“冬季风暴埃利奥特”(非正式名称)不可避免地导致航班取消,给大多数航空公司造成了一天的混乱。但对于西南航空及其过时的机组调度软件来说,这场混乱持续了超过72小时,该公司取消了超过1.6万架次的航班。一些人(数目不详)被迫在机场过夜或与陌生人临时驾车旅行,以挽回假期。这场崩溃如此严重,以至于被《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)调侃。
激进对冲基金埃利奥特管理公司(Elliott Management,持有这家市值180亿美元的航空公司11%的股份)看到了扭亏为盈的机会,于今年早些时候发起了一场激进的运动,要求罢免首席执行官鲍勃·乔丹、董事长兼前首席执行官加里·凯利(Gary Kelly),并更换一半的董事会成员。埃利奥特管理公司表示,该公司的领导层固守现有的运营和定价模式,未能做出必要的改变以增加收入。该对冲基金在开场白中表示:“西南航空固守几十年前的运营模式,限制了其在现代航空业中的竞争力。”
双方上周达成协议,避免了代理权之争。西南航空同意增补六名新董事会成员,其中五名是埃利奥特管理公司提名的人选,包括维珍航空(Virgin America)和西捷航空(西捷航空)的前首席执行官。董事会还增加了雪佛龙(Chevron)前首席财务官皮埃尔·布雷伯(Pierre Breber)。作为和解协议的一部分,领导西南航空长达18年的凯利将比原计划提前退休。但在公司工作了30年、于2022年出任首席执行官的乔丹将继续留任。
就在不久前,西南航空公司发生这样的激进主义事件还是不可想象的。从初创公司成长为美国四大航空公司之一(与美国航空公司(American Airlines)、达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines)和联合航空公司(United Airlines)并列),西南航空的非凡发展历程使其成为商学院的热门案例研究对象。在疫情爆发之前,西南航空连续47年保持盈利。这是任何国内或国际航空公司都无法比拟的成就。事实上,在过去的半个世纪里,西南航空在美国的三大主要竞争对手都至少经历过一次破产。
麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)商业实践教授、《适者的复兴:为什么实力雄厚公司会衰败,以及杰出管理者如何重塑它们》(Revival of the Fittest: Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Can Remake Them)一书的作者唐纳德·苏尔(Donald Sull)说,西南航空之所以能够崛起,得益于其独特的特质——平等的座位安排和反对额外收费的立场,但这些曾经助其成功的特色,反而成为负担。
50多年前,赫布·凯莱赫(Herbert Kelleher)与他人共同创立了西南航空公司,最初这是一家只在德克萨斯州内城市间提供服务的本地低成本航空公司。随着航空公司的发展壮大,它采取了与竞争对手截然不同的航空旅行方式。除了提供无附加服务、低费用的体验外,西南航空还采用了点对点的航线系统,让乘客无需转机即可在城市间飞行,而不必像枢纽-辐射式模式那样在另一个城市转机。西南航空只使用单一机型,即波音737,以实现标准化运营。最为人所知的是,这家初创公司曾实施开放式座位安排,并在2007年之前一直遵循先到先得的登机政策。
随着时间的推移,凯莱赫不仅因其幽默感而为人所知,也因其出色的商业才能而声名鹊起。在1994年的一篇人物简介中,《财富》杂志称他为“航空业的幽默大师,笑话界的大祭司,曾在公众场合装扮成猫王和复活节兔子的人,通过表达对香烟、波旁威士忌酒和下流故事的喜爱而塑造出滑稽公众形象的人”。但他同样是一位受人尊敬的战略家。凯莱赫于2019年去世后,管理大师罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin)向这位创始人致敬道,凯莱赫是为数不多的认识到“通往非凡成就的唯一途径就是做出与众不同的选择”的人之一。
当时,这些选择几十年来一直行之有效。除了在“9-11事件”之后因安全要求加强而对座位政策做了微调外,其他方面基本保持不变。研究公司晨星(Morningstar)的航空业分析师尼古拉斯·欧文斯(Nicolas Owens)告诉《财富》杂志,2015年至2019年对美国航空业来说是一段极其繁荣的时期,这一时期的特征是需求强劲和盈利能力高。欧文斯指出,低油价是当时的主要利好因素,原因是当油价高企时,航空公司通常会将燃油成本转嫁给乘客,而当燃油成本下降时,航空公司会降低机票价格。
Sanford C. Bernstein的分析师大卫·弗农(David Vernon)表示,西南航空的竞争对手也推出了基本经济舱服务,侵蚀了西南航空的“无附加服务”策略,并"在现有网络中增加了更多座位,从而涌入了对价格敏感的旅客市场”。简而言之,各大航空公司在票价细分策略方面进行了创新,而西南航空却没有。
2022年的崩溃不仅让西南航空遭受了美国交通部1.4亿美元的重罚,也让其品牌暂时蒙上了污点。乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business)兼职教授、美国航空公司前高管罗布·布里顿(Rob Britton)表示,这一事件严重暴露了西南航空文化的封闭性问题。
根据苏尔的研究,为了摆脱“积极惰性”,公司确实需要进行重大变革,但这并不意味着必须聘请外来的首席执行官。相反,他们应该寻找“面向外部的内部”领导者,或者那些既拥有公司制度知识,又能够保持一定距离感,从而看清公司所面临困境的高管。例如,这样的领导者可能负责国际业务或非核心部门。苏尔说,想想通用电气(GE)的杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)吧,他在接手通用电气之前负责公司的塑料业务。
Sanford C. Bernstein的分析师弗农认为,西南航空的领导层并非像一些人所认为的那样逃避现实,以至于希望事情能够恢复原样——即更多人选择乘坐廉价、高频的短途航班。
“冬季风暴埃利奥特”(非正式名称)不可避免地导致航班取消,给大多数航空公司造成了一天的混乱。但对于西南航空及其过时的机组调度软件来说,这场混乱持续了超过72小时,该公司取消了超过1.6万架次的航班。一些人(数目不详)被迫在机场过夜或与陌生人临时驾车旅行,以挽回假期。这场崩溃如此严重,以至于被《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)调侃。
激进对冲基金埃利奥特管理公司(Elliott Management,持有这家市值180亿美元的航空公司11%的股份)看到了扭亏为盈的机会,于今年早些时候发起了一场激进的运动,要求罢免首席执行官鲍勃·乔丹、董事长兼前首席执行官加里·凯利(Gary Kelly),并更换一半的董事会成员。埃利奥特管理公司表示,该公司的领导层固守现有的运营和定价模式,未能做出必要的改变以增加收入。该对冲基金在开场白中表示:“西南航空固守几十年前的运营模式,限制了其在现代航空业中的竞争力。”
双方上周达成协议,避免了代理权之争。西南航空同意增补六名新董事会成员,其中五名是埃利奥特管理公司提名的人选,包括维珍航空(Virgin America)和西捷航空(西捷航空)的前首席执行官。董事会还增加了雪佛龙(Chevron)前首席财务官皮埃尔·布雷伯(Pierre Breber)。作为和解协议的一部分,领导西南航空长达18年的凯利将比原计划提前退休。但在公司工作了30年、于2022年出任首席执行官的乔丹将继续留任。
就在不久前,西南航空公司发生这样的激进主义事件还是不可想象的。从初创公司成长为美国四大航空公司之一(与美国航空公司(American Airlines)、达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines)和联合航空公司(United Airlines)并列),西南航空的非凡发展历程使其成为商学院的热门案例研究对象。在疫情爆发之前,西南航空连续47年保持盈利。这是任何国内或国际航空公司都无法比拟的成就。事实上,在过去的半个世纪里,西南航空在美国的三大主要竞争对手都至少经历过一次破产。
麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)商业实践教授、《适者的复兴:为什么实力雄厚公司会衰败,以及杰出管理者如何重塑它们》(Revival of the Fittest: Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Can Remake Them)一书的作者唐纳德·苏尔(Donald Sull)说,西南航空之所以能够崛起,得益于其独特的特质——平等的座位安排和反对额外收费的立场,但这些曾经助其成功的特色,反而成为负担。
50多年前,赫布·凯莱赫(Herbert Kelleher)与他人共同创立了西南航空公司,最初这是一家只在德克萨斯州内城市间提供服务的本地低成本航空公司。随着航空公司的发展壮大,它采取了与竞争对手截然不同的航空旅行方式。除了提供无附加服务、低费用的体验外,西南航空还采用了点对点的航线系统,让乘客无需转机即可在城市间飞行,而不必像枢纽-辐射式模式那样在另一个城市转机。西南航空只使用单一机型,即波音737,以实现标准化运营。最为人所知的是,这家初创公司曾实施开放式座位安排,并在2007年之前一直遵循先到先得的登机政策。
随着时间的推移,凯莱赫不仅因其幽默感而为人所知,也因其出色的商业才能而声名鹊起。在1994年的一篇人物简介中,《财富》杂志称他为“航空业的幽默大师,笑话界的大祭司,曾在公众场合装扮成猫王和复活节兔子的人,通过表达对香烟、波旁威士忌酒和下流故事的喜爱而塑造出滑稽公众形象的人”。但他同样是一位受人尊敬的战略家。凯莱赫于2019年去世后,管理大师罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin)向这位创始人致敬道,凯莱赫是为数不多的认识到“通往非凡成就的唯一途径就是做出与众不同的选择”的人之一。
当时,这些选择几十年来一直行之有效。除了在“9-11事件”之后因安全要求加强而对座位政策做了微调外,其他方面基本保持不变。研究公司晨星(Morningstar)的航空业分析师尼古拉斯·欧文斯(Nicolas Owens)告诉《财富》杂志,2015年至2019年对美国航空业来说是一段极其繁荣的时期,这一时期的特征是需求强劲和盈利能力高。欧文斯指出,低油价是当时的主要利好因素,原因是当油价高企时,航空公司通常会将燃油成本转嫁给乘客,而当燃油成本下降时,航空公司会降低机票价格。
Sanford C. Bernstein的分析师大卫·弗农(David Vernon)表示,西南航空的竞争对手也推出了基本经济舱服务,侵蚀了西南航空的“无附加服务”策略,并"在现有网络中增加了更多座位,从而涌入了对价格敏感的旅客市场”。简而言之,各大航空公司在票价细分策略方面进行了创新,而西南航空却没有。
2022年的崩溃不仅让西南航空遭受了美国交通部1.4亿美元的重罚,也让其品牌暂时蒙上了污点。乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business)兼职教授、美国航空公司前高管罗布·布里顿(Rob Britton)表示,这一事件严重暴露了西南航空文化的封闭性问题。
根据苏尔的研究,为了摆脱“积极惰性”,公司确实需要进行重大变革,但这并不意味着必须聘请外来的首席执行官。相反,他们应该寻找“面向外部的内部”领导者,或者那些既拥有公司制度知识,又能够保持一定距离感,从而看清公司所面临困境的高管。例如,这样的领导者可能负责国际业务或非核心部门。苏尔说,想想通用电气(GE)的杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)吧,他在接手通用电气之前负责公司的塑料业务。
Sanford C. Bernstein的分析师弗农认为,西南航空的领导层并非像一些人所认为的那样逃避现实,以至于希望事情能够恢复原样——即更多人选择乘坐廉价、高频的短途航班。
Bob Jordan:Christopher Goodney/Bloomberg-Getty Images, Southwest airplane:Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto-Getty Images; Clouds; Jason Hosking-Getty Images
The storm’s timing couldn’t have been worse.
In late December of 2022, an “extratropical cyclone” brought all manner of menacing winter conditions to two-thirds of the U.S., including the entire Eastern Seaboard and parts of Canada. Wind-chill warnings, whiteouts, and extraordinary snowfall complicated travel for millions.
Flight cancellations from what was unofficially dubbed Winter Storm Elliott were inevitable, creating chaos at most airlines for a day. But for Southwest Airlines and its outdated crew-scheduling software, the madness dragged on for over 72 hours as the carrier canceled more than 16,000 flights. An undisclosed number of people were forced to sleep in airports or improvise road trips with strangers to salvage their holidays. The meltdown was so bad that Southwest was pilloried by Saturday Night Live.
The company eventually got back to business as usual, until this year, when a barrage of attacks from another Elliott—this one an activist hedge fund—led to a high-profile reckoning and major leadership shakeup.
The battle alarmed Southwest’s loyal flyers, who are legion. Over 50 years, the Texas-based company has built a cult-favorite brand on a combination of economy-class-only flights, free bag checks and flight changes, and often self-deprecating humor. Flight attendants are known for bookending their safety procedure announcements with comedy bits and dad jokes.
But some investors say Southwest’s foundational practices haven’t aged well as industry operating costs have risen. Since the pandemic, Southwest has lagged competitors in financial performance, and its share price is down 50% compared to 2021.
Seeing a turnaround opportunity, Elliott Management, an activist hedge fund with an 11% stake in the $18 billion airline, launched an aggressive campaign earlier this year to push out CEO Bob Jordan, as well as chairman and former CEO Gary Kelly, and replace half of Southwest’s board. Elliott asserted that the company’s leadership is too entrenched in the airline’s existing operating and pricing model to make changes to boost revenue. “Southwest’s rigid commitment to a decades-old approach has inhibited its ability to compete in the modern airline industry,” the hedge fund said in its opening salvo.
The two sides reached an agreement this week, averting a proxy battle. Southwest agreed to take on six new board members, five of whom were Elliott nominees, including former CEOs from Virgin America and WestJet. The board also added former Chevron CFO Pierre Breber. Kelly, who had led Southwest for 18 years, will now retire earlier than previously planned as part of the truce. But Jordan, a 30-year company veteran who became CEO in 2022, will hold on to his job.
Southwest Airlines and Elliott Management declined to comment.
Not long ago, such activist drama at Southwest would have been unthinkable. The airline’s remarkable growth story from startup to a top-four U.S. airline—along with American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and United Airlines—made it a business-school case-study favorite. And before the pandemic, Southwest was profitable for 47 straight years. No other domestic or global airline can claim the same profitability streak. In fact, all three of Southwest’s main U.S. competitors have gone bankrupt at least once in the past half-century.
But the same unique traits that made Southwest soar—its egalitarian seating and anti-fee stance—have paradoxically weighed it down, says Donald Sull, an MIT Sloan School of Management professor of business practice and author of Revival of the Fittest: Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Can Remake Them.
Sull, who has followed Southwest’s story for years, tells Fortune that the airline’s current crisis is reminiscent of companies like Blockbuster and Compaq. In short, Southwest has been responding to changes in the business landscape by doubling down on its existing strategy.
“Business history is littered with the corpses of companies that have fallen prey to active inertia,” he adds.
No frills and few fees
Herbert Kelleher cofounded Southwest more than 50 years ago as a local, low-cost airline serving Texan cities. As the airline grew, it took a radically different approach to air travel than its competitors. In addition to creating a no-frills, few-fees experience, Southwest adopted a point-to-point routing system, allowing passengers to fly between cities without transferring, rather than the hub-and-spoke model, which requires fliers to stop over in another city. Southwest also used only one type of plane, a Boeing 737, to standardize operations. And most famously, the startup embraced an open seating plan and, until 2007, a first-come, first serve policy.
Over time, Kelleher became known as much for his business prowess as his sense of humor. In a 1994 profile, Fortune called him “the airline industry’s jokemeister, the High Priest of Ha-Ha, a man who has appeared in public dressed as Elvis and the Easter Bunny, who has carved an antic public persona out of his affection for cigarettes, bourbon, and bawdy stories.” But he was revered as a strategist too. After Kelleher died in 2019, management guru Roger Martin paid tribute to the founder, writing that he was one of a few who understood that “the only path to distinctive results is with distinctive choices.”
At the time, those choices had been working for decades. There was little deviation, aside from a tweak to its seating policy following increased security requirements after 9/11. And 2015 to 2019 was a particularly heady time for the U.S. airline industry in general, characterized by strong demand and profitability, Nicolas Owens, airline analyst at research firm Morningstar, tells Fortune. Low oil prices were the key tailwinds at the time, Owens argues, since airlines tend to pass on fuel costs to passengers when oil is expensive, and chop ticket prices when fuel costs drop.
But the pandemic and temporary plane groundings brought an abrupt halt to this period. “COVID comes along and totally disrupts the industry,” says Owens. “Planes aren't flying, people aren't flying, etc etera.”
The pandemic briefly sent airline valuations into a free fall. But another change came as the pandemic eased and airlines began ramping up again. Customer preferences shifted, and more Americans chose to fly internationally or revenge-spend on premium services, while taking fewer same-day business trips between U.S. cities.
The airlines weren’t ready for the surge in demand, Owens explains. Just finding pilots was challenging; many of those who hadn’t been furloughed had retired. However, other than Southwest, the large U.S. airlines were prepared to meet the flying public’s new inclinations, having the right travel networks and products in place to take advantage of pent-up demand for Paris getaways or adventures in Tokyo. Before the pandemic, they had built up their capacity through mergers, and given themselves many levers to pull to respond to the marketplace. For example, they had three or more levels of passenger service to sell, along with airport lounge access. They could charge passengers for extra leg room or faster boarding privileges. With their international routes or airline partnerships, they were prepared to serve globe-trotters, vacationers, short-haul business travelers, and anyone else. “You had really strong financial results in general, where you had airlines reporting record revenue compared to 2019,” even with fewer flights, Owens says.
Southwest’s competitors have also been introducing basic economy seats, cutting into its no-frills strategy and “flooding the price-conscious-traveler space with additional seats within their existing networks,” says David Vernon, an analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein. In short, major airlines have been innovative with their fare-segmentation strategies in a way that Southwest has not.
“The Elliott criticism that the Southwest experience hasn't changed much is fair,” he adds.
As a result of the shift in consumer tastes and increased competition for budget travelers, not to mention higher labor and fuel costs, Southwest has been struggling in the post-pandemic environment. This year, Boeing’s own struggles and its expectation of slower production also impacted the company, which was forced to cut its capacity.
Winter Storm Elliott was also a blow, and one that could have been avoided had the company prioritized an update of its crew-scheduling system. The software had no way of automatically reassigning crews to planes following cancellations, and instead required staffers to manually find and schedule crew members. That was a manageable issue when relatively few flights were canceled, but a logistical nightmare when it came to thousands. In an internal report, the company also identified “insufficient winter infrastructure and equipment in key airport locations” as a root cause of the crisis.
CEO Jordan apologized for the chaos, saying in a video message that “we know even our deepest apologies—to our customers, to our employees, and to all affected through this disruption—only go so far.” The airline vowed to refund customers, later spending $600 million to do so.
A cultural blindness
The 2022 meltdown left Southwest with a $140 million fine from the Department of Transportation and temporarily stained the brand. It was also a damning sign of Southwest’s cultural insularity, according to Rob Britton, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and a former American Airlines executive.
Like Sull, he argues that Southwest leaders created and presided over a culture that relied too heavily on past success, and failed to prioritize innovation. To his mind, that’s what led to its failure to invest adequately in technology. Even in its heyday, the company was too satisfied with its own strategies, for example rejecting Wall Street suggestions that it charge for bags as other airlines have done for more than a decade, says Britton. For context, American and United earned $1 billion each in bag fees last year. (Southwest recently shared customer research showing the airline would lose $300 million annually if it charged for bags, based on the number of consumers who would stop flying Southwest.)
Companies ought to be constantly reviewing which entrenched practices are working and which are holding them back from even greater growth, Britton says. Had Southwest dropped some of its trademark policies that keep costs down for customers, it may have been better prepared to weather rising costs.
To be fair, says Britton, “the industry tends toward insularity.” Airline leaders are often reluctant to hire leaders from the automotive or consumer-goods categories since they believe that airlines are just too complex for outsiders to understand. “Southwest is an extreme version of that insularity,” he continues, pointing to the company’s commitment to promoting from within and longtime aversion to establishing alliances with other airlines.
But Sull cautions against painting Southwest executives as arrogant, complacent, or not forward-looking. “None of that has to be true for a company to struggle to adapt to changing circumstances when its commitments have hardened,” he says. Executives who have seen their unique system work and have been breathing the same air for years struggle to envision alternatives.
Making changes
To escape “active inertia,” according to Sull’s research, companies do need to make drastic changes, but not necessarily by embracing an outsider CEO. Instead, they should look to insider-outside leaders, or executives from the company who have institutional knowledge but also enough distance to see the company’s predicament. That person might run an international business, for example, or a non-core division. Think Jack Welch at GE, who ran the company’s plastics business before taking over, says Sull.
Vernon, the Bernstein analyst, suggests that Southwest’s leadership might not have been burying their heads in the sand as much as “hoping that things would go back to the way they were”—that is, with more people taking cheap, high-frequency, short-haul flights.
“I think the market changed really quickly,” he says, “and they weren’t sure if the change was permanent.”
That Jordan was spared in the changes driven by Elliott did not surprise analysts. Just last month, the CEO revealed plans for seats with more legroom and assigned seats, adjustments the company said were in the works before Elliott began agitating for change. Last month, Southwest also launched its first airline partnership, linking with Icelandair. The company had signaled that it, too, saw the need for change, and had already agreed to Kelly’s departure.
Southwest’s next big challenge is developing a granular understanding of its customer segments, Owens says. But he cautions that labor costs and other issues are still working their way through the highly competitive airline industry.
“I don't think any given airline is really in control of its economic destiny,” he adds.