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通用磨坊(General Mills)的销售预测就像一碗泡过牛奶的Cheerios麦片一样疲软,这家包装商品巨头希望,推出一些主打品牌的新口味能提振对其麦片和零食的需求。

该公司报告称,由于狗粮和零食需求下降,季度净销售额下降6%,至47亿美元,降幅超出预期。该公司还预测全年利润低于预期。财报发布后,该公司股价一度下跌7.8%。除了调整价格和增加优惠券以吸引回头客外,通用磨坊还计划投资于促销活动,包括让包装袋身印有纸娃娃的Pillsbury(Pillsbury Doughboy)回归,并改善其热门品牌的口味。

首席执行官杰夫·哈梅宁(Jeff Harmening)在财报电话会议上说:“在经济困难时期,消费者无法承受浪费,因此他们在寻找味道好、家人会爱吃的产品。”

他补充说:"Pillsbury饼干将更酥脆,Annie’s芝士通心粉将添加更多芝士,贝蒂妙厨(Betty Crocker)的布朗尼将更松软。”

最近,消费者越来越精打细算,不再购买包装食品,而食品企业集团都在努力维持和增长销量。WK Kellogg第一季度净销售额同比下降1.9%,卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)公布的收入低于预期,原因是价格过高导致需求降温。

相反,购物者开始转向自有品牌,如沃尔玛(Walmart)新推出的Bettergoods系列和开市客(Costco)的Kirkland Signature,从而买到价格实惠和物有所值的商品。根据消费者行为平台Circana的数据,自有品牌的销售额今年飙升了6%,目前在食品、饮料、家居和美容领域占据了超过25%的市场份额。今年,Alpha-Diver咨询公司的《零食50强报告》(Snack50 Report)首次发现,排名前六的零食品牌全部属于门店的自有品牌产品。

但eMarketer零售和电子商务高级分析师扎克·斯坦博尔(Zak Stambor)表示,除了价格之外,转向自有品牌还有一个额外的好处。这些价格更低廉的品牌味道也很好,这给品牌商带来了提高标准的压力。




即使是通用磨坊在其自身的配方改革过程中也经历过坎坷,不过从长远来看,该公司总体上还是受益于这些变化。通用磨坊北美零售集团总裁乔恩·努迪(Jon Nudi)表示,事实上,通用磨坊的一些产品每年要更换20次配方。



其他变化对消费者来说更为明显。通用磨坊在2016年做出了一个备受争议的决定,即从其Lucky Charms和Trix麦片中去除人工染料,转而使用从果蔬汁中提取的天然染料,这是包装商品行业出于健康考虑而淘汰人工色素趋势的一部分。即使该公司的标志性麦片食品缺少了过去的鲜明特色霓虹光,新的“天然”麦片食品还是带来了非凡的销售业绩。

通用磨坊的技术总监埃里卡·B·史密斯(Erika B. Smith)在2016年的一次会议发言中表示:“我们实际上已经掌握了一些数据,我很高兴地向大家报告,新产品很畅销,而且超出了预期。我们对此感到非常兴奋,并从消费者那里得到了一些非常好的反馈。”



通用磨坊(General Mills)的销售预测就像一碗泡过牛奶的Cheerios麦片一样疲软,这家包装商品巨头希望,推出一些主打品牌的新口味能提振对其麦片和零食的需求。

该公司报告称,由于狗粮和零食需求下降,季度净销售额下降6%,至47亿美元,降幅超出预期。该公司还预测全年利润低于预期。财报发布后,该公司股价一度下跌7.8%。除了调整价格和增加优惠券以吸引回头客外,通用磨坊还计划投资于促销活动,包括让包装袋身印有纸娃娃的Pillsbury(Pillsbury Doughboy)回归,并改善其热门品牌的口味。

首席执行官杰夫·哈梅宁(Jeff Harmening)在财报电话会议上说:“在经济困难时期,消费者无法承受浪费,因此他们在寻找味道好、家人会爱吃的产品。”

他补充说:"Pillsbury饼干将更酥脆,Annie’s芝士通心粉将添加更多芝士,贝蒂妙厨(Betty Crocker)的布朗尼将更松软。”

最近,消费者越来越精打细算,不再购买包装食品,而食品企业集团都在努力维持和增长销量。WK Kellogg第一季度净销售额同比下降1.9%,卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)公布的收入低于预期,原因是价格过高导致需求降温。

相反,购物者开始转向自有品牌,如沃尔玛(Walmart)新推出的Bettergoods系列和开市客(Costco)的Kirkland Signature,从而买到价格实惠和物有所值的商品。根据消费者行为平台Circana的数据,自有品牌的销售额今年飙升了6%,目前在食品、饮料、家居和美容领域占据了超过25%的市场份额。今年,Alpha-Diver咨询公司的《零食50强报告》(Snack50 Report)首次发现,排名前六的零食品牌全部属于门店的自有品牌产品。

但eMarketer零售和电子商务高级分析师扎克·斯坦博尔(Zak Stambor)表示,除了价格之外,转向自有品牌还有一个额外的好处。这些价格更低廉的品牌味道也很好,这给品牌商带来了提高标准的压力。




即使是通用磨坊在其自身的配方改革过程中也经历过坎坷,不过从长远来看,该公司总体上还是受益于这些变化。通用磨坊北美零售集团总裁乔恩·努迪(Jon Nudi)表示,事实上,通用磨坊的一些产品每年要更换20次配方。



其他变化对消费者来说更为明显。通用磨坊在2016年做出了一个备受争议的决定,即从其Lucky Charms和Trix麦片中去除人工染料,转而使用从果蔬汁中提取的天然染料,这是包装商品行业出于健康考虑而淘汰人工色素趋势的一部分。即使该公司的标志性麦片食品缺少了过去的鲜明特色霓虹光,新的“天然”麦片食品还是带来了非凡的销售业绩。

通用磨坊的技术总监埃里卡·B·史密斯(Erika B. Smith)在2016年的一次会议发言中表示:“我们实际上已经掌握了一些数据,我很高兴地向大家报告,新产品很畅销,而且超出了预期。我们对此感到非常兴奋,并从消费者那里得到了一些非常好的反馈。”



General Mills’ sales forecast has gone as soggy as a bowl of milk-flooded Cheerios, and the packaged goods giant is hoping a burst of flavor in some mainstay brands will boost demand for its cereals and snacks.

The company reported a larger-than-expected drop in quarterly net sales, down 6% to $4.7 billion, owing to falling demand for dog food and snacks. It also forecast annual profits below expectations. Shares fell as much as 7.8% on Wednesday following the earnings report. In addition to tweaking prices and increasing coupons to lure back shoppers, General Mills plans to invest in promotional activity—including bringing back the Pillsbury Doughboy—and improving the taste of its popular brands.

“In tough economic times, consumers can’t afford to waste, so they’re looking for great-tasting products they know their family will eat,” CEO Jeff Harmening said in an earnings call on Wednesday.

“Pillsbury biscuits will be flakier, Annie’s mac and cheese will be cheesier, and Betty Crocker fudge brownies will be fudgier,” he added.

Consumers, growing more protective of their wallets, have lately turned away from packaged goods, and food conglomerates across the board are struggling with maintaining and growing sales volumes. WK Kellogg saw a 1.9% dip in year-over-year net sales in its first quarter, and Kraft Heinz posted revenue that missed expectations given cooling demand over high prices.

Instead, shoppers have turned to private brands like Walmart’s new Bettergoods line and Costco’s Kirkland Signature in search of affordability and value. Private brand sales have soared 6% this year and now make up over 25% of the market share across food, beverages, home, and beauty, according to consumer behavior platform Circana. This year marked the first time Alpha-Diver consultancy’s Snack50 Report saw all of its top-six snack brands belonging to stores’ own-brand products.

But there’s an added perk to switching to private brands beyond the price tag, according to Zak Stambor, senior analyst of retail and e-commerce at eMarketer. Those more affordable brands still taste good—putting pressure on the brand names to amp up their standards.

“Consumers, over the past few years in the wake of rising prices, have been far more willing to trade down to store brands,” Stambor tells Fortune. “What they’ve found, time and again, is that quite often they’re not sacrificing the quality as they trade down.”

Recipe for success

But boosting the quality of ingredients and tweaking recipes aren’t fail-proof strategies for reeling in bitter customers. Pepsi did away with aspartame, a sweetener associated with a risk of cancer, in its diet sodas in 2015 to appeal to health-conscious customers. But Pepsi fans revolted, with sales of the brand’s diet drinks plummeting 11% in the first quarter the year after the recipe change. The company reverted to its original formula less than a year later.

Even General Mills has experienced road bumps in its own reformulation efforts, though the company has generally benefited from the changes in the long run. In fact, some General Mills products have been reformulated 20 times per year, according to Jon Nudi, group president of North American retail.

After the company got into hot water following a recall of 1.8 million boxes of Cheerios over possible gluten contamination—even though the company has claimed to produce a gluten-free product since 2015—the cereal producer made strides in 2016 to ensure Cheerios would be gluten-free. The manufacturing change to sift the product’s oats ushered in an uptick of sales. In 2022, the company contended with supply-chain issues caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, forcing it to get creative in sourcing oils and starches.

“At the beginning of the year, it was really about our distribution centers and logistics bottlenecks,” Nudi said in an earnings call.

Other changes were more visible to consumers. General Mills made the controversial decision in 2016 to remove artificial dyes from its Lucky Charms and Trix cereals in favor of natural dyes made from fruit and vegetable juices, part of a trend within the packaged goods industry to eliminate artificial colors over health concerns. The new “natural” cereals produced exceptional sales—even if their iconic cereals lacked their once-signature neon glow.

“We actually have some data, and I’m happy to report sales are great,” Erika B. Smith, technology director for General Mills, said in a 2016 conference presentation. “They’ve exceeded our expectations. We are thrilled about that. We’ve got some excellent feedback from consumers.”

But despite positive sales data, the muted colors failed to delight consumers, who expressed outrage at the change, prompting General Mills to reintroduce the artificially dyed version of the cereal alongside the healthier alternative the next year. “I genuinely feel bad for the kids that never got to experience the old Trix cereal,” one customer wrote on Twitter.



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