  • 甘剑平 | 2019年中国30位最具影响力的投资人

    财富中文网 2019-10-30 06:00

    甘剑平渶策资本创始合伙人甘剑平是投资圈的知名“狙击手”,在消费和科技领域有较高的影响力,投出了美图、大众点评、携程、哔哩哔哩、知乎等诸多知名项目。仅2018年,他就有哔哩哔哩、蘑菇街、美团点评等项目登陆资本市场。2019年,甘剑平离开供职13年的启明创投,创立渶策资本(INCE Capital)并...

  • 2019年中国最具影响力的30位投资人

    财富中文网 2019-10-30 06:06


  • Google TV = cool. But Google TV Ads = $$$

    Beth Kowitt 2010-06-08 01:57

    With the announcement of Google TV last week, the online advertising giant left no hint of uncertainty that it doesn't want to be just an online adver...

  • Internet TV: When, dammit?

    Adam Lashisky 2009-11-16 05:03

    by Adam LashinskyHulu touts about TV anytime, anywhere. But hooking your TV to the Net? Crazy talk!I had an epiphany early last year when I visited Hu...

  • Apple TV swings hard but misses

    John Patrick Pullen 2010-09-08 11:52

    By most accounts, Wednesday was a good day to be Steve Jobs. In fact, if you were looking at a box score of Apple's big game, their CEO's line might l...

  • Can Apple save Apple TV?

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-02 12:38

    There might just be a market for a $99 iPhone (without the phone bill) that plugs into your TVI tried to live with Apple TV for a couple months last y...

  • Apple TV应用开发者:我们很乐观

    Jason Cipriani 2015-12-31 05:30

    在三年多的时间里,苹果公司首次宣布了苹果电视(Apple TV)的进展,这款产品的应用成为这次通报的核心内容。苹果要让人们相信,应用才是电视机的未来。距离这个梦想的实现之日,可能还有好几个月,甚或好几年。但软件开发商正忙着为一个远远大于我们随身携带或者放在桌上的设备的屏幕,升级现有的iOS应用,并打...

  • 未来的电视:OTT-TV在中国的前景

    陈泽奇 2013-06-05 10:24

    OTT是英文“Over The Top”的缩写,原指篮球中的“过顶传球”。在广播电视和内容发送领域,OTT意味着通过宽带发送视频和音频内容,但网络服务供应商不参与内容的控制或分发。OTT应用的迅速发展主要得益于两个因素的推动:一是宽带服务的日渐普及;二是大量具有网络功能的设备迅速融入日常生活。中国O...

  • World Cup vuvuzela filter: the future of Internet TV?

    Paul Smalera 2010-06-29 01:48

    In honor of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, YouTube recently added a "vuvuzela" button that would enable the plastic horn's trademark buzzing on j...

  • What works on TV won’t work online forever

    财富中文网 2009-08-11 06:01

    By Keith RichmanIt has become fashionable to claim that it is impossible to profitably produce original video content for the web. After all, many hig...
