一听。 |
"FIVE TWEETS" Warren Buffett Social activity: 1 Social network: 4 Business influence: 10 “Warren is in the house,” read the first tweet from Berkshire Hathaway’s high-profile chief executive, and only four more have come since. Still, when the Oracle of Omaha has something to say, it’s usually worth a listen. |