

Chuck Templeton 2014年12月18日







本文作者查克•坦普尔顿为OpenTable的创始人。坦普尔顿目前还担任初创公司加速器Impact Engine的董事长,该公司的宗旨是帮助经营性公司解决社会和环境问题。(财富中文网)


Look for the innovators

Think about the Adoption Curve (innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards). Look for the innovators in your space as the first (and possibly) most valuable customers. If their pain is big enough, they will take a suboptimal product, because for them, the problem is so painful that they need a solution immediately. They will be open and happy (for the short-term) with an MVP. They will also give you the benefit of the doubt as you continue to build out the product and bring on more (early adopters and early majority) customers. If you can’t find any innovators or early adopters that will use your MVP, then you are probably not solving a real problem.

Luck goes both ways

Luck is always involved in entrepreneurship. No matter how hard you work, there will be some (good and bad) luck in it. Yes, luck favors the prepared and it is not all about luck. But when it comes along, recognize it and take advantage of it. And when you have bad luck, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Embrace it and get back out there. There will be setbacks. The only question is: how will you respond? Will you sulk and think “why me?” or will you bounce back and find a way to persevere? And remember, luck goes both ways. So if something happens in your favor, be thankful and embrace it. And don’t pat your back too hard or you may bruise yourself.

The buck stops with you

This is your company. Mentors and investors are here to help, but ultimately it is your business. If you want or need something, don’t be afraid to ask your supporters for help. But remember, the buck stops with you.

Chuck Templeton is the founder of OpenTable. Templeton is currently the Chairman of Impact Engine, a startup accelerator helping for-profit businesses address societal and environmental problems.

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