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Lily Mae Lazarus



Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams的创始人珍妮·布里顿(Jeni Britton)利用4万美元的贷款打造了一家价值1.25亿美元的企业。图片来源:Jennifer Livingston/Courtesy of Jenni Britton

珍妮·布里顿每周都会吃一品脱(约473毫升)焦化黄油杏仁脆片冰淇淋。对于这位51岁、以自己名字命名Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream品牌的创始人来说,这是一种恰如其分的仪式。她利用4万美元的贷款打造了一家价值1.25亿美元的甜品企业。该公司表示,2023年其营收超过1.25亿美元,产品在全美1.25万多家零售店以及80多家独立门店销售。布里顿的最新创业项目Floura,售卖用西瓜皮、苹果核等食品边角料再加工制成的高纤维水果棒。据布里顿称,自2024年推出以来,该项目已筹集到约200万美元资金,用于将产品推向市场。





她解释道:“在不同公司的不同发展阶段,需要不同的领导者。”她的强项在于口味创新、创意营销和客户洞察,而非财务、会计或人力资源。为了弥补这一不足并推动Jeni’s的发展,她任命曾在通用电气(General Electric)担任领导职务的资深高管约翰·洛(John Lowe)担任首席执行官。





她以Jeni's现任首席执行官史黛西·彼得森(Stacy Peterson)为例来证明这一理念。彼得森在担任Wingstop首席技术官期间,为该公司的迅猛扩张立下汗马功劳,并于2022年底执掌Jeni’s。初涉冰淇淋行业,彼得森的首要任务是加深对冰淇淋工艺的理解。她在俄亥俄州立大学学习冰淇淋化学和乳制品科学知识,同时深入冰淇淋门店,与顾客面对面交流。自我认知往往也意味着要做出艰难的决定。






珍妮·布里顿每周都会吃一品脱(约473毫升)焦化黄油杏仁脆片冰淇淋。对于这位51岁、以自己名字命名Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream品牌的创始人来说,这是一种恰如其分的仪式。她利用4万美元的贷款打造了一家价值1.25亿美元的甜品企业。该公司表示,2023年其营收超过1.25亿美元,产品在全美1.25万多家零售店以及80多家独立门店销售。布里顿的最新创业项目Floura,售卖用西瓜皮、苹果核等食品边角料再加工制成的高纤维水果棒。据布里顿称,自2024年推出以来,该项目已筹集到约200万美元资金,用于将产品推向市场。





她解释道:“在不同公司的不同发展阶段,需要不同的领导者。”她的强项在于口味创新、创意营销和客户洞察,而非财务、会计或人力资源。为了弥补这一不足并推动Jeni’s的发展,她任命曾在通用电气(General Electric)担任领导职务的资深高管约翰·洛(John Lowe)担任首席执行官。





她以Jeni's现任首席执行官史黛西·彼得森(Stacy Peterson)为例来证明这一理念。彼得森在担任Wingstop首席技术官期间,为该公司的迅猛扩张立下汗马功劳,并于2022年底执掌Jeni’s。初涉冰淇淋行业,彼得森的首要任务是加深对冰淇淋工艺的理解。她在俄亥俄州立大学学习冰淇淋化学和乳制品科学知识,同时深入冰淇淋门店,与顾客面对面交流。自我认知往往也意味着要做出艰难的决定。






Jeni Britton eats a pint of brown butter almond brittle ice cream every week. It’s a fitting ritual for the 51-year-old founder of the eponymous Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, who transformed a $40,000 bank loan into a multi-million dollar dessert operation. The company says it generated over $125 million in revenue in 2023, with products in more than 12,500 retail locations and more than 80 standalone shops nationwide. Britton’s latest venture, Floura, which sells fiber-rich fruit bars made from upcycled food trimmings like watermelon rinds and apple cores, has so far raised approximately $2 million to bring the product to market since its 2024 launch, according to Britton.

Britton attributes the ice creamery’s growth to lessons learned through setbacks and resilience. “You learn really deeply by doing and by failing,” she says.

In 1996, she left The Ohio State University, where she was studying fine arts, to open a scoop stand, handcrafting and serving her creations at a farmer’s market in Columbus, Ohio. The shop struggled financially. At times, Britton was so strapped for cash that she bartered her ice cream with fellow vendors for meals to eat. Yet it was at her ice cream stand that she developed her first breakout flavor: salty caramel, which attracted customers from neighboring states. Though the venture ultimately closed in 2000 due to insufficient sales, Britton says she gained invaluable insights into flavor development and innovation, customer service, and brand loyalty.

Determined to refine her rudimentary culinary skills and perfect her product, Britton enrolled in an ice cream-making course at Penn State and volunteered at dairy farms to deepen their understanding of the science behind ice cream. With no formal business education, she relied on self-teaching and business books to develop, which would later shape Jeni’s.

Two years later, she was ready to try entrepreneurship again. This time around, she had a more sophisticated business model. She took out a $40,000 small business loan, cosigned by her then-boyfriend, and began offering a mix of seasonal and year-round flavors. In six years, Britton expanded Jeni’s to four brick-and-mortar shops, launched e-commerce shipping, and established a wholesale operation. By 2009, however, as production, distribution, and sales grew increasingly complex, she recognized the need for experienced leadership. To take Jeni’s to the next level, she made the pivotal decision to hire a CEO.

“In different eras of different companies, you need different leaders,” she explains. Her strengths lay in flavor innovation, creative marketing, and customer insights—not in finance, accounting, or human resources. To bridge that gap and propel Jeni’s growth, she appointed John Lowe, a seasoned executive with leadership experience at General Electric, as CEO.

Lowe’s business acumen proved critical, particularly during a 2015 listeria outbreak that forced Jeni’s to shift focus from Britton’s creative and culinary strengths to crisis management, financial strategy, and technical operations. The outbreak led to a complete overhaul of the company’s safety protocols, the temporary closure of all 21 stores, and the destruction of 265 tons of ice cream. Lowe helped secure a $1.5 million loan from a loan agency in Ohio that invests in businesses working with underserved communities, preventing financial collapse. In total, the company spent more than $2.7 million to navigate the recall and implement sweeping operational changes. These included restructuring its Columbus, Ohio, production facility to reduce cross-contamination, moving fresh fruit and vegetable processing to a separate facility, and testing every batch of ice cream for safety.

The crisis marked a turning point for Britton, forcing her to confront her own leadership challenges—particularly her reluctance to take charge and communicate with clarity and authority. Recognizing these gaps, she hired an executive leadership coach to teach her how to wield her influence to foster accountability, transparency, and collaboration.

“I’m a Midwesterner, and I really do like trusting people,” she says. “But I learned that I needed to stand up and, when I believed something and when I thought something, that I needed to be heard.”

Britton believes self-awareness is essential for leaders to drive innovation and growth.

She points to Jeni’s current CEO, Stacy Peterson, as proof of this philosophy. Peterson, who played a pivotal role in Wingstop’s rapid expansion as chief technology officer, took the helm at Jeni’s in late 2022. As a newcomer to the ice cream industry, Peterson’s first order of business was to deepen her understanding of the craft. She studied the chemistry of ice cream and dairy science at Ohio State while immersing herself in scoop shops to connect with customers firsthand. Self-awareness often demands making tough decisions, too.

For Britton, it meant stepping back from Jeni’s day-to-day operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Years of relentless dedication had taken a toll on her physical and mental health, leaving her exhausted and with little left to give. She also realized that her deep involvement as a founder—and perfectionism to a fault—was limiting the company’s growth.

“The airplane was built, and if I kept tweaking it, it was just going to stay on the ground, not living up to its potential,” she says.

For Jeni’s to evolve, Britton had to let go. She believes ego is often the greatest barrier for leaders facing a similar crossroads.

“People think they’re so great that when they leave, there’s going to be a hole that can’t be filled,” she says. “No matter how important the person is, the hole always gets filled. And frankly, it’s always better.”



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