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被指控性交易的Abercrombie & Fitch前CEO如何令公司几乎陷入倒闭?




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周二,Abercrombie & Fitch公司前CEO麦克·杰弗里斯在佛罗里达州被捕。他被指控从事性交易,并利用其在该时尚服装公司的高位,强迫男性发生性关系,以换取为该品牌做模特的机会。


杰弗里斯在近10年前被公司解雇,但最近他遭到的指控,让人们不由回想起困扰他任期的性丑闻,以及几乎令Abercrombie & Fitch倒闭的领导风格。

Abercrombie的历史可以追溯到1892年,当时公司专门经营面向旅游和户外运动爱好者的服装和背包。1992年,杰弗里斯上台之后开始改造Abercrombie & Fitch,将其打造成上世纪90年代和本世纪初的顶级青少年零售品牌,通过带有标志装饰的服装和过度性感的学院风服装,重塑了公司的品牌形象。该公司发布的商品目录,当时被一些批评者认为接近于软色情,而且在商店入口处安排了肌肉发达的、半裸的年轻帅哥。2000年,杰弗里斯还成功推出了与冲浪文化相关的Hollister品牌。


作为领导者,杰弗里斯还表现出了独裁专制的倾向,蔑视他认为地位低于自己的人:他曾经说Abercrombie & Fitch只适合“酷的”人。这种自上而下的管理模式效果很好……直到它不再奏效。


在杰弗里斯离职后,Abercrombie & Fitch仓促地进行重组,在此期间的两年多时间里,公司由高管组成的“董事长办公室”管理,其中包括2017年成为公司CEO的弗兰·霍洛维茨。霍洛维茨的任务是领导那些备受打击和情绪低落的员工。她还执行了一项艰巨的任务,即更清晰地区分Abercrombie和Hollister品牌。在杰弗里斯执掌公司的末期,这两个品牌变得几乎难以区分。

霍洛维茨还建立了强大的电子商务业务,现在电子商务占公司销售额的50%。到2022年,经过数年零售业务困境之后,Abercrombie & Fitch的营收终于恢复到2014年的水平。过去十年,公司股价上涨了六倍,去年的年营收达到50亿美元。

上个季度,公司销售额增长了21%。Abercrombie & Fitch的东山再起是不可否认的,并且故事仍在继续,这与杰弗里斯造成的所有戏剧性事件和问题毫无关系。(财富中文网)



周二,Abercrombie & Fitch公司前CEO麦克·杰弗里斯在佛罗里达州被捕。他被指控从事性交易,并利用其在该时尚服装公司的高位,强迫男性发生性关系,以换取为该品牌做模特的机会。


杰弗里斯在近10年前被公司解雇,但最近他遭到的指控,让人们不由回想起困扰他任期的性丑闻,以及几乎令Abercrombie & Fitch倒闭的领导风格。

Abercrombie的历史可以追溯到1892年,当时公司专门经营面向旅游和户外运动爱好者的服装和背包。1992年,杰弗里斯上台之后开始改造Abercrombie & Fitch,将其打造成上世纪90年代和本世纪初的顶级青少年零售品牌,通过带有标志装饰的服装和过度性感的学院风服装,重塑了公司的品牌形象。该公司发布的商品目录,当时被一些批评者认为接近于软色情,而且在商店入口处安排了肌肉发达的、半裸的年轻帅哥。2000年,杰弗里斯还成功推出了与冲浪文化相关的Hollister品牌。


作为领导者,杰弗里斯还表现出了独裁专制的倾向,蔑视他认为地位低于自己的人:他曾经说Abercrombie & Fitch只适合“酷的”人。这种自上而下的管理模式效果很好……直到它不再奏效。


在杰弗里斯离职后,Abercrombie & Fitch仓促地进行重组,在此期间的两年多时间里,公司由高管组成的“董事长办公室”管理,其中包括2017年成为公司CEO的弗兰·霍洛维茨。霍洛维茨的任务是领导那些备受打击和情绪低落的员工。她还执行了一项艰巨的任务,即更清晰地区分Abercrombie和Hollister品牌。在杰弗里斯执掌公司的末期,这两个品牌变得几乎难以区分。

霍洛维茨还建立了强大的电子商务业务,现在电子商务占公司销售额的50%。到2022年,经过数年零售业务困境之后,Abercrombie & Fitch的营收终于恢复到2014年的水平。过去十年,公司股价上涨了六倍,去年的年营收达到50亿美元。

上个季度,公司销售额增长了21%。Abercrombie & Fitch的东山再起是不可否认的,并且故事仍在继续,这与杰弗里斯造成的所有戏剧性事件和问题毫无关系。(财富中文网)



Mike Jeffries, the former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, was arrested on Tuesday in Florida, accused of sex trafficking and using his perch atop the fashion clothier to coerce men into sex for a chance to model for the brand.

According to the indictment, Jeffries, his partner Matthew Smith, and an employee of theirs, James Jacobson, allegedly ran an international sex trafficking and prostitution ring from 2008 to 2015, a period that largely overlapped with Jeffries’s time as CEO from 1992 to 2014.

Jeffries was ousted from the company nearly a decade ago, but the latest allegations are reminiscent of that sex-tinged scandals that plagued his tenure, along with a leadership style that almost sank Abercrombie & Fitch.

Abercrombie’s history dates to 1892, when it specialized in clothing and bags for travelers and outdoors enthusiasts. But when Jeffries took the helm in 1992, he began transforming Abercrombie into the premiere teen retailer of the 1990s and early aughts, rebranding it with logo-bedecked clothing and a hyper-sexualized preppy ethos. The company released catalogs that some critics said at the time verged on soft-core porn, and staffed buff, half-naked young men at store entrances. Jeffries also found great success in launching the surfer-adjacent Hollister brand in 2000.

Eventually some of Jeffries’s eyebrow-raising behavior came to the surface. In early 2010s news reports on his excesses included a questionable use of company funds on travel, a big role for his spouse in running the business, a manual with detailed instructions on how he was to be addressed by staff on the corporate jet, and how those staff members should dress.

Jeffries also exhibited an autocratic streak as a leader, and disdain for people he thought beneath him: He infamously said Abercrombie & Fitch was only for “cool” people. That top-down management approach worked well…until it didn’t.

By the 2010s, his my-way-or-the-highway approach meant the company was missing important cultural shifts and falling out of step with its consumers, who were becoming less interested in company logos and airs of exclusivity. And by late 2014, Jeffries was out after 11 straight quarters of declining same-store sales and immeasurable damage to the brand.

As Abercrombie scrambled to reorganize itself after Jeffries’s exit, the company was run for more than two years by an “office of the chairman” consisting of top executives, including Fran Horowitz, who went on to become CEO of the company in 2017. Horowitz was tasked with leading shell-shocked and demoralized staff. She also went about the challenging work of more clearly delineating the Abercrombie and Hollister brands, which had become almost interchangeable by the end of Jeffries’s reign.

Horowitz has built a formidable e-commerce business, which now makes up 50% of company sales. And by 2022, after years in retail purgatory, Abercrombie & Fitch revenues finally rebounded to 2014 levels. Its shares have risen sixfold in the past decade, and last year annual revenue zeroed in on $5 billion.

Sales were up 21% last quarter. Abercrombie & Fitch’s comeback story is undeniable and still going strong—no thanks to all the drama and problems Jeffries caused.



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