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2025年3月11日,唐纳德·特朗普总统试驾特斯拉Model S。图片来源:Samuel Corum/Sipa/Bloomberg via Getty Images

• 经济学家表示,通胀降温幅度超出预期,这令人宽慰,但关税的影响尚未体现在周三公布的数据中。不过,这并未阻止特朗普政府宣称取得了胜利。


Morgan Stanley Wealth Management首席经济策略师埃伦·曾特纳(Ellen Zentner)在给《财富》杂志的一份声明中表示:“今天公布的低于预期的消费者物价指数令人眼前一亮,但人们不应指望美联储会立即开始降息。美联储采取了观望的态度,考虑到贸易和移民政策给经济带来的不确定性,他们需要看到不止一个月的利好通胀数据。”

第一美国金融公司(First American Financial Corporation)高级经济学家萨姆·威廉森(Sam Williamson)似乎也认为,最新的通胀数据对美联储而言是一个积极的信号,但还不足以促使其在3月降息。此外,美联储还需留意关税问题。


早在2022年6月,通胀率达到9.1%,创下40年来的最高水平。为抑制过热的通胀,央行收紧了货币政策,直到2024年9月才进入宽松周期。此后,美联储及其主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)对货币政策采取了更为谨慎的态度。不过,物价上涨速度放缓,通胀更接近央行设定的2%物价稳定目标。但今年1月,特朗普称“通胀卷土重来”。当月,消费者物价指数较上年同期上涨3%,超出了市场预期。

特朗普当时称通胀与他无关。但他的新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)周三就最新通胀数据发表了看法。



Comerica Bank首席经济学家比尔·亚当斯(Bill Adams)在一份声明中表示:“关税政策反复无常为通胀前景带来了巨大且难以预料的上行风险。政策每天、每时每刻都在变化,但总体而言,2025年下半年的关税税率似乎较上半年有所上升。”




• 经济学家表示,通胀降温幅度超出预期,这令人宽慰,但关税的影响尚未体现在周三公布的数据中。不过,这并未阻止特朗普政府宣称取得了胜利。


Morgan Stanley Wealth Management首席经济策略师埃伦·曾特纳(Ellen Zentner)在给《财富》杂志的一份声明中表示:“今天公布的低于预期的消费者物价指数令人眼前一亮,但人们不应指望美联储会立即开始降息。美联储采取了观望的态度,考虑到贸易和移民政策给经济带来的不确定性,他们需要看到不止一个月的利好通胀数据。”

第一美国金融公司(First American Financial Corporation)高级经济学家萨姆·威廉森(Sam Williamson)似乎也认为,最新的通胀数据对美联储而言是一个积极的信号,但还不足以促使其在3月降息。此外,美联储还需留意关税问题。


早在2022年6月,通胀率达到9.1%,创下40年来的最高水平。为抑制过热的通胀,央行收紧了货币政策,直到2024年9月才进入宽松周期。此后,美联储及其主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)对货币政策采取了更为谨慎的态度。不过,物价上涨速度放缓,通胀更接近央行设定的2%物价稳定目标。但今年1月,特朗普称“通胀卷土重来”。当月,消费者物价指数较上年同期上涨3%,超出了市场预期。

特朗普当时称通胀与他无关。但他的新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)周三就最新通胀数据发表了看法。



Comerica Bank首席经济学家比尔·亚当斯(Bill Adams)在一份声明中表示:“关税政策反复无常为通胀前景带来了巨大且难以预料的上行风险。政策每天、每时每刻都在变化,但总体而言,2025年下半年的关税税率似乎较上半年有所上升。”




• Cooler-than-anticipated inflation is a relief, but it is unlikely the effect of tariffs has yet materialized in the data released Wednesday, according to economists. That hasn’t stopped the Trump administration from taking a victory lap, though.

For all the talk of tariffs and trade wars, inflation cooled in February by more than anticipated. Consumer prices rose 2.8% from a year earlier, government data released Wednesday revealed. But economists warn it could be too early for President Donald Trump’s tariffs to affect prices and for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.

“Today’s cooler-than-expected [Consumer Price Index] reading was a breath of fresh air, but no one should expect the Fed to start cutting rates immediately,” Ellen Zentner, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s chief economic strategist, said in a statement to Fortune. “The Fed has adopted a wait-and-see posture, and given the uncertainty of how trade and immigration policy will impact the economy, they’re going to want to see more than one month of friendly inflation data.”

Sam Williamson, a senior economist for First American Financial Corporation, appeared to agree that the latest inflation numbers are an encouraging sign for the central bank but not enough to call for a March interest-rate cut. Plus, the Fed has something to watch out for: tariffs.

“The impact of new tariffs likely hasn’t materialized yet, leaving uncertainty around inflation as we approach spring, supporting the Fed’s cautious approach in the coming months,” Williamson said in a statement.

Back in June 2022, inflation reached 9.1%, a four-decade high. The central bank tightened its monetary policy to tame scorching hot inflation, and only entered its loosening cycle in September 2024. The Fed and its chair, Jerome Powell, have since signaled a more cautious approach to monetary policy. Still, prices are no longer increasing as rapidly, and inflation is closer to the central bank’s 2% target, where it considers prices to be stable. But in January, Trump claimed that “inflation is back.” That month, consumer prices rose 3% from a year earlier, hotter than expected.

Trump claimed he had nothing to do with inflation at the time. But his press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, chimed in on the latest inflation data on Wednesday.

“Today’s CPI report shows inflation is declining and the economy is moving in the right direction under President Trump,” she wrote on X. Leavitt went on to claim Trump is “driving down costs” and the administration would continue to focus on fixing the “economic and inflation nightmare” left by the prior administration.

Still, it might be too soon to declare victory over inflation or assume we’re out of the proverbial woods while there is uncertainty surrounding tariffs, whether it be via pauses, brand-new threats, or actual impositions. Regardless of tariff unpredictability, the consensus among economists is that American companies—when forced to pay tariffs—pass those costs on to consumers.

“The dizzying back-and-forth over tariffs is a large and unpredictable upside risk to the inflation outlook,” Bill Adams, chief economist at Comerica Bank, said in a statement. “The policy changes day to day and minute to minute, but the high-level takeaway is that tariff rates look likely to be higher in the second half of 2025 than they were in the first.”

Higher tariffs increase the cost of imported consumer goods and input costs for businesses that provide services, he explained.

Adams called tariffs “an unpredictable wild card.”



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