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Alicia Adamczyk



图片来源:Michael M. Santiago—Getty Images

继全球股市遭遇抛售之后,周一美国股市也大幅下挫,令投资者对经济衰退的担忧甚嚣尘上。但金融专家指出,如今还不是担心的时候,并指出回调属于正常现象。鉴于股票近期价格达到前所未有的高位,一些专家认为,此刻以折扣价买入并非糟糕的决策。马萨诸塞州注册理财规划师(CFP)凯瑟琳·瓦莱加(Catherine Valega)表示,虽然这看似有悖常理,但对于那些处于"积累模式"(这一术语指的是离退休还有几年时间)的人来说,在价格下跌时买入股票不失为一种选择。



德克萨斯州的注册理财规划师安德鲁·赫佐格(Andrew Herzog)表示,最后一条准则意味着,无论市场走势如何,都不应改变策略。如果你一直投入相同的金额——例如,通过每两周从工资中扣除一定款项投入401(k)计划——那么就无需变更。随着时间的推移,美元成本平均法有助于投资者在价格较低时买入更多投资产品,在价格较高时买入更少的投资产品。



"从历史上看,标准普尔500指数在经历了20次最大的市场波动(正如我们今天看到的这样)之后表现如何?[其]在接下来的一年里的平均上涨了17.5%,"他表示,引用了财富管理公司Creative Planning的首席市场策略师查理·比列洛(Charlie Bilello)整理的图表。"要用短期痛苦,换取长期收益。"


最重要的是,我们无法确切预知接下来的市场走向。这可能是股市下滑的尽头,也可能是更深层次调整的开端。对于多数投资者而言,在市场高点与低点均维持一贯的投资策略方为上策。佛罗里达州的注册理财规划师马特·钱西(Matt Chancey)表示,临近退休的老年投资者可以考虑重新平衡投资组合。




继全球股市遭遇抛售之后,周一美国股市也大幅下挫,令投资者对经济衰退的担忧甚嚣尘上。但金融专家指出,如今还不是担心的时候,并指出回调属于正常现象。鉴于股票近期价格达到前所未有的高位,一些专家认为,此刻以折扣价买入并非糟糕的决策。马萨诸塞州注册理财规划师(CFP)凯瑟琳·瓦莱加(Catherine Valega)表示,虽然这看似有悖常理,但对于那些处于"积累模式"(这一术语指的是离退休还有几年时间)的人来说,在价格下跌时买入股票不失为一种选择。



德克萨斯州的注册理财规划师安德鲁·赫佐格(Andrew Herzog)表示,最后一条准则意味着,无论市场走势如何,都不应改变策略。如果你一直投入相同的金额——例如,通过每两周从工资中扣除一定款项投入401(k)计划——那么就无需变更。随着时间的推移,美元成本平均法有助于投资者在价格较低时买入更多投资产品,在价格较高时买入更少的投资产品。



"从历史上看,标准普尔500指数在经历了20次最大的市场波动(正如我们今天看到的这样)之后表现如何?[其]在接下来的一年里的平均上涨了17.5%,"他表示,引用了财富管理公司Creative Planning的首席市场策略师查理·比列洛(Charlie Bilello)整理的图表。"要用短期痛苦,换取长期收益。"


最重要的是,我们无法确切预知接下来的市场走向。这可能是股市下滑的尽头,也可能是更深层次调整的开端。对于多数投资者而言,在市场高点与低点均维持一贯的投资策略方为上策。佛罗里达州的注册理财规划师马特·钱西(Matt Chancey)表示,临近退休的老年投资者可以考虑重新平衡投资组合。




U.S. stocks tanked Monday following a global sell-off, sending investors into a tizzy with recession fears. But it’s not time to worry yet, say financial experts who point out that pullbacks are normal. And given how stocks were recently more expensive than ever, it’s not a terrible idea to buy at what some experts call a discount. Though it might seem counterintuitive, buying when prices drop is an option for those in “accumulation mode”—a term that describes those years from retirement—says Catherine Valega, a Massachusetts-based certified financial planner (CFP).

“Yes, yes, yes. Keep buying,” says Valega. “If you have cash on the sidelines it would be great to add more to an aggressive, diversified, stock portfolio.”

So you can buy a bit more if you like. That said, now is a good time to actually practice all of those investing maxims you’re likely familiar with. Buy and hold. Don’t try to time the market. Keep dollar-cost averaging.

That last bit means not changing up your strategy at all, no matter what the markets are doing. If you are consistently investing the same amount—say, through a biweekly paycheck deduction to your 401(k)—then there’s no need to change it up, says Andrew Herzog, a Texas-based CFP. Over time, dollar-cost averaging helps investors buy more investments at a lower price and fewer investments at a higher price.

“That’s how you keep the emotion out of it,” says Herzog. “This is a great strategy for the average investor who is investing for the long term.”

For those nervous about investing when there is so much volatility, Herzog points to recoveries following cataclysmic events like World War II to the Great Financial Crisis to the pandemic. And in the case of the latest crash—which saw the biggest drop since 1987—it’s worth noting that stocks are still up this year.

“Historically speaking, how did the S&P 500 perform after twenty of the largest spikes in market volatility, like what we’re seeing today? [It] averaged 17.5% over the following year,” he says, referencing this chart put together by Charlie Bilello, chief market strategist at wealth management firm Creative Planning. “Short term pain, long term gain.”

And if you do decide to buy with some extra cash now—don’t draw on your emergency fund, but from any surplus funds you might have. If you don’t have an emergency fund, focus on that first—remember that stocks could fall lower still. So it’s not a short-term play. Instead, only buy the dip if you plan to hold it long term.

The bottom line is that it’s impossible to say what will happen next. This could be as far as stocks slide, or it could be the start of a deeper correction. Having a consistent investing strategy through the highs and lows is most investors’ best play. Older investors closer to retirement can look into rebalancing, says Matt Chancey, a Florida-based CFP.

“Markets have always been and will always be cyclical in nature. The goal of buying low and selling high without a defined process of dollar-cost averaging or consistently rebalancing is a fool’s errand,” says Chancey. “Don’t gamble with your savings.”

And definitely don’t do what this Reddit user proposed: Selling now and buying back when you are certain stocks will be even lower. There is simply no way to know.



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