  • 甘剑平 | 2019年中国30位最具影响力的投资人

    财富中文网 2019-10-30 06:00

    甘剑平渶策资本创始合伙人甘剑平是投资圈的知名“狙击手”,在消费和科技领域有较高的影响力,投出了美图、大众点评、携程、哔哩哔哩、知乎等诸多知名项目。仅2018年,他就有哔哩哔哩、蘑菇街、美团点评等项目登陆资本市场。2019年,甘剑平离开供职13年的启明创投,创立渶策资本(INCE Capital)并...

  • 2019年中国最具影响力的30位投资人

    财富中文网 2019-10-30 06:06


  • 3D技术为什么火不起来?

    Peter Suciu 2012-10-24 05:48


  • Google TV = cool. But Google TV Ads = $$$

    Beth Kowitt 2010-06-08 01:57

    With the announcement of Google TV last week, the online advertising giant left no hint of uncertainty that it doesn't want to be just an online adver...

  • Internet TV: When, dammit?

    Adam Lashisky 2009-11-16 05:03

    by Adam LashinskyHulu touts about TV anytime, anywhere. But hooking your TV to the Net? Crazy talk!I had an epiphany early last year when I visited Hu...

  • 裸眼3D全息技术来了!

    JP Mangalindan 2011-10-21 01:26

    你是不是觉得如今电影和电视里的3D技术已经非常了不起了?别着急,先去去看看全息沙盘再说吧。这项技术全名叫城市光学沙盘显示系统(Urban Photonic Sandtable Display),由美国国防部(the Defense Department)下属的研究机构国防高级研究规划局(DARPA)...

  • 裸眼3D全息技术来了!

    JP Mangalindan 2011-10-21 01:26

    你如果认为当今电影和电视节目里的三维技术很酷,那就等你看到全息图像沙盘再说这话吧。在美国国防部的研究机构——国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)的资助下,城市激光沙盘显示设备公司(Urban Photonic Sandtable Display)制作出了一种用于作战计划的360度三维图像(无需用镜子折...

  • Sony: YouTube 3D coming within a year

    Seth Weintraub 2010-07-17 01:25

    A Sony exec revealed that YouTube would be part of Sony's upcoming 3D offering.Mick Hocking, a studio exec at Sony, last week was drumming up support ...

  • Apple TV swings hard but misses

    John Patrick Pullen 2010-09-08 11:52

    By most accounts, Wednesday was a good day to be Steve Jobs. In fact, if you were looking at a box score of Apple's big game, their CEO's line might l...

  • Can Apple save Apple TV?

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-02 12:38

    There might just be a market for a $99 iPhone (without the phone bill) that plugs into your TVI tried to live with Apple TV for a couple months last y...
