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Gap、Banana Republic将从商场大举撤出,未来或难觅踪影。


2020年3月27日周五,加州旧金山,佩戴着口罩的行人走过被木板封住的Gap鲍威尔街市场街门店。图片来源:Lea Suzuki—The San Francisco Chronicle/Getty Images

数十年来,Gap与Banana Republic的门店一直都是商场的“常住客”,但如今这两个品牌正计划在未来三年关闭北美350家门店,如此一来,未来在商场中将很难看到这两个品牌的身影。

Gap品牌创办于1969年,但近年业务持续萎缩,对其而言,2023年前关闭220家门店(约占其门店总数的三分之一)意味着剩余门店中将仅有20%还会留在商场中。Banana Republic则计划关闭约130家门店。10月22日,Gap的全球总裁马克·布雷特巴德在分析师网络直播中宣布了这一举措。



由于商场近几年一直在走下坡路,加上越来越多的Gap客户转而选择线上购物,Gap也对其门店策略进行了重新审视。关店工作结束后,Gap和Banana Republic的营收将有80%来自线上及商场外的门店。

与之不同的是,Gap集团旗下发展迅猛的子品牌Old Navy(贡献了Gap公司一半的销售额)和Athleta则采取了相反的策略,二者均宣布未来将开设更多门店。Old Navy现有1200家门店,去年该品牌曾经表示可能会在现有门店基础上再逐步开设800家新店,不过由于疫情影响、业务承压,其扩张速度也有所放缓。

疫情期间,Old Navy的表现优于大多数同行,上季度销售额仅下降5%,其首席执行官南希·格林表示,通过扩大运动服业务、增加大码服装销售,Old Navy的年销售额有望在短期内从80亿美元上升至100亿美元。



数十年来,Gap与Banana Republic的门店一直都是商场的“常住客”,但如今这两个品牌正计划在未来三年关闭北美350家门店,如此一来,未来在商场中将很难看到这两个品牌的身影。

Gap品牌创办于1969年,但近年业务持续萎缩,对其而言,2023年前关闭220家门店(约占其门店总数的三分之一)意味着剩余门店中将仅有20%还会留在商场中。Banana Republic则计划关闭约130家门店。10月22日,Gap的全球总裁马克·布雷特巴德在分析师网络直播中宣布了这一举措。



由于商场近几年一直在走下坡路,加上越来越多的Gap客户转而选择线上购物,Gap也对其门店策略进行了重新审视。关店工作结束后,Gap和Banana Republic的营收将有80%来自线上及商场外的门店。

与之不同的是,Gap集团旗下发展迅猛的子品牌Old Navy(贡献了Gap公司一半的销售额)和Athleta则采取了相反的策略,二者均宣布未来将开设更多门店。Old Navy现有1200家门店,去年该品牌曾经表示可能会在现有门店基础上再逐步开设800家新店,不过由于疫情影响、业务承压,其扩张速度也有所放缓。

疫情期间,Old Navy的表现优于大多数同行,上季度销售额仅下降5%,其首席执行官南希·格林表示,通过扩大运动服业务、增加大码服装销售,Old Navy的年销售额有望在短期内从80亿美元上升至100亿美元。



Gap Inc's namesake and Banana Republic brands are planning to close another 350 of their North American stores in the next three years in a move that largely exits them from the shopping malls where they have been fixtures for decades.

For Gap, the brand that started in 1969 but which has withered in recent years, closing 220 stores (about one-third of the fleet) by 2023 will mean that only 20% of its remaining stores will still be in malls. Banana Republic is closing some 130 stores. The move was announced by Gap Global president Mark Breitbard on an analyst webcast on Thursday.

"We're shrinking North American specialty stores and getting out of mall-based locations," he said on the webcast. "What we're doing is restructuring the fleet, shifting and pushing more of the business to digital and growing (market) share in key categories." Gap earlier this week said it planned to close most of the brand's stores in Europe and move to a license model in that market.

"We've been overly reliant on low productivity, high rent stores," he added. Gap Inc has been involved in a dispute with mall operator Simon Property Group over rent charged early in the pandemic when stores were closed for weeks. Breitbard continued: "We've used the past six months to address the real estate issues and accelerate our shift."

The long decline of shopping malls in recent years, coupled with the shift online of Gap's customers, has led the company to rethink its real estate. When the closures are complete, the two chains will derive 80% of revenue online and from stores outside malls.

In contrast, Gap Inc's flourishing brands, Old Navy, which generates half of company sales, and Athleta, both announced plans for more stores. Still, Old Navy, which last year said it could open another 800 stores over time on top 1,200 existing locations, is slowing the pace because of pressures on the business from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Old Navy CEO Nancy Green said her brand, which has weathered the pandemic better than most with sales down only 5% last quarter, could grow from $8 billion in annual sales to $10 billion in short order by building up its activewear business and selling more plus size clothing.

As for the $1 billion Athleta brand, executives said it could double in three years and widely build on its 200-store fleet. By 2023, the two brands will generate about 70% of Gap Inc revenue, up from about 54% now.

Gap Inc CEO Sonia Syngal pointed to the company's relatively strong finances despite the sales plunges earlier this year and told investors, "We will continuously streamline to be fast and flexible."



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