
16. 维多利亚•格雷森 • 头衔:哈珀艺术画廊的所有者 • 电视剧:《复仇》 • 扮演者:玛德琳•斯托 十多年前,维多利亚与康莱德•格雷森的婚姻或许为她铺就了一条拥有权势的道路,但是她也被困在了这段婚姻之中。作为三个孩子的母亲,维多利亚身上的名贵珠宝和荷芙妮格(herve leger)套装成功地掩盖了这位冷酷母亲的精明。“你可以一辈子都被有权有势的男人们控制着,但是你也可以学着怎样去控制他们,”这是她最近的名言。维多利亚所说的每一句话,做出的每个举动以及维系的每段关系都经过精心的算计,而且她的目的也向来很可疑。维多利亚和康莱德的过去令他们的双手沾满了鲜血,如今,她开始摆脱康莱德,独自重塑自己的生活。通过威胁和勒索,她最近如愿以偿地占有了汉普顿最成功的画廊。看来,江山易改,本性难移。 |
16. Victoria Grayson • Title: Owner of the Harper Art Gallery • Show: Revenge • Played by: Madeline Stowe Victoria may have married her way into power, wedding Conrad Grayson decades ago, but she's here to stay. Her diamonds and Herve Leger dresses perfectly mask the icy mother-of- three's cunning. "You can spend your life being controlled by powerful men, or you can learn how to control them," she recently said. Victoria's every word, move, and relationship is calculated -- and her intentions are always questionable. The past doused Victoria and Conrad's hands in blood, and she's now working to re-frame her life without him. Victoria recently took over one of the Hamptons' most successful art galleries -- by blackmailing its previous owner. Guess old habits really do die hard. |