这一消息标志着卡特在白宫西翼内外为公众服务漫长一生的终结。在他去世之前,他的妻子罗莎琳·卡特(Rosalynn Carter)已于2023年11月19日离世,享年96岁。
自1973年以来,只有4位前总统举行了国葬。1994年去世的理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)要求他的家人为其安排一场规模更为精简的仪式,地点就选在他的总统图书馆内。
与英国皇室一样,美国总统在任期间也需要面对筹办自己葬礼事宜的伤感任务。白宫历史协会(White House Historical Association)指出,葬礼的协调工作在每位总统上任初期就已启动。
上一次全国哀悼日是在2018年12月5日,以纪念前总统乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George H.W. Bush)。
“在总统、前总统或当选总统辞世后的次日——若该日恰逢周日或法定节假日,则礼炮仪式将顺延至次日举行——军队指挥官将率领必要的人员,携带所需物资,依照传统习俗,从起床号响起的那一刻起,至黄昏宣告撤退之际,每半小时鸣放一炮。”空军在杰拉尔德·福特(Gerald Ford)去世时写道。
白宫援引罗伯特·克罗斯特牧师(Rev. Robert Certain)对福特的评价称:“负责国家礼仪事务的工作人员和他一起工作,向他阐释这些仪式不仅是为了国家,同时也是为了他的家人而举行的。他勉强同意了某些仪式安排。”(克罗斯特牧师曾是美国圣公会教堂的牧师,福特总统和夫人就在该教堂做礼拜。)
总统葬礼是美国人为数不多的能看到所有在世前总统齐聚一堂的场合,原因是他们会暂时搁置政治分歧,以表达对逝者的敬意。追悼会通常在华盛顿国家大教堂举行。(不过,鉴于卡特与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在理念上的深刻分歧,目前尚不清楚特朗普是否会出席或受邀参加葬礼)。
这一消息标志着卡特在白宫西翼内外为公众服务漫长一生的终结。在他去世之前,他的妻子罗莎琳·卡特(Rosalynn Carter)已于2023年11月19日离世,享年96岁。
自1973年以来,只有4位前总统举行了国葬。1994年去世的理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)要求他的家人为其安排一场规模更为精简的仪式,地点就选在他的总统图书馆内。
与英国皇室一样,美国总统在任期间也需要面对筹办自己葬礼事宜的伤感任务。白宫历史协会(White House Historical Association)指出,葬礼的协调工作在每位总统上任初期就已启动。
上一次全国哀悼日是在2018年12月5日,以纪念前总统乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George H.W. Bush)。
“在总统、前总统或当选总统辞世后的次日——若该日恰逢周日或法定节假日,则礼炮仪式将顺延至次日举行——军队指挥官将率领必要的人员,携带所需物资,依照传统习俗,从起床号响起的那一刻起,至黄昏宣告撤退之际,每半小时鸣放一炮。”空军在杰拉尔德·福特(Gerald Ford)去世时写道。
白宫援引罗伯特·克罗斯特牧师(Rev. Robert Certain)对福特的评价称:“负责国家礼仪事务的工作人员和他一起工作,向他阐释这些仪式不仅是为了国家,同时也是为了他的家人而举行的。他勉强同意了某些仪式安排。”(克罗斯特牧师曾是美国圣公会教堂的牧师,福特总统和夫人就在该教堂做礼拜。)
总统葬礼是美国人为数不多的能看到所有在世前总统齐聚一堂的场合,原因是他们会暂时搁置政治分歧,以表达对逝者的敬意。追悼会通常在华盛顿国家大教堂举行。(不过,鉴于卡特与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在理念上的深刻分歧,目前尚不清楚特朗普是否会出席或受邀参加葬礼)。
Jimmy Carter, the longest living president in American history, has died at the age of 100.
The news concludes a long life of public service, both inside and outside of the West Wing. His death follows the passing of his longtime wife Rosalynn Carter, who died on Nov. 19, 2023 at the age of 96.
“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” former President Jimmy Carter said in a statement following Rosalynn’s passing. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”
Carter, whose Secret Service code name was Deacon, defied illness and death for years. On Feb. 20, 2023, representatives of the former president announced that Carter had elected to enter hospice care to “spend his remaining time at home with his family.” Many Americans expected him to pass soon thereafter and were subsequently surprised by the length of his time in hospice.
His passing marks the beginning of an orchestrated process that will include a period of national mourning and remembrance.
There have been just four state funerals for former presidents since 1973. Richard Nixon, who died in 1994, requested that his family opt instead for a smaller ceremony at his presidential library
Much like British royalty, U.S. presidents have the maudlin task of planning their own funerals, while in office. The White House Historical Association notes coordination for the funeral begins early in each president’s term.
“By helping plan their own funeral, presidents are able to incorporate personal touches that can elucidate their character and legacy on a national stage for the last time,” the association writes.
Carter’s specific funeral arrangements are currently unknown, but here is what we are likely to see after he dies.
Flags will be lowered to half-staff
It’s federal law that flags on all federal buildings, grounds, and naval vessels be lowered to half-staff for 30 days, once a president passes away. (Vice-presidents and Chief Justices receive a 10-day half-staff honor.)
President Biden will declare a National Day of Mourning
Sitting presidents will typically make an address when one of their predecessors passes on, generally declaring a National Day of Mourning on the day of the funeral. That means the federal government will shut down for a day and both the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq markets will not trade.
The last National Day of Mourning was held on Dec. 5, 2018 to honor the memory of former President George H.W. Bush.
Ceremonial gun salutes will begin well before the funeral
It’s military tradition to honor the death of presidents and former presidents with a ceremonial gun salute. While most people think of the three rifle volley that typically accompanies a military funeral, this tradition is less known.
“On the day after the death of the president, a former president or president-elect—unless this day falls on a Sunday or holiday, in which case the honor will rendered the following day—the commanders of Army installations with the necessary personnel and material traditionally order that one gun be fired every half hour, beginning at reveille and ending at retreat,” noted the Air Force upon the death of Gerald Ford.
The funeral process will likely last five days
Generally, former presidents are buried five days after they pass away. This allows for a period of remembrance and is part of the planning process presidents go through when they’re in office (though the families can make adjustments, should they choose). (It’s currently unclear if or how the New Year’s holiday will impact this timeline.)
Presidents have a say in everything from whether (and where) they lie in state at the Capitol to the route of the motorcade and the ceremonial elements of the event. That can be a bit of a hurdle for presidents who are unassuming, like Carter. The last one who had to be convinced to include some of the formalities was Gerald Ford.
“The folks that handle protocol for the country worked with him to help him understand that the service was for the nation as well as for his family, and he agreed reluctantly to certain elements,” the White House quotes Rev. Robert Certain as saying about Ford. (Certain was minister of the Episcopal Church where President and Mrs. Ford worshipped.)
Presidents will gather
Presidential funerals are among the few times Americans are likely to see all living former presidents side by side, as political differences are momentarily set aside to honor their colleague. Memorial services are usually held at the Washington National Cathedral. (It is unknown whether Donald Trump will attend or be invited to the funeral, however, given the strong philosophical differences Carter had with him.)
Following that, the former president’s body is taken to its final resting place, which in Carter’s case is still unknown. (Presidential libraries and hometowns are frequent choices.)