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ChatGPT创建者OpenAI公司的高层员工接二连三地离职,让CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)手忙脚乱地寻找一个解释理由。

上周三,首席技术官米拉·穆拉提(Mira Murati)表示,她将与研究副总裁巴雷特·佐夫(Barret Zoph)和首席研究官鲍勃·麦格鲁(Bob McGrew)一起卸任,奥特曼形容这是一次友好和未经协商的领导层换届。




——山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)2024年9月26日



现在,似乎到了完成 OpenAI 蜕变的时候了,该公司计划剥离仍在纸面上控制它的非营利性外壳,寻求以 1500 亿美元估值筹集新的股权资本。(OpenAI的一位发言人本月早些时候告诉《财富》杂志,这家非营利组织将继续存在,因为这是其使命的“核心”,但没有解释它将扮演什么角色。)





公司首席科学家伊利亚·苏茨克沃(Ilya Sutskever)对去年导致 OpenAI 陷入危机事件感到遗憾,并于5月离职,成立了自己的AI初创公司(最近从投资者那里筹集了10亿美元,相当于平均每位员工1亿美元)。

联合创始人之一约翰·舒尔曼(John Schulman)上个月便已在Anthropic工作,OpenAI最初的11人团队随之只剩下3人。总裁格雷格·布罗克曼也是创始元老之一,他将休假到今年年底。

最近,前研究员丹尼尔·科科塔洛(Daniel Kokotajlo)告诉《财富》杂志,过去几个月,该公司一半的人工智能安全员工已经离职,而他的前同事简·莱克(Jan Leike)在辞职后抨击了奥特曼的领导能力。




与此同时,竞争格局正在升温。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)还在为失去对OpenAI的控制而懊恼,他正在努力为他的新创业公司xAI招募最优秀的人才,即使这意味着从特斯拉(Tesla)挖人。

本月早些时候,他完成了对 100,000 个 Nvidia H100 处理器的收购,用于AI训练——他需要10倍的计算能力来训练Grok 2——还有更多的处理器正在路上。


Grok 3目前正在培训中,如果马斯克的xAI团队达到他雄心勃勃的12月发布时间表,它可能会潜在地超越OpenAI最先进的GPT-4 Omni模型。

人工智能行业评论家加里·马库斯(Gary Marcus)随后警告OpenAI的投资者,在这么多顶尖人才离开的情况下,他们是否应该重新考虑公司目前的状态是否值得上他们声称的价值。



ChatGPT创建者OpenAI公司的高层员工接二连三地离职,让CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)手忙脚乱地寻找一个解释理由。

上周三,首席技术官米拉·穆拉提(Mira Murati)表示,她将与研究副总裁巴雷特·佐夫(Barret Zoph)和首席研究官鲍勃·麦格鲁(Bob McGrew)一起卸任,奥特曼形容这是一次友好和未经协商的领导层换届。




——山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)2024年9月26日



现在,似乎到了完成 OpenAI 蜕变的时候了,该公司计划剥离仍在纸面上控制它的非营利性外壳,寻求以 1500 亿美元估值筹集新的股权资本。(OpenAI的一位发言人本月早些时候告诉《财富》杂志,这家非营利组织将继续存在,因为这是其使命的“核心”,但没有解释它将扮演什么角色。)





公司首席科学家伊利亚·苏茨克沃(Ilya Sutskever)对去年导致 OpenAI 陷入危机事件感到遗憾,并于5月离职,成立了自己的AI初创公司(最近从投资者那里筹集了10亿美元,相当于平均每位员工1亿美元)。

联合创始人之一约翰·舒尔曼(John Schulman)上个月便已在Anthropic工作,OpenAI最初的11人团队随之只剩下3人。总裁格雷格·布罗克曼也是创始元老之一,他将休假到今年年底。

最近,前研究员丹尼尔·科科塔洛(Daniel Kokotajlo)告诉《财富》杂志,过去几个月,该公司一半的人工智能安全员工已经离职,而他的前同事简·莱克(Jan Leike)在辞职后抨击了奥特曼的领导能力。




与此同时,竞争格局正在升温。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)还在为失去对OpenAI的控制而懊恼,他正在努力为他的新创业公司xAI招募最优秀的人才,即使这意味着从特斯拉(Tesla)挖人。

本月早些时候,他完成了对 100,000 个 Nvidia H100 处理器的收购,用于AI训练——他需要10倍的计算能力来训练Grok 2——还有更多的处理器正在路上。


Grok 3目前正在培训中,如果马斯克的xAI团队达到他雄心勃勃的12月发布时间表,它可能会潜在地超越OpenAI最先进的GPT-4 Omni模型。

人工智能行业评论家加里·马库斯(Gary Marcus)随后警告OpenAI的投资者,在这么多顶尖人才离开的情况下,他们是否应该重新考虑公司目前的状态是否值得上他们声称的价值。



A rash of senior staff departures from ChatGPT creator OpenAI has CEO Sam Altman scrambling for an explanation.

On Wednesday, chief technology officer Mira Murati said she was stepping down from her role, alongside vice president of research Barret Zoph and chief research officer, Bob McGrew—leading to a leadership changeover Altman characterized as amicable and uncoordinated.

“I obviously won’t pretend it’s natural for this one to be so abrupt, but we are not a normal company,” he told staff in a letter he posted on social media, calling their jobs “relentless” and “all-consuming.”

i just posted this note to openai:

Hi All–

Mira has been instrumental to OpenAI’s progress and growth the last 6.5 years; she has been a hugely significant factor in our development from an unknown research lab to an important company.

When Mira informed me this morning that…

— Sam Altman (@sama) September 26, 2024

The departures come at a historic juncture in OpenAI’s nine-year history. Instead of celebrating the one-year anniversary of its November 2022 ChatGPT launch that sparked an AI gold rush, last November was instead the scene of a failed coup against Altman by the nonprofit board that controls the company.

This led the CEO to admit its hybrid structure was a clumsy compromise to keep the team intact as it shifted focus from pure research to commercializing its intellectual property.

Now it appears the time has come to complete OpenAI’s metamorphosis, with plans in the works to shed the nonprofit shell that still controls it on paper as it seeks to raise fresh equity capital at a reported $150 billion valuation. (A spokesman for OpenAI told Fortune earlier this month that the nonprofit will continue to exist since it is “core” to its mission, but did not explain what role it would play.)

‘Nothing without its people’

Companies in fast-paced industries are only as good as their human capital, and Altman initially managed to hold on to staff split between researchers still dedicated to OpenAI’s original nonprofit mission and those looking to quickly commercialize the technology.

“OpenAI is nothing without its people,” became the unifying motto of OpenAI at the time, a sentiment Murati herself shared in November 2023.

That now appears to be aging poorly.

Chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, who regretted his role in plunging OpenAI into crisis last year, departed in May to found his own AI startup (it recently raised $1 billion from investors, or $100 million per employee).

Fellow cofounder John Schulman works at Anthropic as of last month, leaving just three of the original team of 11 remaining. One of those, president Greg Brockman, has gone on a sabbatical through the end of this year.

Recently former researcher Daniel Kokotajlo told Fortune that half the company’s AI safety staff have left in the past several months, while his former colleague Jan Leike skewered Altman’s leadership after quitting.

OpenAI is nothing without its people https://t.co/XYKLQ61e6l

— OpenAI (@OpenAI) November 22, 2023

Competition heating up in the form of Elon Musk’s xAI

Meanwhile, the competitive landscape is heating up. Elon Musk, still sore that he lost control of OpenAI, is pressing hard to recruit the best talent to his new startup, xAI—even if that means poaching them from Tesla.

Earlier this month he completed the acquisition of 100,000 Nvidia H100 processors for AI training—amassing 10 times the computing power he needed to train Grok 2—and more are on their way.

“Our fundamental competitiveness depends on being faster than any other AI company,” Musk argued in July. “This is the only way to catch up.”

Grok 3 is currently in training, and should Musk’s team at xAI hit his ambitious December release schedule, it could potentially eclipse OpenAI’s GPT-4 Omni model, its most advanced yet.

AI industry critic Gary Marcus has subsequently warned OpenAI investors to rethink whether the company in its current state is worth what they are claiming, with so many top minds leaving.

“People are valuing this company at $150 billion … ? Absolutely insane,” he posted on Wednesday. “Investors shouldn’t be pouring [in] more money at higher valuations, they should be asking what is going on.”



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