
2. 奥利维亚•波普 • 头衔:波普联合公司所有者 • 电视剧:《丑闻》 • 扮演者:凯丽•华盛顿 成功地协助菲兹•格兰特赢得美国总统选举之后,奥利维亚•波普创办了危机管理咨询公司奥利维亚•波普联合公司。她也就此成为华盛顿政客和公众人物在危机中的救命稻草。我们可以想象奥利维亚从这些危机中心安理得地收取了多少咨询费(我的意思是,看看她的衣橱就可见一斑)。奥利维亚对这种靠打擦边球式地变通规则来帮助客户度过危机的做法毫无愧疚之意。在她眼中,世界并不是非黑即白,而是存在着许多灰色的中间地带。它们不但可令她与客户们保持着一种更加惺惺相惜的关系,而且还能实现道德上的灵活性,以求心安。她的团队也自豪地将自己的角色形容为“穿着西装的角斗士”,忠心耿耿地追随着自己正义的老板。 |
2. Olivia Pope • Title:Owner of Pope & Associates • Show:Scandal • Played by:Kerry Washington After successfully helping Fitz Grant win his campaign for President of the United States, Olivia launched her crisis management consultancy Olivia Pope & Associates. She's become the go-to gal for D.C. politicians and public figures in crisis. We can only imagine the retainers Olivia deservedly collects. (I mean, just look at that wardrobe!) Olivia has no qualms bending the rules to help her clients. She sees the world in gray, rather than black and white, leading to more sympathetic relationships with her clients -- and a moral flexibility that satisfyingly entertains. Her team proudly owns their role as "gladiators in suits," loyally following their white-hatted leader. |