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Will Daniel



2022年11月18日,交易员们在美国纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)的交易大厅里工作。图片来源:SPENCER PLATT—GETTY IMAGES

通常情况下,大多数人不会认真考虑美联储(Federal Reserve),只有少数人会考虑该机构给投资者带来的影响。但在过去的几年里,这种情况开始发生变化。许多经济学家和敏锐的市场观察人士认为,美联储和其他央行在大金融危机(Great Financial Crisis)后实施多年的宽松货币政策造就了“万物皆泡沫”,而现在,“万物泡沫”正在破裂。

万物皆泡沫的想法并不新鲜。在2022年股市陷入困境之前的几年里,包括投资传奇人物杰里米·格兰瑟姆在内的华尔街领袖人物就一直警告说,“超级泡沫”正在酝酿中。该观点认为,近零利率和量化宽松政策(QE)——美联储将购买抵押贷款支持证券和政府债券,以促进贷款和投资——将投资者推向风险更高的投资,允许不可持续的商业模式在低息贷款的基础上蓬勃发展,并且助长了疫情房产热(Pandemic Housing Boom)。

著名投资经理杰里米·格兰瑟姆认为,我们正处于“超级泡沫”之中。图片来源:LANE TURNER—THE BOSTON GLOBE/GETTY IMAGES









德雷珀并不是唯一一个在低息货币时代跳上比特币列车并做出过高预测的领军人物。方舟投资(ARK Invest)的凯茜·伍德是首位通过比特币投资信托(Bitcoin Investment Trust)获得比特币敞口的公共资产经理,这是她2015年跟踪科技指数的交易所交易基金(ETFs)的一部分。

方舟投资的首席执行官凯茜·伍德看多比特币,并对FTX的萨姆·班克曼-弗里德提出批评。图片来源:HUGO AMARAL—SOPA IMAGES/LIGHTROCKET/GETTY IMAGES


伍德确信,好时光将持续整个牛市。2020年11月,她告诉《巴伦周刊》(Barron’s),到2026年,机构投资者对加密货币的投资将把比特币的价格推高至50万美元,并在比特币价格下跌时反复“逢低买入”。伍德甚至在2020年2月的一次采访中告诉《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail),比特币是她退休账户中“最大的头寸之一”。

即使在2022年年初,比特币价格从6.5万美元以上的高点跌至略低于5万美元的时候,方舟投资的首席执行官仍然看涨比特币。她在方舟投资的“2022年大创意”(Big Ideas 2022)年度研究报告中认为,到2030年,领先的加密货币将达到100万美元。




Fundstrat Global Advisors的研究主管汤姆·李此前曾经担任摩根大通(JPMorgan)的首席股票策略师,在华尔街工作了超过25年,他也一直看好比特币。在2022年年初,他预测比特币将在未来几年达到20万美元。





投资银行预计,到2022年年底,标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)收于4,825点,全年涨幅仅为1%。相反,该蓝筹股指数下跌了约20%。



2022年1月,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的汽车分析师亚当·乔纳斯将Carvana称为“汽车零售业顶级大鳄”,并将该股的12个月价格目标定为430美元。自那以后,这家在线汽车零售商的股价暴跌超过97%,跌至仅4.48美元。一些分析师认为,投资者还将遭受更多痛苦。

摩根士丹利被罚款3,500万美元,原因是载有数百万客户数据的设备在一次在线拍卖中出现。图片来源:MARIO TAMA—GETTY IMAGES


New Construct的首席执行官戴维·特雷纳在2022年6月警告投资者,Carvana正在以不可持续的速度烧钱,可能无法幸存下来。









通常情况下,大多数人不会认真考虑美联储(Federal Reserve),只有少数人会考虑该机构给投资者带来的影响。但在过去的几年里,这种情况开始发生变化。许多经济学家和敏锐的市场观察人士认为,美联储和其他央行在大金融危机(Great Financial Crisis)后实施多年的宽松货币政策造就了“万物皆泡沫”,而现在,“万物泡沫”正在破裂。

万物皆泡沫的想法并不新鲜。在2022年股市陷入困境之前的几年里,包括投资传奇人物杰里米·格兰瑟姆在内的华尔街领袖人物就一直警告说,“超级泡沫”正在酝酿中。该观点认为,近零利率和量化宽松政策(QE)——美联储将购买抵押贷款支持证券和政府债券,以促进贷款和投资——将投资者推向风险更高的投资,允许不可持续的商业模式在低息贷款的基础上蓬勃发展,并且助长了疫情房产热(Pandemic Housing Boom)。









德雷珀并不是唯一一个在低息货币时代跳上比特币列车并做出过高预测的领军人物。方舟投资(ARK Invest)的凯茜·伍德是首位通过比特币投资信托(Bitcoin Investment Trust)获得比特币敞口的公共资产经理,这是她2015年跟踪科技指数的交易所交易基金(ETFs)的一部分。


伍德确信,好时光将持续整个牛市。2020年11月,她告诉《巴伦周刊》(Barron’s),到2026年,机构投资者对加密货币的投资将把比特币的价格推高至50万美元,并在比特币价格下跌时反复“逢低买入”。伍德甚至在2020年2月的一次采访中告诉《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail),比特币是她退休账户中“最大的头寸之一”。

即使在2022年年初,比特币价格从6.5万美元以上的高点跌至略低于5万美元的时候,方舟投资的首席执行官仍然看涨比特币。她在方舟投资的“2022年大创意”(Big Ideas 2022)年度研究报告中认为,到2030年,领先的加密货币将达到100万美元。




Fundstrat Global Advisors的研究主管汤姆·李此前曾经担任摩根大通(JPMorgan)的首席股票策略师,在华尔街工作了超过25年,他也一直看好比特币。在2022年年初,他预测比特币将在未来几年达到20万美元。





投资银行预计,到2022年年底,标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)收于4,825点,全年涨幅仅为1%。相反,该蓝筹股指数下跌了约20%。



2022年1月,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的汽车分析师亚当·乔纳斯将Carvana称为“汽车零售业顶级大鳄”,并将该股的12个月价格目标定为430美元。自那以后,这家在线汽车零售商的股价暴跌超过97%,跌至仅4.48美元。一些分析师认为,投资者还将遭受更多痛苦。


New Construct的首席执行官戴维·特雷纳在2022年6月警告投资者,Carvana正在以不可持续的速度烧钱,可能无法幸存下来。









Most people don’t think about the Federal Reserve very often, and only a select few contemplate the effects that the U.S. central bank has on investors. But over the past few years, that’s begun to change. Many economists and keen market watchers are making the case that years of loose monetary policies from the Fed and other central banks following the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) helped create an “everything bubble”—and now it’s popping.

The everything bubble idea isn’t new. For years before 2022’s stock market woes, leading minds on Wall Street including the investing legend Jeremy Grantham warned about a brewing “superbubble.” The idea is that near-zero interest rates and quantitative easing (QE)—a policy where the Fed would buy mortgage-backed securities and government bonds to boost lending and investment in the economy—pushed investors toward riskier investments, allowed unsustainable business models to thrive on cheap debt, and helped fuel the Pandemic Housing Boom.

It’s early days, but in retrospect a lot of outlandish financial predictions accompanied this era of easy money. And the fallout for Americans hasn’t been pretty, as inflation continues to rage and recession fears mount. But there is a silver lining for the finance community. The everything bubble provided some of the most ridiculous—and hilarious—forecasts in history.

From cryptocurrency experts and hedge fund managers to economists and investment banks, the easy money era was filled with bulls who believed the good times would never end. Here’s a look at some of their strangest calls.

The Bitcoin bulls

The cryptocurrency boom of 2020 and 2021 was unprecedented. Between January 2020 and the peak of the crypto fervor in November 2021, the industry’s total value grew to over $3 trillion and Bitcoin prices soared roughly 800%.

The crypto faithful were sure that the party was just beginning. Billionaire venture capitalist Tim Draper said in June 2021 that Bitcoin would hit $250,000 by the end of 2022. “I think I’m going to be right on this one,” he assured CNBC’s Jade Scipioni.

Bitcoin ended up finishing 2022 just above $16,500, but just in December, Draper repeated his call for Bitcoin to hit $250,000—this time he said it would be by the middle of 2023.

“I expect a flight to quality and decentralized crypto like bitcoin, and for some of the weaker coins to become relics,” Draper told CNBC.

Tim Draper did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

Draper wasn’t the only leading figure to jump on the Bitcoin train during the easy money era and make lofty forecasts either. ARK Invest’s Cathie Wood was the first public asset manager to gain exposure to Bitcoin via the Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC) as a part of her tech-focused exchange-traded ETFs in 2015.

The bet led Wood to face serious criticism from her peers, but barring a brief crypto winter in 2018, it paid off as Bitcoin’s price soared to over $65,000 by November 2021.

Wood was sure that the good times would last throughout the bull market. In November 2020, she told Barron’s that institutional adoption of crypto would drive Bitcoin’s price to $500,000 by 2026 and repeatedly “bought the dip” whenever Bitcoin prices fell. Wood even told The Globe and Mail in a February 2020 interview that Bitcoin was “one of the largest positions” in her retirement account.

The ARK Invest CEO remained bullish even at the start of 2022, when Bitcoin prices had fallen from their highs of over $65,000 to just under $50,000. She argued that the leading cryptocurrency would touch $1 million by 2030 in ARK’s “Big Ideas 2022” annual research report.

Since then Bitcoin’s price has dropped more than 60%, but Wood and her team aren’t fazed, and still believe that their prediction is fair.

“We think Bitcoin is coming out of this smelling like a rose,” Wood told Bloomberg in December, arguing that institutions will eventually buy into Bitcoin after it is “battle tested” by the crypto winter.

Cathie Wood did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

Tom Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors, who previously served as chief equity strategist at JPMorgan and spent over 25 years on Wall Street, has also been a perennial Bitcoin bull. In early 2022, he predicted that Bitcoin would hit $200,000 in the coming years.

And despite the recent fall, which he admitted has been “horrific” for investors, Lee told CNBC in November that he still believes Bitcoin will come out of the current downtrend and hit his target. But while many crypto forecasters are sticking by their lofty estimates, Wall Street has been walking back some of theirs.

Tom Lee did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

Lofty stock market forecasts

Investment banks made some pretty dramatic forecasts during the cheap money era. After the stock market soared throughout the pandemic, returning 28% to investors, Wall Street was confident that things would slow down in 2022, but not to the extent that they actually did.

Investment banks expected the S&P 500 to end 2022 at 4,825, representing only a mild 1% gain for the year. Instead, the blue-chip index dropped roughly 20%.

The (perhaps unwarranted) bullishness among investment banks was particularly clear when looking at the price targets for growth stocks that benefited from pandemic trends. The online used car retailer Carvana, for example, soared throughout the pandemic as used car prices rose to record highs.

The firm was able to take advantage of consumers’ inability or unwillingness to shop for vehicles in person during COVID, leading some analysts to give incredibly bullish forecasts.

In January 2022, Morgan Stanley’s auto analyst Adam Jonas called Carvana the “apex predator in auto retail” and assigned a $430 12-month price target to the stock. Since then, shares of the online car retailer have plummeted more than 97% to just $4.48—and some analysts believe more pain lay ahead for investors.

Morgan Stanley did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

New Construct’s CEO David Trainer warned investors in June 2022 that Carvana was burning cash at an unsustainable rate and may not survive.

“Time is running out for cash-burning companies kept afloat with easy access to capital,” Trainer told Fortune. “These ‘zombie’ companies are at risk of going bankrupt.”

Coinbase is another example of the fervor that developed on Wall Street over the past few years. When the cryptocurrency exchange went public in April 2021, shares spiked from their $250 reference price to $381 per share.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer, a former hedge fund manager, took to Twitter after the IPO, saying that he “liked Coinbase to $475.” And he wasn’t alone, investment banks’ average price target for the exchange was over $400 per share in early 2021.

Since then, however, Coinbase stock is down more than 90% amid the crypto winter. And Cramer has changed his mind, saying in a December 13 tweet that he was “not a buyer of Coinbase here,” calling it “too early.”

CNBC did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

The cheap money era may have led many forecasters to assume that asset prices would continue to soar, regardless of valuations, but this year has proven to be a wake-up call. Wall Street analysts have slashed their price targets for many of the stock market’s pandemic darlings. It’s a new era for markets and forecasters, as Tim Pagliara, chief investment officer of the investment advisory firm CapWealth, told Fortune in December 2022.

“We’re going to be unwinding a lot of the speculation,” Pagliara said. “There’s going to be a lot of revaluation of everything from commercial real estate to how the investing public looks at things like crypto.



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