员工如是说: “在这里我们都深知只要团队日复一日坚持努力,就有机会改变成千上万女性的命运,帮助她们实现美丽的梦想和个人成就。”——阿根廷员工 “Belcorp就像我第二个家。我可以实现职业上的上升,也能实现女性层面的成长,还能有机会帮助成千上万女性改变生活,获得周围人的尊重。我不敢想象去别的公司工作,在这我感觉很满足,而且能得到承认。”——阿根廷员工 总部:秘鲁 行业:医疗卫生 员工人数:10,000 在哪些国家排名领先:玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、秘鲁 |
What employees say: “It inspires me deeply to know that with the teamwork that we carry out day after day, we give an opportunity transform the lives of thousands of women, so that they can achieve their dream of beauty and personal fulfillment.” —Employee in Argentina “Belcorp is my second home. Here, I have been able to develop professionally and as a woman I have given the chance to thousands of women to change their lives and be respected by those around them. I really cannot see myself in another company; here, I feel whole and recognized.” —Employee in Argentina Headquarters located in: Peru Industry: Health Care No. of employees: 10,000 Countries where it ranks near the top: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru |
8. DHL
员工如是说: “敦豪之所以与众不同而且非常适合工作的原因在于,非常看重人。在这里我们都有很多机会学习成长,从培训,辅导、见习、经验分享到内部晋升都可以参与。领导经常对我的工作提出反馈,即便遇见挑战也鼓励我做好工作。我感觉能跟公司一同成长。”——中国员工 “在敦豪每个人都密切保持团队合作。我们就像一家人一样。公司看重的是我这个人,而不只是业绩。”——中国员工 总部:德国 行业:交通运输 员工人数:90,000 收入:137亿欧元 在哪些国家排名领先:阿根廷、玻利维亚、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、丹麦、萨尔瓦多、大中华区、希腊、危地马拉、印度、爱尔兰、日本、韩国、挪威、乌拉圭、秘鲁、多米尼加、斯里兰卡、阿联酋、乌拉圭 |
What employees say: “What makes DHL different and a great place to work is its focus on people. Here, we have abundant Learning & Development opportunities, from training, coaching, job attachment, best practice sharing to internal promotion. I always receive feedback from my superiors and am inspired to do my best work even in challenging times. I feel I am growing with the company.” —Employee in China “Everyone works closely together as a team in DHL. We are like a family. The company is interested in me as a person and not just the results.” —Employee in China Headquarters located in: Germany Industry: Transportation No. of employees: 90,000 Revenue: 13.7B (Euro) Countries where it ranks near the top: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Greater China, Greece, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Rep Dominicana, Sri Lanka, UAE, Uruguay |
9. Hilton
员工如是说: “这里工作环境非常好。感觉我们是一个大家庭,所以上班很开心,而且这里的人们会承认你的工作,为争取更高的职位提供帮助,实在很棒。”——英国员工 “希尔顿很适合工作。在这里我可以享受国际化视野,而且可以在多元化的环境中工作,技能和知识都能得到提升。公司不仅给了我升级职业技能的机会,还让我跟全球很多团队分享经验。总之,希尔顿鼓励自我提升,提供各种学习机会,不会局限于日常工作。”——荷兰员工 总部:美国 行业:酒店 员工人数:163,170 收入:117亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:智利、哥伦比亚、大中华区、印度、意大利、沙特阿拉伯、墨西哥、秘鲁、斯里兰卡、荷兰、土耳其、阿联酋、英国、美国 |
What employees say: “There’s a great work environment here. I feel we are one big family which makes it more fun to go to work. It is also great that people here recognize your work and make it possible for you to move on to a higher position.” —Employee in the UK “Hilton is a great place to work. It gives you international opportunities and you’ll be working in a diverse international environment that will allow you to develop your skills & knowledge. Hilton has given me opportunities to develop myself professionally and allow me to share my knowledge with many team members around the world. Hilton stimulates self-development and offers many varied ways of learning that go beyond your actual day-to-day job.” —Employee in The Netherlands Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Hospitality No. of employees: 163,170 Revenue: $11.7B Countries where it ranks near the top: Chile, Colombia, Greater China, India, Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Peru, Sri Lanka, the Netherlands, Turkey, UAE, United Kingdom, United States |
10. Stryker
员工如是说: “史赛克崇尚努力工作,鼓励最求优异。从我们的首席执行官开始身体力行,每个人也都很认同。”——加拿大员工 “史赛克最特别的就是企业文化。史赛克坚信自己是业内最高标准,充分发挥每个人的才能、韧性和团队合作精神,实现公司理念。每个人都立志改进医疗卫生行业,都当成终身使命,而不只是工作。由于每个人都秉持这一观念,所以史赛克的文化就是打造负责任的工作环境,鼓励人们追求工作与生活平衡,完成工作的同时满足个人需要。”——美国员工 总部:美国 行业:生产制造 员工人数:30,360 收入:113亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、西班牙、美国、墨西哥 |
What employees say: “It is a company with very driven values and driven performance. Our CEO leads from the top and this vision is embraced by everybody.” —Employee in Canada “Culture is what defines Stryker. It is a place that believes they are capable of doing the best work in the industry and then uses individual talent, tenacity, and teamwork to execute on that belief. People are passionate about making healthcare better, and make that a mission rather than a job. With that intense work mindset, the culture of Stryker allows for an accountable workplace in which you can create a work life balance than meets your needs while still getting the job done.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Manufacturing and Production No. of employees: 30,360 Revenue: $11.3B Countries where it ranks near the top: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Spain, United States, Mexico |
11. Diageo
员工如是说: “帝亚吉欧的员工都非常开放,每个人都自由表达自己,独立行事,不会拘泥于集体观念,所以工作氛围非常好。”——委内瑞拉员工 “工作环境,同事们的态度,还有与公司关系紧密的身份认同感都让我们感觉像一家人,每天心情都很轻松。大家都会互相帮助。”——委内瑞拉员工 总部:英国 行业:生产制造 员工人数:30,400 收入:160亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:智利、哥伦比亚、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉、墨西哥 |
What employees say: “Diageo is a great place to work thanks to the openness of employees, who express themselves and act as individuals, and not as one mass.” —Employee in Venezuela “The work environment, people’s attitudes and the sense of identity that we all have in relation to the company makes us a family, and a place where you feel at ease every day. You always have the support of others.” —Employee in Venezuela Headquarters located in: United Kingdom Industry: Manufacturing and Production No. of employees: 30,400 Revenue: $16B Countries where it ranks near the top: Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico |
12. AccorHotels
员工如是说: “雅高向员工提供了在酒店行业发展的绝佳平台。此外还提供非常棒的培训项目。”——荷兰员工 “我们公司在业内声誉非常高,工作很有成就感。而且公司提供职业成长的机会,非常看重员工的才华,所以雅高比业内同行都要优秀。”——阿根廷员工 总部:法国 行业:酒店业 员工人数:190,000 在哪些国家排名领先:阿根廷、巴西、智利、巴拉圭、秘鲁、英国、墨西哥 |
What employees say: “Accor provides its talent an excellent platform for career development in hospitality industry. In addition, it runs excellent training programs for its employees.” —Employee in The Netherlands “It’s a prestigious place that you’re proud to work for. That’s in addition to the many opportunities for professional growth, and the interest shown in the talent of its employees, which makes Accor stand out compared to other companies in the industry.” —Employee in Argentina Headquarters located in: France Industry: Hospitality No. of employees: 190,000 Countries where it ranks near the top: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, United Kingdom, Mexico |
13. Cadence Design Systems
员工如是说: “公司给员工提供很多尝试新鲜事物的机会,推动员工走出舒适区拓展能力,有点像创业公司的氛围。因此员工可以一步步成长,变得出类拔萃,这在典型的大企业里很难做到。”——美国员工 “我发现工作环境里的人性化一面非常好,既保持私人空间,又能感觉大家一起共同奋斗,员工之间以及跟管理层之间都保持信任,氛围很公平。”——美国员工 总部:美国 行业:信息科技 员工人数:7,126 收入:18亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:加拿大、法国、德国、大中华区、印度、爱尔兰、意大利、韩国、波兰、英国、美国 |
What employees say: “Employees are given a lot of opportunity to try new things to extend their abilities beyond their current comfort zone, as one could do in a start-up environment. This allows them to grow as contributors and reach new levels of excellence that can be difficult to obtain in typical large company settings.” —Employee in the U.S. “In my personal experience I find that the human aspect of the workplace is very good—there is both a personal feeling and a feeling of togetherness within the company, and there is a common ground of trust and fairness between employees, and with management.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Information Technology No. of employees: 7,126 Revenue: $1.8B Countries where it ranks near the top: Canada, France, Germany, Greater China, India, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Poland, United Kingdom, United States |
14. Autodesk
What employees say:
“The organization trusts and empowers its employees to do the best work they can. People here have a strong sense of autonomy and are individually impactful in their jobs.” —Employee in Canada
“It’s a big company (publicly traded) but still has that small-company kind of feel to it when it comes to developing relationships. While we’re not a start-up tech company, we certainly have more of that kind of environment as opposed to a legacy old school tech company environment. People care about each other and managers are flexible and trust in their employees to get the work done.” —Employee in the U.S.
Headquarters located in: United States
Industry: Information Technology
No. of employees: 8,632
Revenue: $2.5B
Countries where it ranks near the top: Australia, Canada, Germany, Greater China, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States
15. W.L. Gore
员工如是说: “Gore的企业文化是提供支持的环境,让普通员工也有机会获得重大成就,从而鼓励成长和自我完善。我们大中华区充分践行了这一文化,因为我们相信不管是中国人还是美国人还是哪里人,都没关系。我们的目标是一致的,我们希望获得信任,受到公平对待,搭建相互协作的团队最终取得成功。”——中国员工 “在W. L. Gore每个人对公司产品和悠久历史都很自豪,即便下班之后同事之间仍然能保持密切关系,可以一起放松,所以工作环境非常好。而且每个人都可以主动承担责任,推动公司发展。”——瑞典员工 总部:美国 行业:生产制造 员工人数:9,500 收入:30亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:法国、德国、大中华区、意大利、韩国、西班牙、瑞典、美国 |
What employees say: “Gore’s culture fosters growth and self-fulfillment by giving associates a supportive environment in which ordinary people can make extraordinary achievements. We practice Gore culture well in Greater China because we believe that it doesn’t matter whether you are Chinese, American—or any other ethnicity. We all share common goals—we want to be trusted, be treated fairly, and be part of a collaborative and successful team.” —Employee in China “The pride in our products and the company’s history, and friendship and great fun together with colleagues even after working hours, makes W. L. Gore a great place to work. You also have the ability to take responsibility and influence the company’s development.” —Employee in Sweden Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Manufacturing and Production No. of employees: 9,500 Revenue: $3B Countries where it ranks near the top: France, Germany, Greater China, Italy, Korea, Spain, Sweden, United States |
16. Hyatt
员工如是说: “在这里只要做得好就会受到认可和鼓励,管理层积极推动乐观进取的态度,没有错误的答案,也没有愚蠢的答案。员工可以充分发挥所长,有自由成长的空间。”——英国员工 “凯悦是我工作过最关心员工的公司,管理层希望所有人都感觉受欢迎,让所有人都知道自己的工作对别人多么重要。每个人都受到公平对待。凯悦很明白员工都是普通人,每个人在酒店之外都有自己的生活。在凯悦工作你不仅会有团队归属感,更是大家庭的一员。”——美国员工 总部:美国 行业:酒店 员工人数:100,000 在哪些国家排名领先:法国、德国、大中华区、印度、阿联酋、英国、美国 |
What employees say: “Good efforts are recognized and appreciated, and all management enforces a positive can-do attitude and there are no wrong or stupid answers. The staff can be themselves and have room to grow in the company.” —Employee in the UK “Hyatt is the most caring company I have ever worked for, Management makes sure everyone feels welcome and makes everyone know how important is the job each person has. Everyone is treated fairly. Hyatt understands the employees are human and everyone has a life outside the Hotel. When you work for Hyatt you not only become part of a team, you become a family member.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Hospitality No. of employees: 100,000 Countries where it ranks near the top: France, Germany, Greater China, India, UAE, United Kingdom, United States |
17. EY
员工如是说: “公司高层对深耕本地市场充满积极和热情。他们相信年轻人的力量,信任本地人才。”——委内瑞拉员工 “我热爱公司里多元化的经历、各种年龄层和各路思维汇聚的感觉。每天我跟世界各地的同事一同工作,思路常遭遇挑战,但我们在共同打造更好的工作环境。”——美国员工 总部:英国 行业:专业服务 员工人数:250,000 收入:314亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:比利时、加拿大、大中华区、印度、墨西哥、巴拉圭、波兰、英国、中美洲和加勒比地区、美国、委内瑞拉 |
What employees say: “There is a lot of positivity and enthusiasm from top management to continue working in the country. They’re betting on youth and local human talent.” —Employee in Venezuela “I love the diversity of experience, age and mind here. I work with people from all over the world on a daily basis who challenge the way I think and who contribute to building a better working world.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United Kingdom Industry: Professional Services No. of employees: 250,000 Revenue: $31.4B Countries where it ranks near the top: Belgium, Canada, Greater China, India, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, United Kingdom, Central America & Caribbean, United States, Venezuela |
18. American Express
员工如是说: “公司文化特征明确,员工也都严格遵守。管理层很擅长挑选合适的人才,所以公司里同事们表现都非常优秀。”——印度员工 “这里关心员工的文化非常特别。这不仅是公司的价值观,而且在公司各层级员工身上体现。内部员工之间保持着真诚的友情。跨部门协作,跟其他同事建立联系,工作见习,职业发展,甚至偶尔交个朋友都很容易。因为我们一直努力打造全世界最受尊敬的服务品牌,所以大部分业务部门跟对手一样遵循求发展的思路。我们上班从来不会当一天和尚撞一天钟,每个人都能感觉到独特的职能和责任,要努力做出成绩。这不只是一份工作,背后有更崇高的使命。”——美国员工 总部:美国 行业:金融服务 员工人数:55,064 收入:321亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:印度、意大利、日本、西班牙、美国、墨西哥 |
What employees say: “The organization has a strong culture and employees stick to the company’s values to maintain the culture. Management has made the right decisions in choosing the right talent, and I look at this place as a workplace with excellent performers.” —Employee in India “The culture of care is truly remarkable. It is not merely a company ethos, it is exemplified by individuals at every level in the company. This provides an authentic culture of internal camaraderie amongst employees. It’s extremely easy to reach across business units and foster relationships for networking, job shadowing, development, and casual friendships. Because we are always striving to be the world’s most respected service brand, the majority of business units along with their counterparts exude a growth mindset. We aren’t just here clocking in for a paycheck. We actually feel our specific role & set of responsibilities provide a place to truly make a marked difference. It’s more than a job. It’s a higher calling.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Financial Services No. of employees: 55,064 Revenue: $32.1B Countries where it ranks near the top: India, Italy, Japan, Spain, United States, Mexico |
19. Cisco
员工如是说: “思科特别适合工作,主要因为工作环境好,公司文化也很棒,可以做很多创新型又具有挑战的工作。管理层很愿意帮助员工,决策和活动也都公开透明。我们喜欢努力工作努力玩!所以工作跟愉快心情两不误。我为成为思科的一员感到很骄傲,因为公司真的很棒!”——印度员工 “从你加入的一刻,就能深刻感受到成为团队的一员。你的观点会得到重视,感觉到跟团队一起进步。我的团队非常多元化,有来自美国各地的专家,但每次开会时,不管是面对面还是电话视频会议,我都能感觉到团队非常棒,需要什么支持都能获得。我可以自由地提各种层面的问题,同事们给出的答案都经过深思熟虑。团队即大家庭的观念让工作开展起来很顺利。”——美国员工 总部:美国 行业:信息科技 员工人数:72,900 收入:480亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:巴西、哥斯达黎加、大中华区、印度、爱尔兰、意大利、墨西哥、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、新加坡、西班牙、英国、美国 |
What employees say: “Cisco is an amazing place to work since it offers a great working environment and culture. It is an exciting place to be with a lot of innovative and challenging work happening around. The management is very supportive and transparent with its decisions and initiatives. We like to work hard and play hard! This strikes the right balance with work and fun. I am proud to be a part of Cisco as it is an amazing place to work!” —Employee in India “This organization makes you feel like a true member of the team from the moment you begin. Not only does your point of view get listened to, you feel like a part of making that point of view even better with a team. I work with a very diverse team of professionals from across the U.S. and yet at every meeting, in-person or virtual, I feel like a part of a great group with support when I need it. I am able to ask any question of any level and get a thoughtful response. The team and family concept makes work easier.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Information Technology No. of employees: 72,900 Revenue: $48B Countries where it ranks near the top: Brazil, Costa Rica, Greater China, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States |
20. Adobe
员工如是说: “我一直觉得Adobe的企业文化非常注重个人权利和责任感,就是说每位员工能加入都是因为胜任工作、具有创新精神而且充满动力。我们对公司的贡献会得到应有的鼓励、承认和奖赏。”——美国员工 “有些Adobe的同事特别善良又充满活力,我在别处很少见到。如果能喜欢又尊重共事的人,日常工作的心情会产生极大影响。我感觉不管遇到什么挑战都能解决,而且项目的进展方面我们总能获得如实反馈。”——美国员工 总部:美国 行业:信息科技 员工人数:17,600 收入:48亿美元 在哪些国家排名领先:澳大利亚、德国、印度、日本、英国、美国 |
What employees say: “I have always felt that Adobe’s culture emphasizes individual ownership and accountability—that we are all hired because we are competent, innovative, motivated employees, and our contributions to the business are appreciated, acknowledged, and rewarded.” —Employee in the U.S. “Adobe employs some of the nicest and most dynamic people that I have ever seen in an organization. Liking and respecting the people you work with makes an enormous difference in how much you enjoy your work every day. I feel I have the opportunity to take on whatever challenges I am capable of tackling, and we have the opportunity to give and receive honest feedback about how things are going.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: United States Industry: Information Technology No. of employees: 17,600 Revenue: $4.8B Countries where it ranks near the top: Australia, Germany, India, Japan, United Kingdom, United States |
21. Falabella
员工如是说: “Falabella非常照顾员工,而且总是鼓励大家。能跟友爱互助,价值观也很棒的同事们共事让人非常愉快,可以在良好的氛围里迅速提升,有各种机会成长。”——阿根廷员工 “能加入公司我非常高兴,公司给了我成长的机会,不管是个人层面还是职业层次上。人力资源团队的同事们都很善良,确保我们工作和生活上保持健康。管理层也竭尽所能满足员工需要。”——阿根廷员工 总部:智利 行业:零售 员工人数:105,500 在哪些国家排名领先:阿根廷、智利、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、乌拉圭 |
What employees say: “Falabella takes care of people, and motivates them. It is very gratifying to work with supportive people, with great values, where you thrive in a good atmosphere and where you are offered different opportunities to grow.” —Employee in Argentina “It makes me very happy to be part of this company, which I love for giving me the opportunity to grow on a personal and professional level. The people on our HR team have a great heart that ensure our well-being at work and on a personal level. Management also does everything possible so that we all have what we need.” —Employee in Argentina Headquarters located in: Chile Industry: Retail No. of employees: 105,500 Countries where it ranks near the top: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay |
22. Hilti
员工如是说: “我们的使命非常强大而且很有意义。我们身边是信任的同事,还有明确的价值战略,所以都在共同努力。我们的目标是尽可能完善自身,做到最好。”——加拿大员工 “Hilti的员工日复一日向顾客提供热情的服务,同事之间也非常友爱,所以是一家非常棒的公司。能在一家将愉快当成商业模式基础的公司工作非常开心,管理层团队和人力资源部确立了我们的目标,以及我们崇尚的价值。”——瑞典员工 总部:列支敦士登 行业:生产制造服务软件研发 员工人数:26,000 在哪些国家排名领先:加拿大、丹麦、巴拿马、瑞典、瑞士、阿联酋 |
What employees say: “We have a powerful and meaningful mission statement. We back it up with an incredible people and value strategy. We aim for the best in who we are and what we do.” —Employee in Canada “All the warm people who make a great difference every day for the customer, colleagues and results make Hilti a great place to work. It’s a pleasure to work in a culture where having fun is a fundamental part of the business model, and with a management team and an HR department that sets the tone for what we want to be and what we stand for.” —Employee in Sweden Headquarters located in: Liechtenstein Industry: Research & Development Manufacturing Services Software No. of employees: 26,000 Countries where it ranks near the top: Canada, Denmark, Panama, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE |
23. Admiral Group
员工如是说: “我在几家大型保险公司工作过,但这里轻松的氛围和经常鼓励员工的领导层非常特别。”——英国员工 “虽然员工和经理人数众多,但每个人都很开心,总是愿意倾听和提供帮助。”——加拿大员工 总部:英国 行业:金融服务 员工人数:9,285 在哪些国家排名领先:加拿大、法国、意大利、西班牙、英国 |
What employees say: “I’ve worked for several large insurance companies but the relaxed atmosphere and inspirational leadership make this company unique.” —Employee in the UK “Even with this many employees and managers, everyone is always happy, and willing to listen and help.” —Employee in Canada Headquarters located in: United Kingdom Industry: Financial Services No. of employees: 9,285 Countries where it ranks near the top: Canada, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom |
24. H&M
员工如是说: “H&M是家非常好的公司,每个人都尊重彼此,重视别人。而且,工作中都能彼此帮助,如果同事有事都很愿意代班。在这里还可以充分展示个性。”——荷兰员工 “每天我都要努力做到更好。周围的人都在帮助我,指导我进步。我感觉受到重视,如果还没有充分发挥潜力,说明在向正确的方向努力。”——加拿大员工 总部:瑞典 行业:零售 员工人数:161,000 在哪些国家排名领先:奥地利、加拿大、丹麦、法国、大中华区、爱尔兰、意大利、意大利、墨西哥、瑞士、荷兰、土耳其、英国 |
What employees say: “H&M is an attractive place to work because everyone has respect for each other and values one another for who they are. Also, it’s nice that everyone helps each other on the work floor or wants to work if a colleague can’t. In addition, you can wonderfully be yourself.” —Employee in the Netherlands “I am challenged everyday to be better. I am given the support and guidance to do an amazing job. I feel valued, and if I am not working at my true potential I am guided in the right direction.” —Employee in Canada Headquarters located in: Sweden Industry: Retail No. of employees: 161,000 Countries where it ranks near the top: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Greater China, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom |
25. SAP
员工如是说: “我们公司认为员工是成功的核心,所以提供各种供个人和专业方面的提升机会。此外我也很欣赏公司的愿景,即协助世界运转更良好,帮助人们改善生活。”——阿根廷员工 “我认为公司里有特别多既聪明又勤奋的员工,比起其他同行道德标准更严格。在世界各地都非常关心社区,经常为受灾或贫困地区慷慨捐助。我们公司非常反对性别歧视,支持LGBT人群。我能在SAP工作非常骄傲,也找不到更想去的地方。”——美国员工 总部:德国 行业:信息科技 员工人数:87,114 在哪些国家排名领先:阿根廷、巴西、智利、大中华区、印度、爱尔兰、韩国、秘鲁、新加坡、瑞士、美国 (财富中文网) |
What employees say: “This is a place that treats the employee as the center of success of the company. There are many possibilities for personal and professional development it provides. Also, I like the fact that the vision of the company is to help the world operate better and for people to improve their lives.” —Employee in Argentina “I believe this company has more than its share of bright and dedicated employees. It has a stricter moral/ethical code than peers. It shows greater care for communities worldwide, often donating generously towards disasters and economically disadvantaged. It is aggressively attacking gender bias and supports LGBT community. I am very proud to work for SAP and don’t see another place I would rather work.” —Employee in the U.S. Headquarters located in: Germany Industry: Information Technology No. of employees: 87,114 Countries where it ranks near the top: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Greater China ,India, Ireland, Korea, Peru, Singapore, Switzerland, United States |