就在两天前,特朗普(Trump)总统似乎即将在11月5日大获全胜。但出乎意料的是,前幕僚长约翰·F·凯利(John F. Kelly)对特朗普发起了猛烈的批评,突然扭转了卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)长达一个月的下滑趋势。但凯利的重磅炸弹,以及可能为哈里斯竞选带来利好的其他最新消息,是否收效甚微,为时已晚,无法挽回副总统的选情呢?
据知名数据科学家托马斯·米勒(Thomas Miller)称,距离2024年大选还有不到10天,目前的情况仍不稳定。
在过去的两个月里,笔者一直在密切关注西北大学(Northwestern University)教授米勒的预测。事实证明,米勒的预测在2020年总统大选以及两个月后举行的两次佐治亚州参议院决选中,都被证明准确无误。在前者中,米勒的预测不仅完全正确,而且比当时的民调结果更为接近实际选举结果。他预测拜登将以12张选举人票的优势获胜。在佐治亚州的两场选举中,共和党人凯利·勒夫勒(Kelly Loeffler)和大卫·普渡(David Purdue)分别对阵拉斐尔·沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)和乔恩·奥索夫(Jon Ossoff),选举日前一周的民调都预测,两位共和党候选人都将轻松获胜,从而确保该党对参议院的控制。米勒的分析显示,热门候选人将遭遇决定性的失败。这位数据科学家敲响了警钟,将这两场选举的胜负差距精确地控制在0.2个百分点之内。
简而言之,米勒系统发现,PredicIt的价格与普选票的分配之间存在着很强的相关性。他的研究还表明,自1960年以来的所有总统选举中,每位候选人在全美范围内获得的选票比例与其获得的选举人票数非常接近。米勒每天都会将PredictIt的价格输入模型,以计算出选举人票数。午夜时分,他会在自己的主页”Virtual Tout”上公布详细的分析结果。
“Virtual Tout”10月22日的结果是近期一系列令人震惊的预测的最新例证:结果显示,特朗普以154票的优势领先,346对192。米勒惊叹道:“在短短一个月内,使用相同模型和PredictIt‘投资者池’的预测结果发生了彻底的逆转。”9月20日,哈里斯似乎还稳操胜券。她以337张选举人票领先特朗普的201张。然而,在随后的32天内,选举人票数却出现了戏剧性的转变,特朗普因此获得了额外的252张选举人票。哈里斯在辩论中的出色表现让她的票数在随后几天达到顶峰,而这场竞选的形势也随之成为了其当前状态的映射。
即使在最近的动荡之前,每位候选人看起来都有望取得压倒性胜利,特朗普一度领先,而哈里斯则两次领先。在辩论结束后的几天里,前总统特朗普在民调中明显领先于乔·拜登(Joe Biden)。然后,在拜登7月21日退出竞选后,副总统的支持率在随后的一周半时间里远远低于获胜所需的270票。特朗普在7月21日出席全国黑人记者协会会议时,误称他的对手在种族问题上误导了选民,此后选情发生了戏剧性的变化。那天,哈里斯一举领先,并在接下来的两个多月里保持优势。她在8月中旬民主党全国代表大会期间达到了第一个高峰,然后特朗普逐渐恢复了竞争力,在9月10日辩论前将差距缩小到约12张选举人票。特朗普在费城的辩论中表现不佳,导致他的支持率大幅下降,而哈里斯从那天起一直到10月1日都保持着300张选举人票的优势。
在特朗普的票数优势达到150多的峰值当天,凯利将军谴责特朗普是一个反复无常的业余选手,不适合担任总统。在10月22日发表于《纽约时报》的文章中,凯利宣称特朗普“符合法西斯主义的一般定义”,“倾向于采用独裁的执政方式,而不是政府管理方式”。这篇文章第二天引起了媒体的爆炸性报道。这位前海军陆战队将军曾在2017年和2018年担任前总统的幕僚长长达17个月时间,他说,特朗普最终“寻求权力以为所欲为”。凯利进一步声称,特朗普曾向他发表过对阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的正面评论,他在同一天发表在《大西洋月刊》上的一篇文章中也提出了这一指控。
凯利对特朗普的尖锐批评使得哈里斯在PredictIt上的赔率有所提升,因此也显著提升了她在米勒的“Virtual Tout”中的排名。10月23日,星期三,哈里斯的选举人票数增加了22张,从192张上升到214张,而特朗普则相应地失去了22张票数,从346张减少到324张,这使他的领先优势从154张降至110张。哈里斯的支持率增长幅度虽然没有辩论当天35张选举人票的涨幅那么显著。但这是她自那以来首次获得的单日大幅增长,目前来看,在经历了一个月的连续下滑之后,哈里斯的支持率重新回到了上升轨道。
在米勒和艾伦·利希特曼(Allan Lichtman)等其他专家看来,基本面与数据相矛盾
这次情况不同。在特朗普支持率大幅飙升之后,米勒认为基本面和技术面之间存在巨大脱节。他对《财富》杂志表示:“我无法从政治智慧或两位候选人竞选方式的基本面来解释我们所看到的情况。”他在”Virtual Tout”网站上补充说:“共和党的信息一直是黑暗和反移民的,夹杂着对哈里斯的贬低评论。特朗普誓言,如果赢得2024年大选,他将对对手进行报复。”相比之下,他发现“民主党的信息充满希望和乐观态度,强调团结而不是分裂。”
在米勒看来,特朗普是一个极右翼极端分子,他所倡导的纲领比1964年导致巴里·戈德华特(Barry Goldwater)竞选失败的非主流、极端保守主义议程还要激进。米勒指出,林登·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson,当年以压倒性优势获胜)所持的中左立场与哈里斯今年的温和立场类似。因此,根据基本面分析,米勒认为哈里斯应该能够获胜,而且是大获全胜。
米勒非常推崇“美国选举先知”、美利坚大学(American University)历史学教授艾伦·利希特曼的预测。自1982年以来,利希特曼在每次总统大选中都能准确预测出获胜者,包括2016年特朗普意外击败希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)。他有力地论证,揭示选举真相的是基本面,而非数据。利希特曼的模型声称,十三个基础性驱动因素或“钥匙”决定谁能获得270张或以上的选举人票,从而获得通往白宫的钥匙。挑战者必须满足至少6个条件才能获胜。这些条件包括:现任政党的候选人在提名中是否面临严峻挑战,以及目前经济是否处于衰退状态。
在利希特曼看来,哈里斯在这两个关键指标上得分,并额外获得了7把钥匙。特朗普只获得了4把。他认为,目前显示副总统陷入困境的民调毫无意义,因为它们至少有12个百分点的“误差”。他在最近的一次采访中表示:“民调应该付之一炬。”利希特曼援引著名的民意调查和像纳特·西尔弗(Nate Silver)这样的著名预测者的例子,指出他们在2016年预测克林顿获胜时犯了“根本性错误”。利希特曼认为,在特朗普与克林顿的对决中,民调机构大大低估了共和党的投票实力,而今年,他们又低估了民主党在投票箱前的实际实力。他举例说,在2022年中期选举和随后的特别选举中,民主党的表现远远超过了民调机构的预测。利希特曼说,哈里斯已经锁定了基本面,而且无论民调和投注赔率如何,基本面总是占上风。
米勒与利希特曼一样,对民意调查表示担忧。他对利希特曼的推理和预测记录印象深刻,尽管如此,米勒提出了不同的观点。他说,最近的全美民意调查正在“迎头赶上”,并加强投注赔率。截至10月23日,RealClear Politics的平均数据显示,特朗普仅落后0.2%,而在10月5日,特朗普还落后2个百分点。米勒警告说,民主党需要在11月5日的普选中获得更大的优势,才能扭转选举团的选举结果。
就在两天前,特朗普(Trump)总统似乎即将在11月5日大获全胜。但出乎意料的是,前幕僚长约翰·F·凯利(John F. Kelly)对特朗普发起了猛烈的批评,突然扭转了卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)长达一个月的下滑趋势。但凯利的重磅炸弹,以及可能为哈里斯竞选带来利好的其他最新消息,是否收效甚微,为时已晚,无法挽回副总统的选情呢?
据知名数据科学家托马斯·米勒(Thomas Miller)称,距离2024年大选还有不到10天,目前的情况仍不稳定。
在过去的两个月里,笔者一直在密切关注西北大学(Northwestern University)教授米勒的预测。事实证明,米勒的预测在2020年总统大选以及两个月后举行的两次佐治亚州参议院决选中,都被证明准确无误。在前者中,米勒的预测不仅完全正确,而且比当时的民调结果更为接近实际选举结果。他预测拜登将以12张选举人票的优势获胜。在佐治亚州的两场选举中,共和党人凯利·勒夫勒(Kelly Loeffler)和大卫·普渡(David Purdue)分别对阵拉斐尔·沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)和乔恩·奥索夫(Jon Ossoff),选举日前一周的民调都预测,两位共和党候选人都将轻松获胜,从而确保该党对参议院的控制。米勒的分析显示,热门候选人将遭遇决定性的失败。这位数据科学家敲响了警钟,将这两场选举的胜负差距精确地控制在0.2个百分点之内。
简而言之,米勒系统发现,PredicIt的价格与普选票的分配之间存在着很强的相关性。他的研究还表明,自1960年以来的所有总统选举中,每位候选人在全美范围内获得的选票比例与其获得的选举人票数非常接近。米勒每天都会将PredictIt的价格输入模型,以计算出选举人票数。午夜时分,他会在自己的主页”Virtual Tout”上公布详细的分析结果。
“Virtual Tout”10月22日的结果是近期一系列令人震惊的预测的最新例证:结果显示,特朗普以154票的优势领先,346对192。米勒惊叹道:“在短短一个月内,使用相同模型和PredictIt‘投资者池’的预测结果发生了彻底的逆转。”9月20日,哈里斯似乎还稳操胜券。她以337张选举人票领先特朗普的201张。然而,在随后的32天内,选举人票数却出现了戏剧性的转变,特朗普因此获得了额外的252张选举人票。哈里斯在辩论中的出色表现让她的票数在随后几天达到顶峰,而这场竞选的形势也随之成为了其当前状态的映射。
即使在最近的动荡之前,每位候选人看起来都有望取得压倒性胜利,特朗普一度领先,而哈里斯则两次领先。在辩论结束后的几天里,前总统特朗普在民调中明显领先于乔·拜登(Joe Biden)。然后,在拜登7月21日退出竞选后,副总统的支持率在随后的一周半时间里远远低于获胜所需的270票。特朗普在7月21日出席全国黑人记者协会会议时,误称他的对手在种族问题上误导了选民,此后选情发生了戏剧性的变化。那天,哈里斯一举领先,并在接下来的两个多月里保持优势。她在8月中旬民主党全国代表大会期间达到了第一个高峰,然后特朗普逐渐恢复了竞争力,在9月10日辩论前将差距缩小到约12张选举人票。特朗普在费城的辩论中表现不佳,导致他的支持率大幅下降,而哈里斯从那天起一直到10月1日都保持着300张选举人票的优势。
在特朗普的票数优势达到150多的峰值当天,凯利将军谴责特朗普是一个反复无常的业余选手,不适合担任总统。在10月22日发表于《纽约时报》的文章中,凯利宣称特朗普“符合法西斯主义的一般定义”,“倾向于采用独裁的执政方式,而不是政府管理方式”。这篇文章第二天引起了媒体的爆炸性报道。这位前海军陆战队将军曾在2017年和2018年担任前总统的幕僚长长达17个月时间,他说,特朗普最终“寻求权力以为所欲为”。凯利进一步声称,特朗普曾向他发表过对阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的正面评论,他在同一天发表在《大西洋月刊》上的一篇文章中也提出了这一指控。
凯利对特朗普的尖锐批评使得哈里斯在PredictIt上的赔率有所提升,因此也显著提升了她在米勒的“Virtual Tout”中的排名。10月23日,星期三,哈里斯的选举人票数增加了22张,从192张上升到214张,而特朗普则相应地失去了22张票数,从346张减少到324张,这使他的领先优势从154张降至110张。哈里斯的支持率增长幅度虽然没有辩论当天35张选举人票的涨幅那么显著。但这是她自那以来首次获得的单日大幅增长,目前来看,在经历了一个月的连续下滑之后,哈里斯的支持率重新回到了上升轨道。
在米勒和艾伦·利希特曼(Allan Lichtman)等其他专家看来,基本面与数据相矛盾
这次情况不同。在特朗普支持率大幅飙升之后,米勒认为基本面和技术面之间存在巨大脱节。他对《财富》杂志表示:“我无法从政治智慧或两位候选人竞选方式的基本面来解释我们所看到的情况。”他在”Virtual Tout”网站上补充说:“共和党的信息一直是黑暗和反移民的,夹杂着对哈里斯的贬低评论。特朗普誓言,如果赢得2024年大选,他将对对手进行报复。”相比之下,他发现“民主党的信息充满希望和乐观态度,强调团结而不是分裂。”
在米勒看来,特朗普是一个极右翼极端分子,他所倡导的纲领比1964年导致巴里·戈德华特(Barry Goldwater)竞选失败的非主流、极端保守主义议程还要激进。米勒指出,林登·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson,当年以压倒性优势获胜)所持的中左立场与哈里斯今年的温和立场类似。因此,根据基本面分析,米勒认为哈里斯应该能够获胜,而且是大获全胜。
米勒非常推崇“美国选举先知”、美利坚大学(American University)历史学教授艾伦·利希特曼的预测。自1982年以来,利希特曼在每次总统大选中都能准确预测出获胜者,包括2016年特朗普意外击败希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)。他有力地论证,揭示选举真相的是基本面,而非数据。利希特曼的模型声称,十三个基础性驱动因素或“钥匙”决定谁能获得270张或以上的选举人票,从而获得通往白宫的钥匙。挑战者必须满足至少6个条件才能获胜。这些条件包括:现任政党的候选人在提名中是否面临严峻挑战,以及目前经济是否处于衰退状态。
在利希特曼看来,哈里斯在这两个关键指标上得分,并额外获得了7把钥匙。特朗普只获得了4把。他认为,目前显示副总统陷入困境的民调毫无意义,因为它们至少有12个百分点的“误差”。他在最近的一次采访中表示:“民调应该付之一炬。”利希特曼援引著名的民意调查和像纳特·西尔弗(Nate Silver)这样的著名预测者的例子,指出他们在2016年预测克林顿获胜时犯了“根本性错误”。利希特曼认为,在特朗普与克林顿的对决中,民调机构大大低估了共和党的投票实力,而今年,他们又低估了民主党在投票箱前的实际实力。他举例说,在2022年中期选举和随后的特别选举中,民主党的表现远远超过了民调机构的预测。利希特曼说,哈里斯已经锁定了基本面,而且无论民调和投注赔率如何,基本面总是占上风。
米勒与利希特曼一样,对民意调查表示担忧。他对利希特曼的推理和预测记录印象深刻,尽管如此,米勒提出了不同的观点。他说,最近的全美民意调查正在“迎头赶上”,并加强投注赔率。截至10月23日,RealClear Politics的平均数据显示,特朗普仅落后0.2%,而在10月5日,特朗普还落后2个百分点。米勒警告说,民主党需要在11月5日的普选中获得更大的优势,才能扭转选举团的选举结果。
Just two days ago, it appeared that President Trump was cruising towards a big win on November 5. But in a twist, his former chief of staff John F. Kelly unleashed a scalding critique of his former boss that suddenly reversed Kamala Harris’ month-long descent. But is the Kelly bombshell—and maybe more late-breaking good news for her campaign—too little, too late to save the VP?
According to noted data scientist Thomas Miller, that’s the unsteady state of the 2024 presidential race with twelve days to go.
For the past two months, this writer’s been closely following the forecasting from Miller, who’s a professor at Northwestern University. Miller’s calls proved dead accurate for both the 2020 presidential election, and the two Georgia Senate runoffs held two months later. In the former, Miller correctly foresaw that the contest was far closer than posited by the late polls, and tagged Biden’s victory within 12 electoral votes. In the Peach State contests pitting Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue respectively against Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, the polls held a week before Election Day augured that both GOP candidates would win comfortably, in a twofer securing the party’s control of the upper chamber. Miller’s analysis showed the favorites heading for decisive defeats. The data scientist rang the bell, nailing the margin of victory for the pair of races combined within two tenths of a point.
In those Senate elections, Miller used forecasting tools that blended polling data and prediction markets. But he’s a strong proponent of the latter. This time, he’s exclusively deploying odds based on bettors place not on the candidate they plan to vote for, but the one they think will win. His data source is PredictIt, the most trustworthy platform for political wagering; the site handles giant average trading volumes of 39,000 shares a day. Miller adjusts PredictIt’s daily prices by applying his own methodology. For example, the preponderance of men on the site favor the GOP. Miller calculates the size of that bias, and tweaks the numbers to get what he deems the most accurate read.
Put simply, the Miller system finds that the PredicIt prices display a strong correlation to the popular vote split. His research also shows and that over all presidential elections since 1960, the percentage of nationwide ballots cast for each candidate translates closely to the number of electoral college votes (EVs) they receive. Each day, Miller runs the PredictIt prices through his construct to calculate the EV counts. At midnight, he posts the breakdown on his homepage, The Virtual Tout.
This writer rates Miller’s model among the best methods for gauging the election’s outcome for a simple reason: It banishes the noise from polls and pundits, and distills all the contradictory information out there into, at any one moment, into a single electoral vote count for each candidate set by people putting their own dollars on the line. His platform resembles the markets for stocks and bonds where all the investors’ disparate views get weighed, then expressed as one price, for say, Microsoft or the S&P 500.
This election’s been an dizzying roller coaster ride, and the candidate plunging in August and September rebounded big
The Virtual Tout result for October 22 was the latest in a recent series of shockers: It showed Trump leading by 154 electoral votes, 346 to 192. “In exactly one month, the forecast using the same model and PredictIt ‘investor pool’ underwent a complete reversal,” marvels Miller. On September 20, Harris appeared en route to an easy win. She claimed the 337 EVs to 201 for Trump. In the subsequent 32 days, the tally swung towards the former president by an astounding 252 EVs. The race became a mirror image of its status when Harris’ numbers peaked in the days following her excellent debate performance.
Even before the recent upheaval, each candidate looked poised for a landslide, once for Trump, and twice for Harris. The former president was crushing Joe Biden in the days following their debate. Then, after Biden’s withdrawal on July 21, the Vice President hovered for a week-and-a-half at well below 270 mark needed to win. The outlook changed dramatically after Trump appeared before the National Association of Black Journalists on July 21, and falsely claimed that his opponent misled voters about her race. That day, Harris vaulted ahead, and remained dominant for just over two months. She reached a first peak around the time of the Democratic National Convention in mid-August, then Trump gradually regained his footing, shrinking the gap to around a dozen EVs just before the debate on September 10. His weak performance at the face-off in Philly sent his numbers plummeting once again, and Harris commanded over 300 EVs from that day all the way through October 1.
It wasn’t until October 7, just over two weeks ago, that Trump gained the upper hand for the first time in more than two months, nudging 2 EVs in front. From there, it’s became a liftoff for the GOP standard-bearer. By October 11, the gap grew to 70, but dipped to just 42 EVs five days later. The tightening was short-lived. In less than a week, Trump’s bundle more than tripled to the 154 EV margin reached on October 22.
The Kelly charges gave Harris a big, sudden, sorely-needed boost
The very day Trump hit that 150-plus summit, General Kelly issued his condemnation of Trump as an erratic amateur unfit for the presidency. In a New York Times article published on October 22 that garnered explosive media coverage the next day, Kelly declared that Trump “falls under the general definition of fascism,” and “prefers the dictator approach to government.” According to the retired Marine Corps general, who served as the former president’s chief of staff for 17 months in 2017 and 2018, Trump ultimately “seeks the power to do anything he wants to do.” Kelly further asserted that Trump made positive comments to him about Adolf Hitler, a charge Kelly also made in a piece published the same day in The Atlantic.
Trump fired back, branding Kelly “a total degenerate” and “a lowlife” who invented the story “out of pure Trump Derangement Syndrome Hatred.” Kamala Harris pounced to capitalize on the Kelly pounding. “This is a window into who Donald Trump really is from the people who know him best,” the VP stated, adding that Kelly’s view proves once again that Trump is “increasingly unhinged and unstable.”
Kelly’s blast helped Harris’ odds on PredictIt, and as a result significantly improved her standing on Miller’s Virtual Tout. On Wednesday, October 23, Harris added 22 electoral votes, rising from 192 to 214, and Trump shrank by the same number Harris gained, by 22 from 346 to 324, a fall that shaved his lead from 154 to 110. Harris’ jump wasn’t as big as the 35 EV surge in her favor the day of the debate. But it was the first large, one-day increase she’s gotten since then, and for now, put her back on an upward slope following a month of sharp, virtually continuous decline.
For Miller, and other experts such as Allan Lichtman, the fundamentals contradict the data
For Miller, the question now is whether this change in the race’s “fundamentals”—Kelly’s sweeping denunciation and Trump’s name-calling in response—show up in what he believes best demonstrates where the election’s headed, the best “technicals” reflected in his electoral vote projections.
Miller draws a distinction between “technical” and “fundamental” analysis in predicting elections—and says the takeaways from the two systems now contradict one another. He stresses that these approaches apply in politics as well as financial markets, where they’re routinely deployed in handicapping price future action for stocks and bonds. In assessing securities, the “technicals” identify market trends and patterns that repeat over time, forming a roadmap for where prices are headed. The fundamental focus examines the underlying factors that historically determine the trajectory for a company’s shares or an index, including forecasts for the likes of profits, revenues, buybacks and R&D.
For elections, technical analysis involves crunching data collected from polling or betting sites, and refining the numbers to “scientifically” determine the odds each candidate will win. The deeply stat-dependent approach doesn’t consider such “fundamentals” as the combatants’ policies, personalities, or the economic circumstances at election time. For example, moving to the center, delivering a positive message of hope and inclusion, and displaying sterling character traits have long proven winning strategies.
Not this time. Following Trump’s remarkable surge, Miller perceives a big disconnect between the fundamentals and technicals. “I can’t explain what we’re seeing in terms of political wisdom or the basics of the way the two candidates have run their campaigns,” he told Fortune. He adds on the Virtual Tout site, “The Republican message has been a dark and anti-immigrant message, laced with disparaging comments about Harris. Trump vows to take revenge against his opponents if he wins the 2024 election.” By contrast, he finds that “The Democratic message has been hopeful and upbeat, offering unity rather than division.”
For Miller, Trump is a far-right extremist championing the most radical platform since the out-of-the-mainstream, ultra-conservative agenda that sank Barry Goldwater in 1964. Miller notes that overwhelming winner Lyndon Johnson occupied a center-left position similar to Harris’ moderate stance this year. Hence, following the fundamentals, Miller reckons that Harris should be winning, and winning big.
Miller highly respects the forecasts from the “oracle of American elections,” Allan Lichtman, history professor at American University. Since 1982, Lichtman has picked the victor in every presidential election, including Trump’s surprise win over Hillary Clinton’s in 2016. He argues powerfully that it’s the fundamentals not the data, that capture the true picture. The Lichtman template asserts that thirteen bedrock drivers or “keys” determine who hits the 270 EVs or above required to capture the keys to the White House. The challenger must check six or more boxes to prevail. The list includes: Whether the incumbent party’s candidate faced a tough challenge for the nomination, and if the economy’s currently in recession.
In Lichtman’s view, Harris scores on those two, and pockets seven additional keys. Trump gets only four. In He considers that the polls now showing the vice president in trouble are meaningless because they suffer from “margins of errors” of at least twelve points. “The polls should be consigned to flames,” he stated in a recent interview. Lichtman cites that the celebrated surveys, and such famed prognosticators as Nate Silver, proved radically wrong in calling for a Clinton win in 2016. Lichtman argues that in Trump versus Clinton, the pollsters far underestimated the voting strength for Republicans, and that this year, they’re missing the Democrats actual power at the ballot box. As evidence, he cites that the Dems far outperformed the pollsters’ predictions in the 2022 midterms and the special elections that followed. Lichtman says that Harris has a lock on the fundamentals, and whatever the polls and betting odds say, the fundamentals always prevail.
Miller agrees with Lichtman that the logic of past elections favors Harris—but he’s sticking with the data
Miller shares Lichtman’s concerns about polls. He’s also impressed by Lichtman’s reasoning and track record. But he raises counter arguments as well. The recent national polls, Miller says, are “catching up,” and reinforcing, the betting odds. As of October 23, the RealClear Politics average had Trump trailing by just 0.2%, compared to 2 points as recently as October 5. The Dems, Miller warns, would need a far bigger popular vote advantage on November 5 to swing the electoral college.
The data guy also focuses on that what he ranks as a powerful Lichtman key, the nation’s current economic condition. For Lichtman, that factor’s a big plus for Harris because “incumbents” get a substantial lift if we’re not in recession. But Miller says that while the macro numbers look good, Americans don’t feel good, so the situation that usually helps the party in the White House is now doing just the opposite, imposing a heavy drag for the VP. “The message from the Democratic Party is that GDP is growing strongly, unemployment is low, inflation is coming down,” he declares. “They spotlight all these good indices. But most people don’t think about GDP or that prices aren’t rising as fast as before. They think about how they have to work two jobs to get by, or that their grocery bills jumped hugely under Biden, and that they have no savings and because of high interest rates, can’t afford a mortgage to buy a first home or trade in the old car for a new one.”
So Miller deems that “not a recession” gets swamped by the dollar squeeze Americans feel in their own lives. He raises two other negatives for the VP. A big one is her recent avowal that she wouldn’t have changed any of President Biden’s policies. “Then how is she the candidate of change, as she claims?” asks Miller. He also observes that a huge voter contingent is tired of America’s support for foreign wars, and fear that we’ll be forced to send U.S. troops onto harms way. As a result, Trump’s isolationism is currently more appealing than Harris’ traditional, pro-NATO stance that advocates strong backing for Israel in battling Hamas, and Ukraine in its fight to defeat Russia and save its homeland.
Miller also rejects the idea that PredictIt’s prices are extremely unreliable, and should be ignored, because the bettors are mostly a male, pro-Trump cohort that wildly skews the odds towards the former president. “I keep getting these OMG emails from people saying ‘How can this possibly happen? It must be because the bettors are young and male and bet like they do on sports so they’re leaning Republican!'” He counters that that tilt is slight, and that his framework corrects for it. “Keep in mind that the same investors were saying just the opposite a month ago,” he declares. “If you believe the results on September 20 then you have to believe the numbers on October 22. You can’t discount one and not the other.”
So how does he assess the chances Harris can close the gulf over the remaining thirteen days, especially now that the Kelly onslaught is dominating the news, and already lifted Harris’ formerly falling EV numbers? “Based on one day’s data, we’re seeing a shift in the direction of the campaign,” says Miller. “The trading volumes on the prediction markets are increasing, indicating that more people are changing their minds and shifting to Harris. Additionally, new investors are likely entering the market.” He adds that Kelly’s disturbing characterization of Trump may help Harris frame a compelling closing argument. “It reinforces her message that the campaign’s not just about women’s rights but everyone’s rights,” he says. “Trump’s reaction to Kelly’s comments shows once again that he regards his opponents as enemies, and that his message is dark.” The Kelly scenario, he stresses, spotlights that Harris is winning on the fundamentals that usually decide elections, but so far aren’t resonating in 2024.
Miller cautions that we’ve seen huge moves in relatively short periods, and could witness still another earthquake by Election Day that swells support for the VP, notably if the Biden team engineered a sudden settlement ending the Israel-Hamas conflict or war in Ukraine. In conclusion, Miller states that “You can make a strong case for Harris on the fundamentals. Trump should not win, but the data still says he’s going to win.” Still, the former president’s position, he adds, isn’t as strong as on the day before John Kelly dropped the haymaker that could reboot the VP’s flagging fortunes.