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如果米歇尔·查姆利(Michelle Chumley)愿意的话,她本可以负担得起一辆价格不菲的新SUV,而且有众多车型可供选择。但当她准备更换三年前大约花费了4万美元的雪佛兰开拓者SUV时,查姆利选择了一个更小且成本更低的车型。






汽车购物网站CarGurus的市场情报主管凯文·罗伯茨(Kevin Roberts)表示:“面对经济不确定性、仍然高企的利率和居高不下的汽车价格,消费者变得更加谨慎。今年,所有的增长都出现在我们认为更经济实惠的价格区间。”

在压力之下,为了尽快销售价格较高的车型,汽车制造商一直在降低这类车型的销售价格,主要是通过提供更大的折扣。据Edmunds的数据显示,在过去的一年里,每辆车的平均激励措施几乎翻了一番,达到1812美元。通用汽车(General Motors)表示,预计今年下半年其平均售价将下降1.5%。


根据考克斯汽车公司(Cox Automotive)的数据,主流汽车品牌的紧凑型和微型汽车以及SUV的销量增长速度超过了2018年以来的任何一年。





福特(Ford)F系列卡车今年仍是美国最畅销的车型,近半个世纪以来一直如此,紧随其后的是雪佛兰西尔维拉多(Chevrolet Silverado)。斯泰兰蒂斯(Stellantis)的公羊皮卡通常排名第三,但被数款价格较低的小型SUV(丰田荣放(RAV4)、本田CR-V和特斯拉Model Y,在美国享受7500美元的税收抵免)超越,排名跌至第六位。


查姆利购买创酷的经销商的首席执行官基思·麦克拉斯基(Keith McCluskey)说:“由于贷款利率仍然居高不下,汽车保险的平均价格在过去两年中飙升了38%,公众只是希望在这方面更加节俭一些。”



通用汽车(General Motors)旗下雪佛兰品牌的销售总监迈克·麦克菲(Mike MacPhee)指出,高管们已经预见到人们将不再购买“超昂贵”车型,并为此做好了准备,重新设计的创酷将于2023年春季推出。



人们对低价车型的偏好会持续多久尚不清楚。考克斯汽车公司首席经济学家查利·切斯布鲁(Charlie Chesbrough)指出,美联储预期的连续降息举措最终应该会导致汽车贷款利率下降,从而让大型车辆变得更经济实惠。



如果米歇尔·查姆利(Michelle Chumley)愿意的话,她本可以负担得起一辆价格不菲的新SUV,而且有众多车型可供选择。但当她准备更换三年前大约花费了4万美元的雪佛兰开拓者SUV时,查姆利选择了一个更小且成本更低的车型。






汽车购物网站CarGurus的市场情报主管凯文·罗伯茨(Kevin Roberts)表示:“面对经济不确定性、仍然高企的利率和居高不下的汽车价格,消费者变得更加谨慎。今年,所有的增长都出现在我们认为更经济实惠的价格区间。”

在压力之下,为了尽快销售价格较高的车型,汽车制造商一直在降低这类车型的销售价格,主要是通过提供更大的折扣。据Edmunds的数据显示,在过去的一年里,每辆车的平均激励措施几乎翻了一番,达到1812美元。通用汽车(General Motors)表示,预计今年下半年其平均售价将下降1.5%。


根据考克斯汽车公司(Cox Automotive)的数据,主流汽车品牌的紧凑型和微型汽车以及SUV的销量增长速度超过了2018年以来的任何一年。





福特(Ford)F系列卡车今年仍是美国最畅销的车型,近半个世纪以来一直如此,紧随其后的是雪佛兰西尔维拉多(Chevrolet Silverado)。斯泰兰蒂斯(Stellantis)的公羊皮卡通常排名第三,但被数款价格较低的小型SUV(丰田荣放(RAV4)、本田CR-V和特斯拉Model Y,在美国享受7500美元的税收抵免)超越,排名跌至第六位。


查姆利购买创酷的经销商的首席执行官基思·麦克拉斯基(Keith McCluskey)说:“由于贷款利率仍然居高不下,汽车保险的平均价格在过去两年中飙升了38%,公众只是希望在这方面更加节俭一些。”



通用汽车(General Motors)旗下雪佛兰品牌的销售总监迈克·麦克菲(Mike MacPhee)指出,高管们已经预见到人们将不再购买“超昂贵”车型,并为此做好了准备,重新设计的创酷将于2023年春季推出。



人们对低价车型的偏好会持续多久尚不清楚。考克斯汽车公司首席经济学家查利·切斯布鲁(Charlie Chesbrough)指出,美联储预期的连续降息举措最终应该会导致汽车贷款利率下降,从而让大型车辆变得更经济实惠。



Had she wanted to, Michelle Chumley could have afforded a pricey new SUV loaded with options. But when it came time to replace her Chevrolet Blazer SUV, for which she’d paid about $40,000 three years ago, Chumley chose something smaller. And less costly.

With her purchase of a Chevrolet Trax compact SUV in June, Chumley joined a rising number of buyers who have made vehicles in the below-average $20,000-to-$30,000 range the fastest-growing segment of the nation’s new-auto market.

“I just don’t need that big vehicle and to be paying all of that gas money,” said Chumley, a 56-year-old nurse who lives outside Oxford, Ohio, near Cincinnati.

Across the industry, auto analysts say, an “affordability shift” is taking root. The trend is being led by people who feel they can no longer afford a new vehicle that would cost them roughly today’s average selling price of more than $47,000 — a jump of more than 20% from the pre-pandemic average.

To buy a new car at that price, an average buyer would have to spend $737 a month, if financed at today’s average loan rate of 7.1%, for just under six years before the vehicle would be paid off, according to Edmunds.com, an auto research and pricing site. For many, that is financially out of reach.

Yet there are other buyers who, like Chumley, could manage the financial burden but have decided it just isn’t worth the cost. And the trend is forcing America’s automakers to reassess their sales and production strategies. With buyers confronting inflated prices and still-high loan rates, sales of new U.S. autos rose only 1% through September over the same period last year. If the trend toward lower-priced vehicles proves a lasting one, more generous discounts could lead to lower average auto prices and slowing industry profits.

“Consumers are becoming more prudent as they face economic uncertainty, still-high interest rates and vehicle prices that remain elevated,” said Kevin Roberts, director of market intelligence at CarGurus, an automotive shopping site. “This year, all of the growth is happening in what we would consider the more affordable price buckets.”

Under pressure to unload their more expensive models, automakers have been lowering the sales prices on many such vehicles, largely by offering steeper discounts. In the past year, the average incentive per auto has nearly doubled, to $1,812, according to Edmunds. General Motors has said it expects its average selling price to drop 1.5% in the second half of the year.

Through September, Roberts has calculated, new-vehicle sales to individual buyers, excluding sales to rental companies and other commercial fleets, are up 7%. Of that growth, 43% came in the $20,000-to-$30,000 price range — the largest share for that price category in at least four years. (For used vehicles, the shift is even more pronounced: 59% sales growth in the $15,000-to-$20,000 price range over that period.)

Sales of compact and subcompact cars and SUVs from mainstream auto brands are growing faster than in any year since 2018, according to data from Cox Automotive.

The sales gains for affordable vehicles is, in some ways, a return to a pattern that existed before the pandemic. As recently as 2018, compact and subcompact vehicles — typically among the most popular moderately priced vehicles — had accounted for nearly 35% of the nation’s new vehicle sales.

The proportion started to fall in 2020, when the pandemic caused a global shortage of computer chips that forced automakers to slow production and allocate scarce semiconductors to more expensive trucks and large SUVs. As buyers increasingly embraced those higher-priced vehicles, the companies posted robust earnings growth.

In the meantime, they deemed profit margins for lower-prices cars too meager to justify significant production of them. By 2022, the market share of compact and subcompact vehicles had dropped below 30%.

This year, that share has rebounded to nearly 34% and rising. Sales of compact sedans were up 16.7% through September from 12 months earlier. By contrast, CarGurus said, big pickups rose just under 6%. Sales of large SUVs are barely up at all — less than 1%.

Ford’s F-Series truck remains the top-selling vehicle in the United States this year, as it has been for nearly a half-century, followed by the Chevrolet Silverado. But Stellantis’ Ram pickup, typically No. 3, dropped to sixth place, outpaced by several less expensive small SUVs: the Toyota RAV4, the Honda CR-V and the Tesla Model Y (with a $7,500 U.S. tax credit).

The move in buyer sentiment toward affordability came fast this year, catching many automakers off guard, with too-few vehicles available in lower price ranges. One reason for the shift, analysts say, is that many buyers who are willing to plunk down nearly $50,000 for a new vehicle had already done so in the past few years. People who are less able — or less willing — to spend that much had in many cases held on to their existing vehicles for years. The time had come for them to replace them. And most of them seem disinclined to spend more than they have to.

With loan rates still high and average auto insurance prices up a whopping 38% in the past two years, “the public just wants to be a little more frugal about it,” said Keith McCluskey, CEO of the dealership where Chumley bought her Trax.

Roberts of CarGurus noted that even many higher-income buyers are choosing smaller, lower-priced vehicles, in some cases because of uncertainties over the economy and the impending presidential election.

The shift has left some automakers overstocked with too many pricier trucks and SUVs. Some, like Stellantis, which makes Chrysler, Jeep and Ram vehicles, have warned that the shift will eat into their profitability this year.

At General Motors’ Chevrolet brand, executives had foreseen the shift away from “uber expensive” vehicles and were prepared with the redesigned Trax, which came out in the spring of 2023, noted Mike MacPhee, director of Chevrolet sales operations.

Trax sales in the U.S. so far this year are up 130%, making it the nation’s top-selling subcompact SUV.

“We’re basically doubling our (Trax) sales volume from last year,” MacPhee said.

How long the preference for lower-priced vehicles may last is unclear. Charlie Chesbrough, chief economist for Cox Automotive, notes that the succession of expected interest rates cuts by the Federal Rates should eventually lead to lower auto loan rates, thereby making larger vehicles more affordable.

“The trends will probably start to change if these interest rates start coming down,” Chesbrough predicted. “We’ll see consumers start moving into these larger vehicles.”



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