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Owen Tripp



在9月24日召开的药品定价听证会上,美国参议院卫生、教育、劳工与退休金委员会主席伯尼·桑德斯(弗吉尼亚州独立参议员)发表开场词。Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images

有什么是GLP-1类药物做不到的呢?糖尿病和肥胖症被越来越多地认为只是冰山一角。美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)已批准Wegovy用于治疗心血管疾病,目前研究人员正在研究GLP-1类药物治疗多种病症的潜力,包括哮喘、关节炎和牛皮癣、某些类别的肝脏疾病、抑郁症、眼科疾病、阿尔兹海默症和物质使用障碍等。最近的一项研究甚至发现,GLP-1类药物可以降低10种不同癌症的患病风险。





GLP-1类药物还揭露出医疗保健系统的效率低下和不公平。那些有能力自付费用的人正在大量购买GLP-1类药物(有些人甚至是出于虚荣心),而依赖医疗保险或医疗补助的人群却难以获得这些药物。后者患肥胖症和糖尿病的比例更高。例如,礼来(Eli Lilly)最近大幅降低Zepbound价格的举措仅适用于自费患者;而且即使降价后每个月的价格依旧需要数百美元,这仍然令许多人负担不起。











• 预防。美国在预防和初级保健方面的投资,远低于其他富裕国家。增加初级保健和心理健康服务的普及,包括通过虚拟医疗保健的途径,对于可持续地解决我们目前使用GLP-1类药物治疗的疾病的上游原因至关重要。

• 综合保健。综合保健包括初级保健医生与专科医生之间以及导诊与患者倡导者之间的纵向保健协调。考虑到药物的高成本和管理糖尿病等慢性疾病的挑战,这些保健团队成员提供的全面财务和行政支持尤为重要。

• 基于结果的支付。最近推动将GLP-1类药物纳入医疗保险谈判是一个良好的开端,但这并不是解决医疗成本趋势的灵丹妙药。尽管消费者对GLP-1类药物的需求很高,但研究表明,多达三分之二的患者没有坚持使用这些药物足够长的时间来实现或维持临床疗效,这意味着前期成本很高,但对患者和医疗保健购买者几乎没有回报。与重要的临床和财务结果挂钩的商业和支付模式——以及激励合理处方和综合护理以提高依从性和长期疗效——是减少浪费并实现GLP-1类药物全部价值的关键步骤。


本文作者欧文·特里普现任Included Health公司联合创始人兼CEO。



在9月24日召开的药品定价听证会上,美国参议院卫生、教育、劳工与退休金委员会主席伯尼·桑德斯(弗吉尼亚州独立参议员)发表开场词。Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images

有什么是GLP-1类药物做不到的呢?糖尿病和肥胖症被越来越多地认为只是冰山一角。美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)已批准Wegovy用于治疗心血管疾病,目前研究人员正在研究GLP-1类药物治疗多种病症的潜力,包括哮喘、关节炎和牛皮癣、某些类别的肝脏疾病、抑郁症、眼科疾病、阿尔兹海默症和物质使用障碍等。最近的一项研究甚至发现,GLP-1类药物可以降低10种不同癌症的患病风险。





GLP-1类药物还揭露出医疗保健系统的效率低下和不公平。那些有能力自付费用的人正在大量购买GLP-1类药物(有些人甚至是出于虚荣心),而依赖医疗保险或医疗补助的人群却难以获得这些药物。后者患肥胖症和糖尿病的比例更高。例如,礼来(Eli Lilly)最近大幅降低Zepbound价格的举措仅适用于自费患者;而且即使降价后每个月的价格依旧需要数百美元,这仍然令许多人负担不起。











• 预防。美国在预防和初级保健方面的投资,远低于其他富裕国家。增加初级保健和心理健康服务的普及,包括通过虚拟医疗保健的途径,对于可持续地解决我们目前使用GLP-1类药物治疗的疾病的上游原因至关重要。

• 综合保健。综合保健包括初级保健医生与专科医生之间以及导诊与患者倡导者之间的纵向保健协调。考虑到药物的高成本和管理糖尿病等慢性疾病的挑战,这些保健团队成员提供的全面财务和行政支持尤为重要。

• 基于结果的支付。最近推动将GLP-1类药物纳入医疗保险谈判是一个良好的开端,但这并不是解决医疗成本趋势的灵丹妙药。尽管消费者对GLP-1类药物的需求很高,但研究表明,多达三分之二的患者没有坚持使用这些药物足够长的时间来实现或维持临床疗效,这意味着前期成本很高,但对患者和医疗保健购买者几乎没有回报。与重要的临床和财务结果挂钩的商业和支付模式——以及激励合理处方和综合护理以提高依从性和长期疗效——是减少浪费并实现GLP-1类药物全部价值的关键步骤。


本文作者欧文·特里普现任Included Health公司联合创始人兼CEO。



Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) delivers opening remarks during a hearing about drug pricing on Sep. 24.

Is there anything GLP-1s can’t do? Diabetes and obesity are increasingly looking like the tip of the semaglutide iceberg. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Wegovy for cardiovascular disease, and researchers are now exploring the potential of GLP-1s for a host of conditions, including asthma, arthritis and psoriasis, certain liver diseases, depression, eye disorders, Alzheimer’s, and substance use disorders. A recent study even found GLP-1s may reduce the risk of 10 different cancers.

The growing list of potential GLP-1 indications suggests the drugs may target the root cause (inflammation, probably) of the most prevalent and costly conditions in the U.S. If even a fraction of the trials now underway pan out, GLP-1s have the potential to reshape health care as we know it.

But they can’t solve everything. In fact, the GLP-1 phenomenon is making the fragmentation and dysfunction of our health care system even more apparent. Just as GLP-1s may help us discover the common denominator in seemingly disparate diseases, they are shining a bright light on the root causes of the health care system’s ills.

Drugs are too expensive

The price tag of GLP-1s in the U.S.—up to $15,000 per year, far higher than in other affluent countries—has become one of the single biggest drivers of rising health care costs. Private employers, already facing an unsustainable cost trend, are feeling the pressure from their workforce to cover the drugs, yet they quite literally may not be able to afford it. Some studies suggest widespread GLP-1 adoption, absent cost controls, could bankrupt Medicare and the health care system as a whole.

GLP-1s are also shining a harsh light on the inefficiency and inequity in health care. Those who can afford to pay out of pocket are gobbling up the supply of GLP-1s (in some cases for vanity use), while access remains limited for people on Medicare or Medicaid who are disproportionately burdened by obesity and diabetes. For example, Eli Lilly’s recent move to slash the price of Zepbound only applies to patients paying out of pocket; and at several hundred dollars per month, even the markdown price is out of reach for many.

GLP-1s shows how quickly health care can turn into a gold rush

Pharmaceutical companies, telehealth providers, and even supplement sellers are marketing GLP-1s directly to consumers to meet the runaway demand. Exploiting a loophole resulting from the GLP-1 shortage, some providers are prescribing compounded generic versions of the drugs that the FDA has warned may be unsafe.

This is a prime example of the limitations of the transactional Telehealth 1.0 model and the dangers of consumerism running amok. Patients can easily get compounded GLP-1s, even when lifestyle changes or other approaches are more clinically appropriate. But who is looking after their health once the transaction is complete? Who is helping them manage side effects, as well as their overall physical and mental health?

If patients get sick from compounded GLP-1s, they could end up in the ER—and their employer and insurer foot the bill. In this scenario, no one wins.

Fragmented care delivery

The type of clinicians prescribing GLP-1s has expanded rapidly. In their first act as a diabetes drug, GLP-1s were prescribed almost exclusively by endocrinologists. Now cardiologists, orthopedists, internal medicine physicians, and even psychiatrists are prescribing them—presumably with a different lens than an endocrinologist would, and sometimes without full visibility into the patient’s overall health. Different specialties are starting to establish their own clinical guidelines for GLP-1s.

Given how siloed specialty care is, it’s increasingly likely that a primary care physician (PCP) might prescribe GLP-1s for weight management without the patient’s cardiologist knowing about it—and vice versa. Who’s looking out for the whole person? Who’s looking at clinical outcomes and costs in a holistic way—for that patient, and for the system as a whole?

The prescription we really need

I’m rooting for GLP-1s to be a miracle drug. But the jury is still out, and in the meantime, the GLP-1 frenzy is exposing healthcare stakeholders across the system—patients, employers, insurers, providers—to unsustainable clinical and financial risks.

On the plus side, these mounting risks—and the unprecedented attention from consumers and the industry alike—may finally be what it takes to fix broken health care models. And the solutions to the problems surrounding GLP-1s are the same ones we’ve needed all along:

• Prevention. The U.S. invests far less in preventive and primary care than other affluent nations. Increasing access to primary care and mental health services—including through virtual care—is essential to sustainably address the upstream causes of the conditions we’re now treating with GLP-1s.

• Integrated care. This includes longitudinal care coordination between PCPs and specialists, as well as navigators and patient advocates. The wrap-around financial and administrative support these care team members provide is especially important given the high cost of the drugs and the challenges of managing chronic conditions like diabetes.

• Outcomes-based payment. The recent push to include GLP-1s in Medicare negotiations is a good start, but it’s not a silver bullet for the healthcare cost trend. Despite the consumer demand for GLP-1s, studies have shown that as many as two-thirds of patients don’t stick with the drugs long enough to achieve or sustain the clinical benefits, which means substantial upfront costs with little to no payoff for patients and healthcare purchasers. Business and payment models tied to clinical and financial outcomes that matter—and that incentivize judicious prescribing and the integrated care needed to boost adherence and long-term results—are a critical step toward minimizing waste and realizing the full value of GLP-1s.

GLP-1s have the potential to transform medicine. But if we continue shoehorning them into our siloed and fragmented health care system, their potential will be stunted. It’s yet another indication that we need to reimagine the health care system from the ground up.

Owen Tripp is co-founder and CEO at Included Health.



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