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Chloe Berger



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疫情爆发之初,职场规则被抛诸脑后,就像被扔到空中的52 张扑克牌一样。办公室员工发现自己处于许多新辩论话题的中心。当人们既能在办公室工作,也能在家办公,“迟到”的真正含义是什么?

求职招聘网站Monster在8 月份对 1000 多名职场人士进行的一项调查显示,只有 14% 的受访者认为准时是最重要的工作场所礼仪。

Monster 的职业专家薇奇·萨利米(Vicki Salemi)对《财富》杂志说:“我很惊讶这个比例这么低。”她表示,高达 76% 的受访者认为,经常迟到是五大粗鲁行为之一,而这个 14% 的数字“似乎特别低,因为它属于守时的范畴”。

此外,根据 Monster 的民意调查,只有 51% 的雇主(或每两个雇主中有一个)强调工作场所的准时性。除非大家在进行一个小组项目,否则同事们常常不会注意到有人迟到了。萨利米补充说:“如果大家一起开会,无论现场还是远程参加,当会议开始时,除了你每个人都已经到齐了,那么这种迟到更容易被发现。”


1. 不收拾自己的东西(88%)

2. 八卦 (81%)

3. 使用不适当的语言(78%)

4. 不回消息(77%)

5. 开会经常迟到(77%)

事实上,人们可能不在乎你何时打卡上班,除非这会占用他们的时间。《在工作中释放快乐》(Unlocking Happiness at Work)一书的作者詹妮弗·莫斯(Jennifer Moss)告诉《财富》杂志:“员工可能不介意同事上班迟到,但如果这影响了他们的工作效率,就会让人很不高兴。”


全球工作幸福感专家珍·费舍尔(Jen Fisher)指出,在过去五年中,严格守时的趋势有所放松——当然,这因行业和部门而异。她将这种现象部分归因于灵活工作和远程办公的兴起。









疫情爆发之初,职场规则被抛诸脑后,就像被扔到空中的52 张扑克牌一样。办公室员工发现自己处于许多新辩论话题的中心。当人们既能在办公室工作,也能在家办公,“迟到”的真正含义是什么?

求职招聘网站Monster在8 月份对 1000 多名职场人士进行的一项调查显示,只有 14% 的受访者认为准时是最重要的工作场所礼仪。

Monster 的职业专家薇奇·萨利米(Vicki Salemi)对《财富》杂志说:“我很惊讶这个比例这么低。”她表示,高达 76% 的受访者认为,经常迟到是五大粗鲁行为之一,而这个 14% 的数字“似乎特别低,因为它属于守时的范畴”。

此外,根据 Monster 的民意调查,只有 51% 的雇主(或每两个雇主中有一个)强调工作场所的准时性。除非大家在进行一个小组项目,否则同事们常常不会注意到有人迟到了。萨利米补充说:“如果大家一起开会,无论现场还是远程参加,当会议开始时,除了你每个人都已经到齐了,那么这种迟到更容易被发现。”


1. 不收拾自己的东西(88%)

2. 八卦 (81%)

3. 使用不适当的语言(78%)

4. 不回消息(77%)

5. 开会经常迟到(77%)

事实上,人们可能不在乎你何时打卡上班,除非这会占用他们的时间。《在工作中释放快乐》(Unlocking Happiness at Work)一书的作者詹妮弗·莫斯(Jennifer Moss)告诉《财富》杂志:“员工可能不介意同事上班迟到,但如果这影响了他们的工作效率,就会让人很不高兴。”


全球工作幸福感专家珍·费舍尔(Jen Fisher)指出,在过去五年中,严格守时的趋势有所放松——当然,这因行业和部门而异。她将这种现象部分归因于灵活工作和远程办公的兴起。








Many of us have had the displeasure of hearing the smug motto “if you’re on time, you’re late.” At least Fortune has while doing man-on-the-street interviews in the corporate desert known more commonly as the Financial District in New York City. But it seems as if the expression could be growing just as outdated as “the bees knees.”

The rules of work were thrown into the air when the pandemic first struck, like a game of 52-card pickup. And office workers found themselves at the epicenter of many new debates. When people can work from home or in an office, what does “getting in late” really mean?

Only 14% of employees cite punctuality as the most important workplace manner, according to Monster’s August survey of more than 1,000 workers.

“I was surprised that number was so low,” Vicki Salemi, career expert for job-recruitment company Monster, told Fortune. Pointing to a whopping 76% of respondents saying that being consistently late to meetings was one of the top five rude behaviors, she notes that 14% figure “seems especially low since it falls under the umbrella of punctuality.”

Furthermore, only 51%—or one in two employers—emphasize workplace punctuality, per Monster’s poll. Perhaps lateness slips through the cracks easier unless there’s a group project. “If there is a meeting, whether the employee is remote or on-site, their tardiness is more easily detectable when there’s a hard start and everyone is already present but you,” added Salemi.

Instead, the top five irritating behaviors and the number of workers who found them the most annoying are as follows:

1.Not cleaning up after oneself (88%)

2.Gossiping (81%)

3.Using inappropriate language (78%)

4.Being unresponsive to messages (77%)

5.Consistently being late to meetings (77%)

Indeed, people may not care when you clock in unless it starts to eat into their time. Employees “may be fine with their coworkers coming in late, but if it impacts their ability to be productive, it’s extremely frustrating,” Jennifer Moss, author of Unlocking Happiness at Work, told Fortune.

New way of working comes with slightly different hours

Jen Fisher, global expert on wellbeing at work, noted there’s a general trend towards the loosening of strict punctuality over the last five years—which, of course, varies based on one’s sector and industry. She attributed this phenomenon, in part, to the rise of flexible and distributed work.

“With the increasing adoption of remote and hybrid work models, especially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of a rigid 9-to-5 workday has become less relevant for many,” she said. The focus on effectiveness over simply showing up, changing workplace cultures that emphasize work-life balance, and technology that enables asynchronous work, also feed into this trend, Fisher noted.

Looking anecdotally at the bigger picture, “it seems that people may care the same or slightly less about punctuality over the last five years,” added Salemi. Everyone is doing their own thing, more or less. “You may not be as cognizant of your coworkers’ schedules or lose track if they’re in the office or working remotely that day, there’s more flexibility in where we work and when,” she explained.

“I see this as an opportunity to rethink what punctuality means,” said Moss, pointing to how some workers, specifically women, might be late due to childcare duties. “If there are fair reasons for being late and it’s not impacting others, we can relax the expectations. It’s when we’re burdening someone else that causes the most concern.”

Of course, some bosses have responded to this scattered workflow with a heightened level of paranoia as they emphasize presentism, turning to mandates or tracking productivity. “Even though that needle may have moved slightly, it’s still important to be on time,” said Salemi, adding that it signifies a message that “you do not care.”

Experts agree the rules change based on the sector: For instance, teachers or healthcare workers might not be given the same liberty to roll in whenever they want. The same goes for those with hourly jobs in the service sector. Those in higher seniority roles across the board, though, might have a bit more leeway to come in late.

Maybe the best rule of thumb isn’t to throw the rulebook out entirely, even if it is a little silly. Perhaps it’s about being strategic with your tardiness, as one person said in Fortune’s street interview who said being late is arriving “after your boss.”



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