单从此次谷歌天价收购Wiz来看已属惊人,而将其置于当前整体环境下审视,更显震撼。过去几年,对于那些寻求高价退出的风投支持公司而言,是一段令人精疲力竭的停滞期。在前联邦贸易委员会主席莉娜·可汗(Lina Khan)任职期间,由于反垄断方面的担忧,大型科技公司的收购之路变得扑朔迷离,不再是这些公司可靠的退出选项。与此同时,经济因素和地缘政治压力基本上冻结了首次公开募股市场。
在更广泛的行业整合中,网络安全领域仍有一些收购交易发生,甚至偶尔还有公司进行首次公开募股(Wiz本身在2024年就进行了多次收购,包括对Dazz和Gem Security的收购)。与此同时,随着网络安全在全球经济中的重要性日益凸显,Wiz的发展势头也日益强劲——随着网络攻击事件的增多,对网络安全公司的投资也在增加。
第一个问题或许最为明显:大型科技公司的并购潮再度兴起了吗?在可汗任期内,她积极阻止大大小小的大型科技公司并购交易,从Meta收购虚拟现实公司Within(据报道交易价值为4亿美元),到微软以690亿美元收购动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)的巨额交易。在特朗普政府执政下,如今对于重大交易而言是解禁期吗?还是说联邦贸易委员会将再度出手干预?
单从此次谷歌天价收购Wiz来看已属惊人,而将其置于当前整体环境下审视,更显震撼。过去几年,对于那些寻求高价退出的风投支持公司而言,是一段令人精疲力竭的停滞期。在前联邦贸易委员会主席莉娜·可汗(Lina Khan)任职期间,由于反垄断方面的担忧,大型科技公司的收购之路变得扑朔迷离,不再是这些公司可靠的退出选项。与此同时,经济因素和地缘政治压力基本上冻结了首次公开募股市场。
在更广泛的行业整合中,网络安全领域仍有一些收购交易发生,甚至偶尔还有公司进行首次公开募股(Wiz本身在2024年就进行了多次收购,包括对Dazz和Gem Security的收购)。与此同时,随着网络安全在全球经济中的重要性日益凸显,Wiz的发展势头也日益强劲——随着网络攻击事件的增多,对网络安全公司的投资也在增加。
第一个问题或许最为明显:大型科技公司的并购潮再度兴起了吗?在可汗任期内,她积极阻止大大小小的大型科技公司并购交易,从Meta收购虚拟现实公司Within(据报道交易价值为4亿美元),到微软以690亿美元收购动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)的巨额交易。在特朗普政府执政下,如今对于重大交易而言是解禁期吗?还是说联邦贸易委员会将再度出手干预?
Google plans to acquire cybersecurity company Wiz for $32 billion in the search giant’s largest-ever acquisition.
In a vacuum, that’s stunning, but it’s even more so in context. The last couple years have been an exhaustingly stalled time for venture capital-backed companies looking for a big ticket exit. Under former Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan, acquisitions by Big Tech became a hazy exit lane because of antitrust concerns. Meanwhile, economic considerations and geopolitical pressures mostly froze the IPO market.
Cybersecurity was a sector that saw some acquisitions and even the occasional IPO amid broader industry consolidation (Wiz itself did a number of acquisitions in 2024, including Dazz and Gem Security). At the same time, Wiz’s fortunes have risen in tandem with the increasing importance of cybersecurity across the global economy—as cyberattacks increased, so has investment in cybersecurity companies.
In short, Wiz, founded about five years ago, is both riding the cybersecurity and cloud adoption waves and has simultaneously defied the exit odds. The blockbuster deal, by extension, presents more questions than answers for the broader landscape.
The first question is perhaps the most obvious: Is Big Tech M&A back? During her tenure, Khan actively blocked Big Tech deals large and small, from Meta’s acquisition of VR company Within (deal value was reported at $400 million) to Microsoft’s $69 billion mega-deal for Activision Blizzard. Under the Trump administration, is it now open season for major deals? Or will another FTC-sized hammer drop?
This leads implicitly to a second question: Is Wiz a one-off? There are certainly signs the broader environment for tech is warming, especially given Klarna and CoreWeave’s recent IPO filings in quick succession. And Rubrik’s IPO last year and a steady stream of smaller intra-industry cybersecurity deals proves that cybersecurity is still hot.
But here is the situation where Wiz is fundamentally a one-off—that other cybersecurity companies now look at Wiz and have higher expectations of what an exit might look like, expectations prospective buyers aren’t willing to meet. In other words, Wiz isn’t the bellwether for the industry so much as an incredibly successful anomaly.
In that sense, Wiz’s high-flying outcome presents more questions than answers for the broader ecosystem—for now.