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在创始人伊丽莎白·霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)的努力下,血液检测公司Theranos作为一家初创企业,市值曾达到90亿美元。但随着霍姆斯的刑事判决公布,判其犯有诈骗罪,公司也在丑闻中倒闭了。




为开办企业,霍姆斯曾从斯坦福大学中途辍学。若干名证人对陪审员表示,他们都受到了霍姆斯的严重误导。这些证人中包括美国连锁药店沃尔格林(Walgreens)和萨夫威公司(Safeway Inc.)的高管、曾在Theranos董事会任职的美国前国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis),以及多位向该企业投入数亿美元的投资者顾问。





法庭上最令人震惊的时刻是:霍姆斯在证言中说,她在斯坦福大学读书时被强奸,并多年遭受其前男友,即Theranos前总裁拉梅什·“桑尼”·巴尔瓦尼(Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani)的语言暴力和性虐待。



美国助理检察官杰夫·申克(Jeff Schenk)说,无论陪审团判定霍姆斯有罪与否, 关于虐待行为,“都并不意味着我们不相信霍姆斯女士”。“是否存在虐待行为与本次判决无关,”他说。


“伊丽莎白·霍姆斯是在做生意,不是在犯罪,”律师凯文·唐尼(Kevin Downey)对陪审员陈述道。



整个审判过程中,霍姆斯通过新闻媒体发表的若干次声明反复成为关注焦点。其实,检察官在11月中旬传唤前《财富》杂志记者罗杰•帕洛夫(Roger Parloff)出庭作证,就已结束审理。2014年,帕洛夫写了一篇《财富》杂志封面报道,帮Theranos公司在全国范围内引起了关注。一年后,在Theranos被指控欺骗患者和投资者后,帕洛夫写了一份认错书,揭露该公司如何对他进行了误导。在法庭作证时,帕洛夫描述了,在Theranos血液检测技术的有效性方面,霍姆斯是如何欺骗自己的。




在创始人伊丽莎白·霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)的努力下,血液检测公司Theranos作为一家初创企业,市值曾达到90亿美元。但随着霍姆斯的刑事判决公布,判其犯有诈骗罪,公司也在丑闻中倒闭了。




为开办企业,霍姆斯曾从斯坦福大学中途辍学。若干名证人对陪审员表示,他们都受到了霍姆斯的严重误导。这些证人中包括美国连锁药店沃尔格林(Walgreens)和萨夫威公司(Safeway Inc.)的高管、曾在Theranos董事会任职的美国前国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis),以及多位向该企业投入数亿美元的投资者顾问。





法庭上最令人震惊的时刻是:霍姆斯在证言中说,她在斯坦福大学读书时被强奸,并多年遭受其前男友,即Theranos前总裁拉梅什·“桑尼”·巴尔瓦尼(Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani)的语言暴力和性虐待。



美国助理检察官杰夫·申克(Jeff Schenk)说,无论陪审团判定霍姆斯有罪与否, 关于虐待行为,“都并不意味着我们不相信霍姆斯女士”。“是否存在虐待行为与本次判决无关,”他说。


“伊丽莎白·霍姆斯是在做生意,不是在犯罪,”律师凯文·唐尼(Kevin Downey)对陪审员陈述道。



整个审判过程中,霍姆斯通过新闻媒体发表的若干次声明反复成为关注焦点。其实,检察官在11月中旬传唤前《财富》杂志记者罗杰•帕洛夫(Roger Parloff)出庭作证,就已结束审理。2014年,帕洛夫写了一篇《财富》杂志封面报道,帮Theranos公司在全国范围内引起了关注。一年后,在Theranos被指控欺骗患者和投资者后,帕洛夫写了一份认错书,揭露该公司如何对他进行了误导。在法庭作证时,帕洛夫描述了,在Theranos血液检测技术的有效性方面,霍姆斯是如何欺骗自己的。




Elizabeth Holmes was found guilty of criminal fraud after she built her blood-testing startup Theranos into a $9 billion company only to see it collapse in scandal.

A jury in San Jose, California, returned the verdict after hearing three months of testimony that was often technical, heavily contested and, from Holmes herself, shocking. Unless the decision is overturned on appeal, the 37-year-old new mother faces as long as 20 years in prison, though she’s likely to be sentenced to far less than that.

Holmes, wearing a mask in the courtroom as everyone else did, stayed perfectly still and upright while the verdict was read. She looked directly at the jury as they were polled by the judge to determine if the verdict matched their conclusions.

Holmes’s fall from her status as celebrity chief executive to convicted felon marks one of the most dramatic descents in Silicon Valley history. After deliberating for seven days, jurors agreed Monday with prosecutors that Holmes lied to patients and investors over several years about the accuracy and capabilities of Theranos blood analyzers. Holmes was convicted of four out of 11 counts of conspiracy and wire fraud. The jury didn’t reach a verdict on three of the counts.

A parade of witnesses told jurors they were gravely misled by the Stanford University dropout-turned-entrepreneur. They ranged from executives at Walgreens and Safeway Inc. to James Mattis, the former U.S. secretary of defense who served on the Theranos board, as well as advisers to investors who poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the company.

The panel of eight men and four women also heard colorful accounts from several Theranos employees about the company’s lab taking dangerous shortcuts to conceal shortcomings with the analyzers, and from patients who recounted receiving inaccurate test results that left them anxious about their health.

As was the case with the fate of Theranos itself, Holmes’s defense was tethered to her charisma and credibility. She made the risky decision, unusual in white-collar criminal cases, to testify in her own defense.

The move gave Holmes the final voice in the long trial -- and served to dampen the testimony of dozens of government witnesses before her -- but also forced her to make uncomfortable admissions during a grueling cross-examination.

In seven days on the witness stand, Holmes alternated between deflecting blame, failing to remember certain events and accepting responsibility for mistakes, even while insisting she didn’t intend to deceive anyone.

The most jolting moments in the courtroom were when Holmes testified she was raped as a student at Stanford University and suffered years of verbal and sexual abuse from her former boyfriend, former Theranos President Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani.

By Holmes’s account, the abuse lasted throughout the decade-long relationship with Balwani and had a profound if incalculable influence on her life. Her legal team’s decision not to call a psychiatrist with an expertise in relationship trauma as a witness left it up to jurors how to factor the testimony into their decision.

A prosecutor told the jury in closing arguments that the alleged abuse isn’t relevant to the fraud Holmes was charged with.

Whether jurors find Holmes guilty or not guilty, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeff Schenk said, “you are not saying we do not believe Ms. Holmes” about the abuse. “You do not need to decide whether that abuse happened.”

Holmes’s defense team tried to convince the jury that she made a sincere effort over 15 years to steer Theranos to success and shouldn’t be punished for failing to achieve her dream.

“Elizabeth Holmes was building a business and not a criminal enterprise,” attorney Kevin Downey told jurors.

Holmes rose to prominence with her promise of a revolution in health care, based on her claims the compact Theranos devices could perform hundreds of diagnostic tests faster, more accurately and cheaper than traditional, bigger machines.

A big selling point was that Theranos analyzers could arrive at the results with just a pinprick instead of vials of drawn blood. Holmes cited her own fear of needles as inspiration for the invention, part of the narrative investors and the public heard over years in her promotion of the technology.

Claims that Holmes made to the news media were a recurring focus throughout Holmes's trial. Indeed, prosecutors wrapped up their case in mid-November by calling former Fortune reporter Roger Parloff as a witness. Parloff wrote a 2014 Fortune cover story that helped draw national attention to Theranos. A year later, after Theranos was accused of deceiving patients and investors, Parloff wrote a mea culpa about how the company had misled him. On the witness stand, Parloff described how Holmes lied to him about the effectiveness of Theranos's blood-testing technology.

By 2015 Holmes was dubbed by Forbes as the youngest female self-made billionaire. But that same year, the Wall Street Journal published stories pointing to flaws in Theranos technology, which led regulators the following year to conclude the machines posed a danger to patient health.

The revelations triggered civil lawsuits, including one Holmes settled with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Justice Department’s investigation and prosecution. Holmes, Balwani and Walgreens all still face claims over inaccurate blood tests by customers of the drug store chain in an Arizona lawsuit.

Balwani, who faces a separate trial in February on the same fraud charges as Holmes, has pleaded not guilty and has denied her abuse allegations.



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