

Benjamin Snyder 2014年06月18日

    5. 吉米•“捕鲸人”•戴蒙


    2012年出过一起声名狼藉的案子。当时,美国参议院发布了一份报告称,由于“伦敦鲸”布鲁诺•伊克希尔发起的一个金融衍生品投资,戴蒙误导了投资者。因此,“鲸鱼缠身”(Whale Hunted)对戴蒙来说可能是个更好的名字。这个案件中还有一句有名的话不得不提。据媒体报道,在回应媒体关于该投资的问题时,戴蒙说,整件事“完全就是小题大做”。

    5. Jamie "Whale Hunter" Dimon

    Company: JP Morgan

    In the infamous case back in 2012, the U.S. Senate published a report saying that Dimon misled investors due to a derivatives bet by the "London Whale" Bruno Iksil. So, maybe "Whale Hunted" might be a better nickname for Dimon, although we there's a famous line from the case that can't go untouched. Responding to the media attention surrounding the bets, Dimon reportedly told investors that the whole situation was a "complete tempest in a teapot."

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