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Alexei Oreskovic



英伟达(Nvidia Corp)联合创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)(Valeria Mongelli/Bloomberg-Getty Images)


然而,如果你是科技界的亿万富翁,那么你极有可能在佛罗里达州的某个特定地点(特朗普旗下的海湖庄园)度过了一段时光。据《纽约时报》报道,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一直在这里过冬,住在每晚2000美元的“榕树”别墅里。最近几周,其他访客还包括亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)、苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和脸书(Facebook)联合创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。

在这位当选总统准备迎接新年之际,可能会有更多科技界精英人士加入其欢庆行列。在Truth Social上的一篇帖子中(或许本意是想以私信形式发送给马斯克),特朗普谈到了新年庆祝活动,并提到比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)已提出要参加。




对于将所收购的软件开源的决定,英伟达并未给出过多阐释,但VentureBeat推测,此举可能是为了缓解监管方面的担忧。毕竟,英伟达是人工智能图形处理器的主要制造商,市值达3.4万亿美元。开放Run:AI软件的访问权限,无疑是一种明智且友好的姿态,这一做法与微软(Microsoft)的策略如出一辙。在竭力争取其690亿美元收购动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)交易获批过程中,微软同意将《使命召唤》授权给其他平台,为期十年。



据The Information援引匿名消息人士报道称,TikTok的中国母公司字节跳动(ByteDance)计划明年斥资70亿美元购买英伟达最先进的图形处理器。

但且慢,美国政府不是以国家安全为由禁止向中国出售先进的人工智能芯片吗?确实如此。但是,据The Information报道,字节跳动并非直接购买芯片,而是通过在美国运营的数据中心提供的云服务访问这些芯片。

倘若这看似是一个巨大的漏洞,那是因为它确实是。根据The Information此前的一篇报道,美国商务部去年早些时候公布了拟议规则,规定云服务提供商需向美国政府报告任何可能利用大型人工智能模型进行恶意网络活动的外国客户,而这些模型正是通过云服务进行训练的。然而,随着新一届政府即将在几周内入主白宫,似乎关于填补这一漏洞或是放任不管的决策,都将由特朗普团队做出。




约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins University)和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的研究人员正在研发人工智能机器人外科医生,并于近期在德国慕尼黑举办的机器人学习会议上展示了该项目。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,这些机器人“掌握了自主操控针具、打结以及缝合伤口的技能”,甚至具备自行纠正诸如针具掉到地上等失误的能力。



英伟达(Nvidia Corp)联合创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)(Valeria Mongelli/Bloomberg-Getty Images)


然而,如果你是科技界的亿万富翁,那么你极有可能在佛罗里达州的某个特定地点(特朗普旗下的海湖庄园)度过了一段时光。据《纽约时报》报道,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一直在这里过冬,住在每晚2000美元的“榕树”别墅里。最近几周,其他访客还包括亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)、苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和脸书(Facebook)联合创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。

在这位当选总统准备迎接新年之际,可能会有更多科技界精英人士加入其欢庆行列。在Truth Social上的一篇帖子中(或许本意是想以私信形式发送给马斯克),特朗普谈到了新年庆祝活动,并提到比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)已提出要参加。




对于将所收购的软件开源的决定,英伟达并未给出过多阐释,但VentureBeat推测,此举可能是为了缓解监管方面的担忧。毕竟,英伟达是人工智能图形处理器的主要制造商,市值达3.4万亿美元。开放Run:AI软件的访问权限,无疑是一种明智且友好的姿态,这一做法与微软(Microsoft)的策略如出一辙。在竭力争取其690亿美元收购动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)交易获批过程中,微软同意将《使命召唤》授权给其他平台,为期十年。



据The Information援引匿名消息人士报道称,TikTok的中国母公司字节跳动(ByteDance)计划明年斥资70亿美元购买英伟达最先进的图形处理器。

但且慢,美国政府不是以国家安全为由禁止向中国出售先进的人工智能芯片吗?确实如此。但是,据The Information报道,字节跳动并非直接购买芯片,而是通过在美国运营的数据中心提供的云服务访问这些芯片。

倘若这看似是一个巨大的漏洞,那是因为它确实是。根据The Information此前的一篇报道,美国商务部去年早些时候公布了拟议规则,规定云服务提供商需向美国政府报告任何可能利用大型人工智能模型进行恶意网络活动的外国客户,而这些模型正是通过云服务进行训练的。然而,随着新一届政府即将在几周内入主白宫,似乎关于填补这一漏洞或是放任不管的决策,都将由特朗普团队做出。




约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins University)和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的研究人员正在研发人工智能机器人外科医生,并于近期在德国慕尼黑举办的机器人学习会议上展示了该项目。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,这些机器人“掌握了自主操控针具、打结以及缝合伤口的技能”,甚至具备自行纠正诸如针具掉到地上等失误的能力。



Jensen Huang, cofounder and chief executive officer of Nvidia Corp. (Valeria Mongelli/Bloomberg—Getty Images)

With the holidays in full swing, you may be reading this from somewhere beyond your home turf. Perhaps gazing at snow-covered slopes, or under a palapa on some picturesque beach? Or maybe simply at your cousin’s kitchen table, within arm’s reach of the comforts of the coffee maker (or the liquor cabinet).

If you’re a tech billionaire however, chances are good you’ve spent some time at a very specific address in Florida, at the Trump-owned Mar-a-Lago hotel. Elon Musk has been wintering on the grounds, staying in the $2,000-a-night “Banyan” cottage, according to the New York Times. Other visitors in recent weeks have included Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, and Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg.

As the president-elect prepares to ring in the new year, he may be joined by even more members of the tech aristocracy. In a post on Truth Social that may have been intended as a DM to Musk, Trump talked up the new year’s festivities, noting that Bill Gates had asked to attend.

“New Year’s Eve is going to be AMAZING!!!” the president-elect promised, signing off with his initials “DJT.”

A $700 million deal, with a twist

Graphics chip giant Nvidia officially completed its acquisition of Run:AI on Monday, plunking down a reported $700 million for software that lets customer harness and optimize GPUs in the cloud. But while Nvidia had announced its plans to buy the Israeli firm back in April, it added a surprise twist on Monday, stating that it will make Run:AI’s software open source.

While Nvidia offered little insight into its decision to open source its acquisition, VentureBeat theorized that the move likely was about easing regulatory concerns. Nvidia is the dominant maker for AI GPUs after all, with a $3.4 trillion market cap. Keeping access to Run:AI’s software open is a smart gesture of goodwill ripped straight out of the Microsoft playbook. In its efforts to win approval for its $69 billon acqustion of Activision Blizzard, Microsoft agreed to license Call of Duty to other platforms for ten years.

And let’s not forget that Nvidia already has one big antitrust problem on its plate as it is, with China’s recently launched investigation into its 2020 acquisition of Israeli hardware company Mellanox.

ByteDance’s $7 billion loophole

ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of TikTok, plans to spend $7 billion next year on Nvidia’s most advanced GPUs, according to a report in The Information citing an anonymous source.

But wait, aren’t sales of advanced AI chips to China blocked by the U.S. government on national security grounds? Indeed they are. But, The Information reports, ByteDance isn’t buying the actual chips, it’s buying access to the chips via cloud services offered by datacenters operating in the U.S.

If that seems like kind of a big loophole, well, that’s because it is. The Commerce department published proposed rules earlier this year requiring cloud providers to notify the U.S. government of any foreign customers training large AI models that could be used for malicious cyber activity, according to a previous report in The Information. With a new administration entering the White House in a just a few weeks though, it seems likely that any decision to close the loophole, or leave it, will fall to team Trump.

AI robots dream of being surgeons

Here’s something to look forward to—or one more thing to worry about—depending on your perspective.

The Washington Post reports that the advanced robotic arms used in surgery, which are currently controlled by doctors using joysticks, can learn to perform medical procedures autonomously by using AI and watching videos of similar surgical procedures.

The AI robo-surgeons are being developed by researchers at John Hopkins University and Stanford University, who recently presented their project at a robotic learning conference in Munich, Germany. According to the Post, the robots “learned to manipulate needles, tie knots, and suture wounds on their own” and were even able to self-correct mistakes like dropping a needle on the ground.

There’s still a long way to go before these robo-doctors will be replacing your torn ACLs or your gramma’s broken hip, given the inherent risks, the regulatory hurdles, and the novel questions of medical ethics and liability involved. But according to the Post, the researchers are already preparing to set the bots to work on one pliant and docile group of patients: animal cadavers.



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