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去年,一项涉嫌伪造记录支持的备用零部件的发现引发了全球范围的紧急搜寻。因此,GE航空航天集团(GE Aerospace)、空中客车集团(Airbus SE)和其他航空巨头提出了一系列改革措施,以加强航空供应链。

航空供应链诚信联盟(Aviation Supply Chain Integrity Coalition)周三在一份报告中表示,航空公司应扩大更安全数字记录的使用,加强供应商认证,提高零部件真伪的可追溯性,以防止未经授权的零部件进入航空公司机队。

该联盟包括波音公司(Boeing Co.)、赛峰集团(Safran SA)、达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines Inc.)和联合航空控股公司(United Airlines Holdings Inc.)。在对一家鲜为人知的英国分销商所暴露的供应风险进行了为期九个月的调查后,该联盟提出了上述建议。据称,这家分销商销售了数千件带有伪造适航记录的喷气式发动机备用零部件。

彭博新闻社于2023年首次报道了维修店、航空公司和航空航天制造商如何追查与AOG Technics Ltd有关的可疑零部件,英国政府网站显示该公司仍在运营。从中国到美国和欧洲的航空公司都被迫将飞机停飞并取出可疑零部件,这导致飞机停飞,并造成数百万美元的损失。


该联盟的建议是自愿性的。该联盟的联合主席、美国国家运输安全委员会(US National Transportation Safety Board)前主席罗伯特·萨姆沃尔特(Robert Sumwalt)和美国运输部(US Transportation Department)前副部长约翰·波卡利(John Porcari)表示,他们正在与美国和欧洲的监管机构合作实施这些措施。(财富中文网)


去年,一项涉嫌伪造记录支持的备用零部件的发现引发了全球范围的紧急搜寻。因此,GE航空航天集团(GE Aerospace)、空中客车集团(Airbus SE)和其他航空巨头提出了一系列改革措施,以加强航空供应链。

航空供应链诚信联盟(Aviation Supply Chain Integrity Coalition)周三在一份报告中表示,航空公司应扩大更安全数字记录的使用,加强供应商认证,提高零部件真伪的可追溯性,以防止未经授权的零部件进入航空公司机队。

该联盟包括波音公司(Boeing Co.)、赛峰集团(Safran SA)、达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines Inc.)和联合航空控股公司(United Airlines Holdings Inc.)。在对一家鲜为人知的英国分销商所暴露的供应风险进行了为期九个月的调查后,该联盟提出了上述建议。据称,这家分销商销售了数千件带有伪造适航记录的喷气式发动机备用零部件。

彭博新闻社于2023年首次报道了维修店、航空公司和航空航天制造商如何追查与AOG Technics Ltd有关的可疑零部件,英国政府网站显示该公司仍在运营。从中国到美国和欧洲的航空公司都被迫将飞机停飞并取出可疑零部件,这导致飞机停飞,并造成数百万美元的损失。


该联盟的建议是自愿性的。该联盟的联合主席、美国国家运输安全委员会(US National Transportation Safety Board)前主席罗伯特·萨姆沃尔特(Robert Sumwalt)和美国运输部(US Transportation Department)前副部长约翰·波卡利(John Porcari)表示,他们正在与美国和欧洲的监管机构合作实施这些措施。(财富中文网)


GE Aerospace, Airbus SE and other aviation heavyweights proposed a series of reforms to tighten up aerospace supply chains after the discovery of spare components allegedly backed by falsified records set off a frantic global search last year.

Aerospace companies should expand use of more secure digital records, strengthen supplier accreditation and improve the traceability of a component’s authenticity to keep unauthorized parts out of airline fleets, the Aviation Supply Chain Integrity Coalition said in a report on Wednesday.

The group, which also includes Boeing Co., Safran SA, Delta Air Lines Inc. and United Airlines Holdings Inc., issued the recommendations following a nine-month examination of supply risks exposed by a little known UK distributor that is alleged to have sold thousands of spare jet-engine parts with falsified airworthiness records.

Bloomberg News first reported in 2023 how maintenance shops, airlines and aerospace manufacturers hunted down the suspect parts linked to AOG Technics Ltd, which a UK government website shows as still active. Carriers from China to the US and Europe were forced to pull planes from service and extract the dubious components, leaving jets grounded and racking up millions of dollars in costs.

The coalition also recommended longer-term goals, such as building databases for vendors to verify their identities and to store records to trace a part’s history from when it was first manufactured, among other steps.

The recommendations from the coalition are voluntary. Coalition co-chairs Robert Sumwalt, a former chairman of the US National Transportation Safety Board and John Porcari, a former deputy secretary of the US Transportation Department, said that they are working with US and European regulators to implement the measures.



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