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法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)呼吁在6月30日和7月7日提前举行议会选举,此前其所在政党在本月早些时候的欧洲议会选举中惨败。




马克龙是温和派文艺复兴党的成员,他面临着来自极右翼政党玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)的国民联盟和极左翼政党泛左翼联盟人民阵线的挑战。这两个党派的经济议程都被指责对财政不负责任,可能违反欧盟关于成员国支出的指导方针。





无论如何,左翼和右翼提出的计划都将大幅增加公共支出,却没有明确的途径来增加政府收入。这样做可能会让法国陷入困境,无法弥补国家预算中不断扩大的缺口。根据标准普尔全球(S&P Global)的数据,2023年法国的债务占国内生产总值的比重为109%,预计到2027年这一比例将稳步上升至112%。尽管法国去年的预算赤字率为5.5%,比欧盟规定的(未强制执行的)门槛高出数个百分点,但仍低于美国今年预计的6.7%。



法国财政部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔(Bruno La Maire)和马克龙一样是温和派,他明确谴责左翼拒绝遵守欧盟的规定,称这将导致“经济崩溃”。勒梅尔说,这样做无疑会导致法国“退出欧盟”。他表示:“左翼联盟拒绝遵守公约,也就意味着拒绝遵守欧盟纪律,也就意味着拒绝欧盟。”








在大选期间,勒庞的政策被指责为故意反欧盟,以使欧盟成员国的身份对选民没有吸引力。地缘政治咨询公司欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)欧洲常务董事穆杰塔巴·拉赫曼(Mujtaba Rahman)在《政治家》(Politico)的一篇专栏文章中写道:"她想继续留在欧盟大巴上,但要让大巴坠崖。”





根据高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的分析,如果极右翼在议会选举中获胜,并成功实施这些计划(包括大规模财政扩张),法国的债务负担将飙升至比目前预期更高的水平。如果国民联盟在即将到来的大选中获胜,法国债务占国内生产总值的比重将在2027年升至120%,比此前预测的高出8个百分点。







马克龙是温和派文艺复兴党的成员,他面临着来自极右翼政党玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)的国民联盟和极左翼政党泛左翼联盟人民阵线的挑战。这两个党派的经济议程都被指责对财政不负责任,可能违反欧盟关于成员国支出的指导方针。





无论如何,左翼和右翼提出的计划都将大幅增加公共支出,却没有明确的途径来增加政府收入。这样做可能会让法国陷入困境,无法弥补国家预算中不断扩大的缺口。根据标准普尔全球(S&P Global)的数据,2023年法国的债务占国内生产总值的比重为109%,预计到2027年这一比例将稳步上升至112%。尽管法国去年的预算赤字率为5.5%,比欧盟规定的(未强制执行的)门槛高出数个百分点,但仍低于美国今年预计的6.7%。



法国财政部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔(Bruno La Maire)和马克龙一样是温和派,他明确谴责左翼拒绝遵守欧盟的规定,称这将导致“经济崩溃”。勒梅尔说,这样做无疑会导致法国“退出欧盟”。他表示:“左翼联盟拒绝遵守公约,也就意味着拒绝遵守欧盟纪律,也就意味着拒绝欧盟。”








在大选期间,勒庞的政策被指责为故意反欧盟,以使欧盟成员国的身份对选民没有吸引力。地缘政治咨询公司欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)欧洲常务董事穆杰塔巴·拉赫曼(Mujtaba Rahman)在《政治家》(Politico)的一篇专栏文章中写道:"她想继续留在欧盟大巴上,但要让大巴坠崖。”





根据高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的分析,如果极右翼在议会选举中获胜,并成功实施这些计划(包括大规模财政扩张),法国的债务负担将飙升至比目前预期更高的水平。如果国民联盟在即将到来的大选中获胜,法国债务占国内生产总值的比重将在2027年升至120%,比此前预测的高出8个百分点。





In France’s upcoming legislative elections, it faces threats to its EU membership from political extremes on both the left and right.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s call earlier this month for snap parliamentary elections thrust the EU’s second-largest economy into a state of political precarity. Depending on the outcome of that election, the uncertainty could even extend to France’s very membership in the European Union, according to a research note from financial services giant Macquarie.

Macron, a member of the moderate Renaissance party, faces challenges from both the far right in Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party, and the far left with a coalition of leftist parties calling themselves the Popular Front. The economic agendas of both groups have been accused of being fiscally irresponsible, and could risk violating EU guidelines governing member states’ spending.

“In effect, the programs of the far-Left and populist right diverge sharply from market principles and fiscal responsibility, would be radical departures from current economic policy, and would undermine France’s relations with the EU, if implemented,” Macquarie’s global strategists wrote in a Monday research note.

The EU looks the other way on France’s soaring debt

The runaway spending associated with the policies could lead to France’s placement on what the EU calls an excessive deficit plan. EU member states get put on these plans when the European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, finds a country has violated the Stability and Growth Pact. The pact requires the 27 EU members to have a budget deficit no greater than 3% of GDP and public debt-to-GDP ratio of 60% or lower.

The rules, though, have not been enforced very strictly. Many members of the EU are in violation of some portion of the pact. So much so, that in February it was reformed to accommodate countries such as France that have high levels of public debt.

In any case, the plans proposed by the left and right would significantly increase public spending without a clear path toward raising government revenues. Doing so could leave France floundering and unable to fill a growing hole in its national budget. France’s debt levels sat at 109% of GDP in 2023, according to S&P Global, which projected that figure would rise steadily to 112% by 2027. While its budget deficit last year was 5.5%, which is several cuts above the (unenforced) EU threshold, it is still lower than the U.S.’s which is projected to be 6.7% this year.

A far-left that ‘refuses Europe’

The left has openly said it does not want to adhere to the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact.

The French finance minister Bruno Laire, who like Macron is a moderate, was unequivocal in his condemnation of the left’s refusal to toe the EU line, saying it would lead to “economic collapse.” Doing so would almost certainly beget an “exit from the European Union,” for France, La Maire said. “The union of the left refuses the pact, therefore European discipline, and therefore, refuses Europe,” he said.

In this electoral cycle the Popular Front were unequivocal in their repudiation of Macron, claiming a “total break” from the sitting president. The left has been critical of Macron during his tenure, in particular over his controversial pension reforms, which raised the retirement age from 62 to 64. Their economic plans include reducing the retirement age to as low as 60, instituting price freezes on basic goods like fuel, food, and energy, and raising the minimum wage, according to Macquarie’s analysis. The plans would be paid for by additional taxes on capital gains and the wealthy, according to an economic policy plan the Popular Front released on Friday.

La Maire balked at virtually all the spending increases in the Popular Front’s plan and their avowed refusal to adhere to the EU’s government spending guidelines, which he called “total delirium.”

“It dismays me to see that left-wing political parties can still propose a program that is also out of step with the reality of the world,” he added.

La Maire accused the far-left of not thinking through the entirety of the consequences their policies would lead to. The high levels of public debt brought on by the left’s proposed spending would risk isolating France from the EU, possibly forcing it to impose austerity measures. If that happened, the economy would slow and businesses would lay off workers.

“Their program is complete madness,” Le Maire said. “It will guarantee downgrade, mass unemployment and an exit from the European Union.”

A far-right that’s ‘woven with lies’ and hardly better

Meanwhile far-right politicians in France, like those in other European countries, have floated euro-skeptical positions. Those calls from France’s right would only grow stronger if the EU placed it on an excessive deficit protocol, according to Macquarie.

During the elections, Le Pen’s policies were accused of being intentionally anti-European so as to make membership in the EU appear unappealing to voters. “She wants to remain aboard the EU bus — but drive it off a cliff,” Mujtaba Rahman, Europe managing director at geopolitical consulting firm the Eurasia Group, wrote in an op-ed for Politico.

Both of those realities drew strong condemnation from France’s minister of the economy Bruno La Maire. “There is a far-right bloc with its lies, especially in economic and financial matters, there is a far-left bloc with its follies and economic delirium,” La Maire said last week.

The rightwing National Rally hasn’t officially released its economic agenda for the upcoming election cycle. However, the broad strokes of its policy proposals are well known. Under Le Pen, the National Rally has favored some populist economic policies like higher taxes on the wealthy and a proposal to lower the retirement age back to 62.

“When I look at the extreme right, I see a program that is woven with lies, so it’s not better,” La Maire said in a French television interview.

Like the leftists, the National Rally also wants to make essential goods like food, gasoline, and electricity more affordable. However, the right-wingers proposed doing away with the value added consumption tax on those categories, rather than capping their prices. La Maire said doing so would lower government income by 24 billion euros, “exactly the equivalent” amount he had planned to save in order to balance the budget. The moderate La Maire, though, was unsparing in his excoriations of Le Pen and the National Rally, which like with the leftists he accused of promulgating policies that would cripple the French economy. “They don’t care about public money,” he said.

If the far right were to win the parliamentary elections and succeed in implementing those plans, which would consist of a major fiscal expansion, France’s debt load would soar even higher than currently projected, according to a Goldman Sachs analysis. With a National Rally victory in the upcoming elections France’s debt-to-GDP ratio would rise to 120% by 2027, eight percentage points higher than forecasted otherwise.

Despite some of the similar effects on France’s economy, there are several notable differences between the two hardline factions’ policies. Unlike the Popular Front, many of the National Rally’s trade policies are far more protectionist, meant to shield French workers from competition from international firms. Le Pen has also found herself fielding newfound attention from France’s business class—predictably allergic to far-left politics—who turned to her after seeing the left’s tax policies.

For the Macron-ite centrists like La Maire, even that does little to assuage what they see as two groups of extremists, who despite doing so through different means, would plunge France into an economic crisis.

“I simply say to our voters, to the center-right voters, to the center-left voters, there is still a possibility of resistance, there is still a possibility to continue to carry an ambition for France,” he urged in his appeal to moderates.



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