搜狐 排名:第89位 连续在榜年数:3年 随着中国成为世界上互联网用户最多的国家,这家主要经营门户网站、搜索引擎及游戏运营的互联网公司得以冉冉升起。2003年,《财富》杂志将搜狐公司(Sohu.com)评为世界上增长最快的公司,此后多年它就一直在榜——2009年排在第12位,2010年排在第89位。公司的主要销售收入(去年达到创纪录的6.128亿美元)来自网站的各类广告以及赞助类搜索(sponsored searches)。 译者:清远 |
Sohu.com 100 Fastest-Growing Rank: 89 Consecutive years on the list: 3 The Internet company -- which does big business as a portal, search engine, and game operator -- has surged as China has become the greatest Internet user in the world. In 2003, Fortune ranked Sohu.com as the third fastest growing company in the world, and it has been on the list for many years since then -- at No. 12 in 2009, and 89 in 2010. The company earns most of its revenue (a record $612.8 million last year) from advertising on its web properties and from sponsored searches. |