星巴克 发布日期:2011年 寿命:至今健在 为了庆祝公司成立40周年,星巴克给自己换了一个更简洁的logo。首先是在logo里加入了很多绿色,其次是除去了“星巴克咖啡”的英文字样。这串字母原本环绕在星巴克的招牌符号——女海妖的身边。CEO霍华德•舒尔茨表示,这位女海妖在公司40年的风雨历程中“一直都在”,而且需要一次“虽然小但是有意义的升级”。消费者的反映最初是褒贬不一,不过目前批评的声音已经淡去。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
Starbucks Date released: 2011 Lifetime: Still alive Starbucks switched its logo to something simpler to celebrate its 40th anniversary. The company added a lot of green to the design and removed the "Starbucks Coffee" phrase that had wrapped around the company's signature symbol - a siren. CEO Howard Kurtz said that the mascot had "been through it all" over the last four decades, and needed a "small but meaningful update." Reactions were initially mixed, although the criticism has since died down. |