  • Unlimited data, R.I.P.

    JP Mangalindan 2010-06-11 12:23

    Why AT&T's reversal to metered data usage will move Internet innovation in the wrong direction.Starting next week, new AT&T subscribers will no longer...

  • D.R. Horton stock is hot

    财富中文网 2009-09-22 11:12

    Shares of the biggest U.S. homebuilder are in the midst of their biggest rally since 2005. But is it for real?By Scott CendrowskiThe housing market is...

  • 3M

    Anne VanderMey 2011-03-17 01:13

    最受赞赏的公司前50名排名:第15位医疗及其他精密设备行业排名:第1位(过往排名:第2位)总得分:7.29为何受赞赏这家总部位于美国明尼苏达的公司之所以出名,很可能是因为其出产的便利贴(Post-it Notes)和透明胶带(Scotch Tape)等粘合剂的缘故。几十年来,这些产品将整个美国紧紧地...

  • Jaguar Rejuvenated: 2010 XK-R Coupe

    财富中文网 2009-08-13 05:19

    By Alex Taylor IIIJaguar is at another turning point in its storied and eventful history. It is operating under a new owner, Tata Motors of India, whi...

  • Drexel CEO Fred Joseph, R.I.P.

    Patricia Sellers 2009-12-04 02:04

    BY Patricia Sellers“Investment banking is funny. You do one transaction, then you do another of the same type and then a third. Maybe then you’ve got ...

  • The Lobby: Intel's R&D tax push

    Jia Lynn Yang 2010-03-31 01:33

    Name any major U.S. company, and chances are good it runs an office in Washington. They're all here to lobby, yes, but more specifically, they're watc...

  • 捷豹复兴:2010款XK-R跑车

    Alex Taylor III 2009-08-13 05:17

    作者:Alex Taylor III现在,捷豹公司(Jaguar)正处于其传奇历史上又一个新的转折点。该公司现归入印度塔塔汽车公司(Tata Motors)旗下,但即将推出在老东家福特(Ford)时期研发的车型。全球经济衰退给捷豹造成了打击,但并没有影响其产品周期。中型轿车的增压改进型XF-R,以及...

  • M&M加入“生日蛋糕味”美食热潮

    Erika Fry 2014-04-03 09:56


  • 3M的创新之本

    刘  聪 2014-10-10 12:00

    《财富》(中文版)-- 2014年,3M公司迎来入华30周年。就在刚刚过去的2013年,3M大中华区业务占全球销售额的10%,接近40亿美元。这一年也为3M在中国的发展带来了重要契机,3M大中华区不仅从亚太区独立出来直接向美国总部汇报,还迎来了一位新的外籍总裁金福来(James W. McSheff...

  • 3M的创新复苏

    Marc Gunther 2010-11-16 08:00

    3M无处不在。这是3M公司董事长兼CEO乔治·巴克利(George Buckley)在谈论他最喜欢的发明话题时努力阐释的观点。他说,去年,“甚至在有史以来最糟糕的经济形势下,我们还是推出了1,000余种新产品。”巴克利的新iPhone手机像是接到信号一样响了起来,屏幕上出现了他女儿的照片。“爸爸正在...
