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Erin Prater



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根据去年发表在《衰老》(Aging)杂志上的这项研究,在这六位女性中,血液测试显示,其中五人的生理年龄减少了多达 11 年,六位参与者平均减少了 4.6 年。

研究开始时,参与者的平均实际年龄为 58 岁。她们中间除了其中一位以外,所有人的生理年龄都比实际年龄更年轻。因此,她们中的大多数在研究期间经历的生理年龄下降不太可能是由疾病改善引起的。相反,生理年龄的下降“可能归因于潜在的衰老机制”,来自华盛顿大学、弗吉尼亚大学和伊利诺伊大学的几位共同作者这样写道。


生理年龄和实际年龄究竟有何区别?根据西北大学医学院(Northwestern Medicine)的说法,简单来说,实际年龄是你活了多少年,而生理年龄是“你的细胞有多老”。

生物年龄也称为表观年龄(epigenetic age)。美国国立卫生研究院(U.S. National Institutes of Health)表示,表观基因组“由化学物质组成,这些化学物质以某种方式修改或标记基因组,告诉它应该在何时、何处,做何事”。这些变化受到压力、饮食、药物和污染等环境因素的影响而有所不同,它们可以在细胞分裂时从细胞传递给细胞,也可以从上一代传递给下一代。












他们还被要求每天两次服用甲基化适应原——一种支持 DNA 甲基化的食物。DNA 甲基化过程控制基因表达。一份此类食物的例子包括:















研究人员写道,六位女性中,没人每天都完成了所有任务,但这没关系。在平均 82% 的时间里坚持执行计划的女性在生理年龄上获得了改善。他们补充说,较高的患者依从性在很大程度上可能是由于得到了营养指导。


第七名参与者(一名男性)因家庭紧急情况退出了研究项目。在项目开展之前,他的实际年龄为 71 岁,生理年龄为 57.6 岁。尽管他退出了这项研究,但在八周后,他的生理年龄再次测试为 61.6 岁。作者指出,此前的研究记录了“由于各种压力事件导致生理年龄突然加速”,尽管当应激源消失时,这种衰老会逆转。

然而,对一些人来说,压力不是暂时的,而是将对衰老产生持久影响。根据最近在巴黎举办的欧洲精神病学大会(the European Congress of Psychiatry)上展示的研究,那些患有抑郁症、焦虑症和躁郁症等长期心理健康问题的人,通常比他们的实际年龄更老。(财富中文网)




根据去年发表在《衰老》(Aging)杂志上的这项研究,在这六位女性中,血液测试显示,其中五人的生理年龄减少了多达 11 年,六位参与者平均减少了 4.6 年。

研究开始时,参与者的平均实际年龄为 58 岁。她们中间除了其中一位以外,所有人的生理年龄都比实际年龄更年轻。因此,她们中的大多数在研究期间经历的生理年龄下降不太可能是由疾病改善引起的。相反,生理年龄的下降“可能归因于潜在的衰老机制”,来自华盛顿大学、弗吉尼亚大学和伊利诺伊大学的几位共同作者这样写道。


生理年龄和实际年龄究竟有何区别?根据西北大学医学院(Northwestern Medicine)的说法,简单来说,实际年龄是你活了多少年,而生理年龄是“你的细胞有多老”。

生物年龄也称为表观年龄(epigenetic age)。美国国立卫生研究院(U.S. National Institutes of Health)表示,表观基因组“由化学物质组成,这些化学物质以某种方式修改或标记基因组,告诉它应该在何时、何处,做何事”。这些变化受到压力、饮食、药物和污染等环境因素的影响而有所不同,它们可以在细胞分裂时从细胞传递给细胞,也可以从上一代传递给下一代。












他们还被要求每天两次服用甲基化适应原——一种支持 DNA 甲基化的食物。DNA 甲基化过程控制基因表达。一份此类食物的例子包括:








·服用 2个益生菌胶囊

·服用 2 份“绿色粉末”


·锻炼至少 30 分钟




研究人员写道,六位女性中,没人每天都完成了所有任务,但这没关系。在平均 82% 的时间里坚持执行计划的女性在生理年龄上获得了改善。他们补充说,较高的患者依从性在很大程度上可能是由于得到了营养指导。


第七名参与者(一名男性)因家庭紧急情况退出了研究项目。在项目开展之前,他的实际年龄为 71 岁,生理年龄为 57.6 岁。尽管他退出了这项研究,但在八周后,他的生理年龄再次测试为 61.6 岁。作者指出,此前的研究记录了“由于各种压力事件导致生理年龄突然加速”,尽管当应激源消失时,这种衰老会逆转。

然而,对一些人来说,压力不是暂时的,而是将对衰老产生持久影响。根据最近在巴黎举办的欧洲精神病学大会(the European Congress of Psychiatry)上展示的研究,那些患有抑郁症、焦虑症和躁郁症等长期心理健康问题的人,通常比他们的实际年龄更老。(财富中文网)


Lifestyle changes to diet, sleep, and exercise—paired with interventions like relaxation exercises and supplements—could reverse the aging process, according to recent research.

Six women between the ages of 46 and 65 underwent an eight-week program that included alterations to diet, sleep, and exercise. They were also given relaxation guidance, women’s probiotic and phytonutrient supplements, and nutritional coaching.

Blood tests showed a reduction in biological age of up to 11 years in five of the six women, with the average participant experiencing a 4.6-year decrease, according to the study, published last year in the journal Aging.

Participants had an average chronological age of 58 years at the beginning of the study, and all but one had a younger biological age. Because of this, it’s unlikely that the reduction in biological age most participants experienced during the study was due to disease improvement. Instead, the improvement “might be attributed to underlying age mechanisms,” the authors—from Washington, Virginia, and Illinois universities—wrote.

Biological vs. chronological age

Just what is the difference in biological and chronological age? Simply put, chronological age is how long you’ve been alive, while biological age is “how old your cells are,” according to Northwestern Medicine.

Biological age is also referred to as the epigenetic age. The epigenome “consists of chemical compounds that modify, or mark, the genome in a way that tells it what to do, where to do it, and when to do it,” according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Those changes—influenced by environmental factors like stress, diet, drugs, and pollution—can be passed down from cell to cell as they divide, and from generation to generation.

They’re also reversible, as this study seemingly demonstrates.

Lifestyle changes that appeared to reverse aging

As part of the study, participants were asked to consume the following foods daily:

·2 cups dark, leafy greens

·2 cups cruciferous vegetables

·3 cups colorful vegetables

·¼ cup pumpkin seeds

·¼ cup sunflower seeds

·1 to 2 beets

·Liver or liver supplement (three 3-ounce servings per week)

·1 serving of egg (5–10 per week)

They were also asked to eat two servings daily of methylation adaptogens—foods that support DNA methylation, a process that controls gene expression. Examples of one serving of such foods include:

·½ cup berries, preferably wild

·2 medium garlic cloves

·2 cups green tea, brewed 10 minutes

·3 cups oolong tea, brewed 10 minutes

·½ tsp rosemary

·½ tsp turmeric

Participants were also asked to make the following daily lifestyle adaptations:

·Take 2 probiotic capsules

·Take 2 servings of “greens powder”

·Drink 8 cups of water per day

·Exercise for at least 30 minutes

·Practice breathing exercises twice

·Sleep at least 7 hours

·Fast 12 hours after their last meal of the day

None of the women completed all tasks all days, and that’s okay, researchers wrote. Improvements in biological age were seen among women who adhered to the program an average of 82% of the time. The relatively high level of adherence among patients was likely due in large part to the nutritional coaching provided, they added.

The effect of stress on biological age

A seventh participant—a male—withdrew from the study due to a family emergency. Prior to the study, he had a chronological age of 71 and a biological age of 57.6. He had his biological age tested again at eight weeks, despite having withdrawn from the study, and it had increased to 61.6 years. Prior research has documented “sudden acceleration in biological age due to diverse stressful events,” though that aging is reversed when the stressor resolves, the authors noted.

For some, however, stress isn’t transient, and displays a more permanent effect on aging. Those with longstanding mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are routinely biologically older than their chronological age, according to recent research presented at the European Congress of Psychiatry in Paris.



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