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马克·凯利(Mark Kelly)是卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)最具亲商潜力的副总统候选人之一。图片来源:GETTY IMAGES—TASOS KATOPODIS

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)决定放弃参加2024年总统大选,这一决定在全美乃至全世界引起了强烈反响。但关于谁将接替他成为民主党领袖的猜测很快被平息,因为拜登立即宣布支持副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯。





马克·凯利曾去过太空并安全返回。华盛顿特区会成为这位前宇航员和美国海军上校的下一站吗?如果他的商业友好型履历能说明什么的话,那答案可能就是肯定的。凯利在约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)去世后的一次特别选举中当选亚利桑那州参议员,目前在美国国会联合经济委员会(Joint Economic Committee)任职,该委员会负责报告美国的经济状况以及如何实现改善。




•反对绿色新政(该新政对化石燃料公司生存大有助益)(Green New Deal)

德克萨斯基督教大学(Texas Christian University)政治学教授基思·加迪(Keith Gaddie)向《财富》杂志表示:“作为一名亚利桑那州人,凯利可以说是最亲商的候选人。他反对绿色新政,并且主张放松石油开采监管。”他反对绿色新政可能不会受到所有进步人士的欢迎,但能源公司可能会支持他的立场。

安迪·贝希尔(Andy Beshear)

肯塔基州州长安迪·贝希尔拥有强大的家世。他的父亲史蒂夫·贝希尔(Steve Beshear)也曾在2007年至2015年期间担任肯塔基州州长。贝希尔是一名律师,此前还担任过肯塔基州总检察长,自2019年底上任州长以来,他一直致力于加强职业发展计划,为蓝草州(肯塔基州的别称)带来更多制造业、医疗保健和清洁能源工作岗位,以取代煤炭工作岗位。






•作为《两党基础设施法》和《通胀削减法案》的一部分,从美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)拨款9亿美元,用于五个关键项目

卡内基梅隆大学海因茨公共政策学院(Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College for public policy)副教授斯泰西•罗森伯格(Stacy Rosenberg)告诉《财富》杂志:上述能源部资金“预计将为肯塔基州提供数百万美元的额外商业投资,并在能源行业和建筑行业创造数千个就业岗位。”贝希尔州长对商业的关注以及他在保守派选民中的受欢迎程度都是他参加民主党竞选的有力卖点。

反垄断组织美国经济自由项目(American Economic Liberties Project)的州和地方政策主管帕特•加罗法洛(Pat Garofalo)对贝希尔管理公共资金的能力给予了很高的评价。加罗法洛告诉《财富》杂志,这位肯塔基州州长通过将医疗补助计划从药品福利管理机构中剥离出来,成功节省了数亿美元。

JB·普利兹克(JB Pritzker)


美国西北大学(Northwestern University)政治学教授阿尔文·伯纳德·蒂勒里(Alvin Bernard Tillery)在接受哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网(CBS News)采访时表示,这使得普利兹克成为伊利诺伊州首任州长、亿万富翁,同时也是美国最富有的民选政治家,拥有34亿美元的净资产,也是唯一一位“富有到足以自筹资金”的潜在副总统候选人。普利兹克说,虽然拜登退出竞选的消息“着实让人感到意外”,但他还是支持哈里斯,尽管他曾被列入潜在的总统竞选人的非官方候选人名单(如果拜登退出竞选的话)。

加迪说:“从经验的角度来看,普利兹克的履历最为丰富,因为他有风险投资背景,而且他的家族拥有凯悦酒店。他的总体政策记录更偏左,拥有强大的‘绿色’履历,并支持提高最低工资标准。 ”













库柏还支持更环保的能源生产。北卡罗来纳州商务部长托尼·科普兰(Tony Copeland)说,他很可能会在任期的最后一年“继续推动太阳能和风能的商业机会”。

乔什·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)








皮特·布蒂吉格(Pete Buttigieg)


除了为拜登政府的大规模基础设施投资欢呼之外,布蒂吉格还毫不犹豫地对达美航空(Delta)和美国航空(American Airlines)等大型航空公司的航班延误处以罚款。去年,美国交通部向西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines)开出了创纪录的1.4亿美元罚款,原因是该航空公司在2022年假期期间经历了为期一周的航班调度崩溃。

“他对西南航空采取的行动是有史以来交通部长对航空公司采取的最严厉的行动,并向整个行业发出了极端信息。”AELP航空和旅行高级研究员威廉·麦基(William McGee)说,他之前曾批评布蒂吉格在拜登任期的前两年无所作为。



麦基在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“在我从事这项工作的这些年里,他已成为我们所见过的对航空公司最强硬的执行者。布蒂吉格有能力对抗其他行业吗?他已经证明自己能够对抗其中资金最雄厚、野心最大的游说集团之一。” (财富中文网)


乔·拜登(Joe Biden)决定放弃参加2024年总统大选,这一决定在全美乃至全世界引起了强烈反响。但关于谁将接替他成为民主党领袖的猜测很快被平息,因为拜登立即宣布支持副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯。





马克·凯利曾去过太空并安全返回。华盛顿特区会成为这位前宇航员和美国海军上校的下一站吗?如果他的商业友好型履历能说明什么的话,那答案可能就是肯定的。凯利在约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)去世后的一次特别选举中当选亚利桑那州参议员,目前在美国国会联合经济委员会(Joint Economic Committee)任职,该委员会负责报告美国的经济状况以及如何实现改善。




•反对绿色新政(该新政对化石燃料公司生存大有助益)(Green New Deal)

德克萨斯基督教大学(Texas Christian University)政治学教授基思·加迪(Keith Gaddie)向《财富》杂志表示:“作为一名亚利桑那州人,凯利可以说是最亲商的候选人。他反对绿色新政,并且主张放松石油开采监管。”他反对绿色新政可能不会受到所有进步人士的欢迎,但能源公司可能会支持他的立场。

安迪·贝希尔(Andy Beshear)

肯塔基州州长安迪·贝希尔拥有强大的家世。他的父亲史蒂夫·贝希尔(Steve Beshear)也曾在2007年至2015年期间担任肯塔基州州长。贝希尔是一名律师,此前还担任过肯塔基州总检察长,自2019年底上任州长以来,他一直致力于加强职业发展计划,为蓝草州(肯塔基州的别称)带来更多制造业、医疗保健和清洁能源工作岗位,以取代煤炭工作岗位。






•作为《两党基础设施法》和《通胀削减法案》的一部分,从美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)拨款9亿美元,用于五个关键项目

卡内基梅隆大学海因茨公共政策学院(Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College for public policy)副教授斯泰西•罗森伯格(Stacy Rosenberg)告诉《财富》杂志:上述能源部资金“预计将为肯塔基州提供数百万美元的额外商业投资,并在能源行业和建筑行业创造数千个就业岗位。”贝希尔州长对商业的关注以及他在保守派选民中的受欢迎程度都是他参加民主党竞选的有力卖点。

反垄断组织美国经济自由项目(American Economic Liberties Project)的州和地方政策主管帕特•加罗法洛(Pat Garofalo)对贝希尔管理公共资金的能力给予了很高的评价。加罗法洛告诉《财富》杂志,这位肯塔基州州长通过将医疗补助计划从药品福利管理机构中剥离出来,成功节省了数亿美元。

JB·普利兹克(JB Pritzker)


美国西北大学(Northwestern University)政治学教授阿尔文·伯纳德·蒂勒里(Alvin Bernard Tillery)在接受哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网(CBS News)采访时表示,这使得普利兹克成为伊利诺伊州首任州长、亿万富翁,同时也是美国最富有的民选政治家,拥有34亿美元的净资产,也是唯一一位“富有到足以自筹资金”的潜在副总统候选人。普利兹克说,虽然拜登退出竞选的消息“着实让人感到意外”,但他还是支持哈里斯,尽管他曾被列入潜在的总统竞选人的非官方候选人名单(如果拜登退出竞选的话)。

加迪说:“从经验的角度来看,普利兹克的履历最为丰富,因为他有风险投资背景,而且他的家族拥有凯悦酒店。他的总体政策记录更偏左,拥有强大的‘绿色’履历,并支持提高最低工资标准。 ”













库柏还支持更环保的能源生产。北卡罗来纳州商务部长托尼·科普兰(Tony Copeland)说,他很可能会在任期的最后一年“继续推动太阳能和风能的商业机会”。

乔什·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)








皮特·布蒂吉格(Pete Buttigieg)


除了为拜登政府的大规模基础设施投资欢呼之外,布蒂吉格还毫不犹豫地对达美航空(Delta)和美国航空(American Airlines)等大型航空公司的航班延误处以罚款。去年,美国交通部向西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines)开出了创纪录的1.4亿美元罚款,原因是该航空公司在2022年假期期间经历了为期一周的航班调度崩溃。

“他对西南航空采取的行动是有史以来交通部长对航空公司采取的最严厉的行动,并向整个行业发出了极端信息。”AELP航空和旅行高级研究员威廉·麦基(William McGee)说,他之前曾批评布蒂吉格在拜登任期的前两年无所作为。



麦基在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“在我从事这项工作的这些年里,他已成为我们所见过的对航空公司最强硬的执行者。布蒂吉格有能力对抗其他行业吗?他已经证明自己能够对抗其中资金最雄厚、野心最大的游说集团之一。” (财富中文网)


Joe Biden’s choice to drop his bid in the 2024 presidential election on Sunday reverberated across the nation—and the world. But speculation about who would replace him as the leader of the Democratic party was quickly stifled by Biden’s immediate endorsement of Kamala Harris, his vice president.

While Harris will still need to formally clinch the nomination at the Democratic National Convention in August, the biggest focus since Biden’s surprise announcement has been about who she would pick as her running mate on November’s ticket. The possibilities are plentiful, but there’s a shortlist of strong contenders who range from a former astronaut to a billionaire. Nearly all of them have one thing in common, though: being a white man from a swing state.

The VP pick gives Harris an opportunity to show what the economic policies of a Harris presidency might look like. Unlike Biden, who made “Bidenomics” his administration’s signature, Harris is better known for her advocacy around abortion and civil rights than her business stances. That’s where a vice president could potentially fill out the ticket, and why it’s worth examining the policy records of the senators and governors Harris is reportedly considering.

Fortune has compiled a list of potential VP picks for Harris, ranking them on their policies and platforms from being the most business-friendly to the least. Our ranking takes policies into account, including tax cuts, business development, minimum wage, job growth, and workforce development.

Mark Kelly

Mark Kelly has been to space and back. Could Washington, D.C., be the next destination for this former astronaut and U.S. Navy captain? If his business-friendly record shows anything, it could be. Kelly, who won his position as an Arizona senator in a special election after John McCain’s death, serves on the Joint Economic Committee, which is responsible for reporting the economic condition of the U.S. and how to improve it.

Kelly’s business-friendly policies include:

• Creating high-paying jobs, cutting taxes, and lowering costs for working families

• Boosting domestic microchip production and supporting small businesses

• Opposing the Green New Deal, which would help fossil-fuel companies survive

“As an Arizonan, Kelly is arguably the most pro-business candidate,” Keith Gaddie, political science professor at Texas Christian University, tells Fortune. “He doesn’t support the Green New Deal, and has advocated for loosening oil drilling regulations.” His opposition to the Green New Deal may not make him popular among all progressives, but energy companies could favor his position.

Andy Beshear

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has a strong pedigree. His father, Steve Beshear, also served as the democratic governor of Kentucky from 2007 to 2015. Since taking office in late 2019, Beshear—an attorney, who also previously served as Kentucky’s attorney general—has been focused on strengthening workforce development programs and bringing more manufacturing, health care, and clean-energy jobs to replace coal jobs in the Bluegrass State. He’s also been credited with instigating the “best economic growth and job creation in state history.”

Being considered as a VP candidate is still in the cards for Beshear, although he gave a vague response when asked whether he’d say yes if Harris asked: “The only way I would consider something other than this current job is if I believe I could further help my people and to help this country,” he said, according to Axios. Although “his aggressive COVID policies got him tagged as anti-business,” TCU’s Gaddie says, Beshear has a strong pro-business record.

Beshear’s business-friendly policies:

• Secured more than 850 new business investments or existing business expansions in Kentucky, which ranks No. 2 in the country for economic development projects per capita

• Pro-union in a right-to-work state

• Allocated $900 million from the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act to target five key projects

The aforementioned DOE funds are “estimated to provide millions of additional dollars in business investment and to create thousands of energy sector and construction jobs within Kentucky,” Stacy Rosenberg, associate teaching professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College for public policy, tells Fortune. “Governor Beshear’s focus on commerce as well as his popularity with conservative voters are strong selling points for him to join the Democratic ticket.”

Beshear also gets high marks for his stewardship of public dollars from Pat Garofalo, director of state and local policy at the American Economic Liberties Project, an anti-monopoly group, who told Fortune that the Kentucky governor was able to save hundreds of millions of dollars on Medicaid by shifting the plan away from pharmacy benefit managers.

JB Pritzker

You might recognize JB Pritzker’s name—but not necessarily for being a politician. He’s a member of the wealthy Pritzker family who owns the Hyatt hotel chain, which has a current market cap north of $15 billion.

This makes Pritzker, the first-term governor of Illinois, a billionaire and the richest elected politician in the U.S. at a $3.4 billion net worth and the only potential VP candidate who is “wealthy enough to self-fund,” Alvin Bernard Tillery, a political science professor at Northwestern University, told CBS News. Pritzker said while the news of Biden dropping out of the race came as a “genuine surprise,” he endorsed Harris, although he had been on unofficial shortlists for a potential presidential bid should Biden exit.

“From an experience perspective, Pritzker has the strongest resume, given his venture capital background and his family’s ownership of Hyatt,” Gaddie says. “His overall policy record is much more to the left, with a strong ‘green’ resume and backing an increased minimum wage.”

Pritzker’s business-friendly policies:

• Proponent of raising minimum wage

• Supports cutting taxes for small businesses

• Signed “landmark legislation” in 2021 steering Illinois toward 100% clean energy

However, Pritzker stands at the helm of Illinois, which is ranked only No. 15 on CNBC’s Top States for Business. “Illinois still lags surrounding states as being business friendly and lags national growth,” Gaddie says.

Roy Cooper

Roy Cooper serves as the governor of North Carolina, ranked No. 2 on CNBC’s Best States to Do Business (only beat out by Virginia), so he must be doing something right to earn that coveted spot. Cooper’s tenure “will go down as one of the best for jobs and economic growth in the state’s history,” according to Business North Carolina, having added more than 550,000 jobs in the past seven years. One of his big wins for the state was working with the GOP legislature to recruit businesses, including Apple and major auto manufacturers, to North Carolina.

Cooper’s business-friendly policies:

• Shepherded $800 million of incentives to Toyota to build manufacturing facilities in the state

• Wooed Apple to North Carolina’s Research Triangle with hundreds of millions in tax breaks

• Supported Medicaid expansion in 2023

Under Cooper, North Carolina has enjoyed a streak of growth surpassing that of the US overall, with lower unemployment and higher job growth.

Cooper also supports more environmentally friendly energy production. It’s likely he’ll spend his last year in office “continuing to promote business opportunities in solar and wind energy,” said Tony Copeland, N.C. Secretary of Commerce.

Josh Shapiro

Josh Shapiro is a “fresh executive,” Gaddie says, having just taken the office of governor of Pennsylvania in January 2023. But so far, he’s “shown bipartisan tendencies including supporting school choice initiatives,” he adds. “He wants a higher minimum wage and is focused on workforce development.”

Shapiro’s business-friendly initiatives:

• In 2023, proposed raising Pennsylvania’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 per hour, but also lowering corporate income taxes from 8.99% to 4.99% by 2026

• Pro-hydrogen and has “maintained that the choice between protecting the environment and supporting the energy industry is a false dichotomy,” according to Spotlight PA

• Promised to reach net-zero emissions in Pennsylvania by 2050

Shapiro also has one of the most “clearly defined economic platforms,” Rosenberg says, since his office published a 10-year strategic plan detailing how his administration would partner with industry leaders to “foster policies that offer a more business-friendly, equitable environment” for Pennsylvania businesses. This approach could help him get the independent voters and Republicans who decide not to back Trump, Rosenberg says.

Plus, Shapiro is more popular than Biden, according to Philadelphia Magazine. “His record and platform is highly conventional for a national Democrat,” Gaddie says.

Pete Buttigieg

When “Mayor Pete” ran for president in 2020, he developed a reputation as a wonky center-left type, having worked for consulting powerhouse McKinsey before serving as mayor of South Bend, Indiana. But his tenure as Secretary of Transportation has shown a different side, including a strong pro-consumer streak exemplified by his willingness to go toe-to-toe with airlines and extract hefty penalties.

In addition to cheering the Biden administration’s substantial infrastructure investments, Buttigieg has not hesitated to fine big players like Delta and American Airlines for delays. Last year, the DOT extracted a record $140 million penalty from Southwest Airlines over a weeklong scheduling meltdown the airline experienced over the 2022 holiday season.

“The actions that he took against Southwest were the strongest ever taken by a transportation secretary against an airline, and sent an extreme message to the entire industry,” says William McGee, senior fellow for aviation and travel at AELP, who had been critical of what he called Buttigieg’s inaction in the first two years of Biden’s term.

Under Buttigieg, the DOT recently finalized two rules, opposed by the industry, requiring airlines to issue automatic refunds for canceled or delayed flights and to disclose upfront additional fees for items like carry-ons upfront. The department has also been aggressive in investigating airlines after mishaps, including this week’s tech outage that has grounded Delta flights for days.

To be sure, Buttigieg’s relatively narrow focus on transportation means he has less of a record than other contenders, but his strong pro-consumer stances should send a message, McGee says.

“In all the years I’ve been doing this, he has become the toughest enforcer we’ve seen with the airlines,” he tells Fortune. “Does Buttigieg have the ability to stand up to other industries? He has shown he can stand up to one of the most deep-pocketed and ambitious lobbies out there.”



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