超级食物因富含抗氧化剂、维生素和矿物质而备受关注,诸如浆果、牛油果和深色绿叶蔬菜等常见且易于食用的种类尤为人所熟知。然而,当下出现了一种新兴的超级食物——拉丁学名为Chlorella vulgaris的微型藻类。它或许口感欠佳,难以下咽,但其营养价值绝对值得尝试。
注册营养师罗克珊娜·埃萨尼(Roxana Ehsani)告诉《财富》杂志:“小球藻,准确来讲属于绿藻,是一种营养丰富的食物,有望成为下一个风靡的‘超级食物’。”
伯明翰大学化学工程副教授、近期有关该藻类潜力研究的主要作者海伦·奥尼亚卡(Helen Onyeaka)在一份有关该研究发现的新闻稿中表示:“随着消费者对健康和环保产品的兴趣与日俱增,小球藻可能成为重新定义未来食品创新的超级食物之一。”
在健康养生领域,小球藻最近被称为“新型螺旋藻”,这里的螺旋藻指的是广受欢迎的源自海水的蓝绿藻。小球藻常见于各种营养补充剂中,比如热门的AG1,也出现在冰沙里,比如Erewhon与歌手凯茜·玛丝格蕾芙丝(Kacy Musgraves)合作推出的售价21美元的冰沙。在保健品商店,你也能买到深绿色粉末状或片剂形态的小球藻产品。不过,由于小球藻本身被形容带有“苦涩”“青草味”甚至“鱼腥味”,故推荐将其用于制作冰沙或其他混合饮品。
最后,营养师托比·阿米多尔(Toby Amidor)在《Today's Dietitian》发表的小球藻指南中提醒,食用这种藻类可能引发的不良反应包括胃肠道问题、过敏反应以及对阳光敏感。此外,由于小球藻富含大量有助于凝血的维生素K,正在服用抗凝血剂的人士严禁食用。
为解决小球藻口感欠佳的问题,埃萨尼建议将小球藻混入橙汁或石榴汁中,在制作煎饼或华夫饼前,把小球藻加入面糊里,或者加入冰沙中。制作绿色冰沙,或者在冰沙中添加水果、生姜能掩盖其味道,还可将其与红枣、可可混合搓成小球,嵌入冰棒或饼干内,或直接将其作为药片与其他日常补充剂一同服用。Sun Chlorella公司还推出了含有这种神奇藻类的乌冬面。最后,科学家们正致力于研究如何让这种超级食物本身更美味,比如葡萄牙培育出了一种口感清淡的新菌株。
超级食物因富含抗氧化剂、维生素和矿物质而备受关注,诸如浆果、牛油果和深色绿叶蔬菜等常见且易于食用的种类尤为人所熟知。然而,当下出现了一种新兴的超级食物——拉丁学名为Chlorella vulgaris的微型藻类。它或许口感欠佳,难以下咽,但其营养价值绝对值得尝试。
注册营养师罗克珊娜·埃萨尼(Roxana Ehsani)告诉《财富》杂志:“小球藻,准确来讲属于绿藻,是一种营养丰富的食物,有望成为下一个风靡的‘超级食物’。”
伯明翰大学化学工程副教授、近期有关该藻类潜力研究的主要作者海伦·奥尼亚卡(Helen Onyeaka)在一份有关该研究发现的新闻稿中表示:“随着消费者对健康和环保产品的兴趣与日俱增,小球藻可能成为重新定义未来食品创新的超级食物之一。”
在健康养生领域,小球藻最近被称为“新型螺旋藻”,这里的螺旋藻指的是广受欢迎的源自海水的蓝绿藻。小球藻常见于各种营养补充剂中,比如热门的AG1,也出现在冰沙里,比如Erewhon与歌手凯茜·玛丝格蕾芙丝(Kacy Musgraves)合作推出的售价21美元的冰沙。在保健品商店,你也能买到深绿色粉末状或片剂形态的小球藻产品。不过,由于小球藻本身被形容带有“苦涩”“青草味”甚至“鱼腥味”,故推荐将其用于制作冰沙或其他混合饮品。
最后,营养师托比·阿米多尔(Toby Amidor)在《Today's Dietitian》发表的小球藻指南中提醒,食用这种藻类可能引发的不良反应包括胃肠道问题、过敏反应以及对阳光敏感。此外,由于小球藻富含大量有助于凝血的维生素K,正在服用抗凝血剂的人士严禁食用。
为解决小球藻口感欠佳的问题,埃萨尼建议将小球藻混入橙汁或石榴汁中,在制作煎饼或华夫饼前,把小球藻加入面糊里,或者加入冰沙中。制作绿色冰沙,或者在冰沙中添加水果、生姜能掩盖其味道,还可将其与红枣、可可混合搓成小球,嵌入冰棒或饼干内,或直接将其作为药片与其他日常补充剂一同服用。Sun Chlorella公司还推出了含有这种神奇藻类的乌冬面。最后,科学家们正致力于研究如何让这种超级食物本身更美味,比如葡萄牙培育出了一种口感清淡的新菌株。
Superfoods get a lot of buzz due to being rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. And while some of the best-known are familiar, easy-to-devour foods like berries, avocados, and dark, leafy greens, there’s another on the rise that might be a bit harder to swallow, though worth it: a microscopic alga that goes by its Latin name of Chlorella vulgaris.
Chlorella is nutrient-packed food, specifically a green algae, with potential to be called the next big ‘superfood,'” registered dietitian Roxana Ehsani tells Fortune.
Found in freshwater, invisible to the naked eye, and residing at the very bottom of the food chain, this green microalga has been found to be rich in protein, carbohydrates, healthy lipids (fats), antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The algae can also be cultivated with a small environmental footprint—meaning that unlike conventional agriculture, they can be cultivated with minimal impact, making for a nutrition source that’s healthy not only for people, but for Earth.
“As consumer interest in health-conscious and eco-friendly products grows, Chlorella vulgaris could be one of the superfoods that redefine the future of food innovation,” said Helen Onyeaka, University of Birmingham chemical engineering associate professor and lead author of a recent study on the alga’s promise, in a news release about the findings.
“We found that Chlorella not only meets growing demand for sustainable food sources,” she said, “but also offers substantial health and nutrition benefits.”
Below, more about why you should consider trying the alga—and how to best do that.
What we know about benefits of ‘the new spirulina’
Chlorella, within the wellness world, has been recently dubbed “the new spirulina,’ referring to the already popular blue-green algae sourced from saltwater. It can be found in supplements—including in trendy AG1—and smoothies, such as the Erewhon $21 Kacy Musgraves-collab smoothie, and is available at health-food stores in a dark-green powder or in tablet form. But using Chlorella to create a smoothie or other concoction is recommended, as, on its own, it’s been described as having a taste that is “bitter,” “grassy” and even “fishy.”
Still, it contains a cavalcade of nutritional offerings, including not only proteins, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates, but vitamins and minerals B12, B6, C, D, folate, vitamin K, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, according to a 2020 study on its potential.
Health benefits, according to various studies, include anti-tumor properties, potential for preventing Alzheimer’s disease, and positive effects on major depressive disorder. Studies have also shown it to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, flush out toxins, fight inflammation, help normalize blood pressure, and boost immunity.
Chlorella challenges (including taste)
Mostly, these include variable nutrition content depending on different growing and harvesting conditions, as well as risks of heavy metal accumulation from the environment (which can be helped with quality control), and, notes the most recent study, “sensory issues such as unpleasant taste and smell.”
Finally, warned dietitian Toby Amidor in a Chlorella guide published in Today’s Dietitian, reported possible adverse reactions to ingesting the algae include gastrointestinal issues, allergic reaction, and sun sensitivity—and it’s contraindicated for anyone taking blood thinners, as chlorella contains large amounts of vitamin K, which helps form clots.
To overcome the taste issue, Ehsani recommends mixing into orange or pomegranate juice, into pancake or waffle batter before cooking, or into smoothies. A green smoothie or fruity, gingery smoothie can help mask the taste, as can rolling it into balls along with dates and cacao, hiding it in ice pops or cookies, or simply swallowing as tablets along with the rest of your daily supplement regimen. Sun Chlorella also makes udon noodles containing the magic algae. Finally, scientists are working on finding ways to make the superfood more palatable on its own, including with the development of a light, new strain out of Portugal.
Says Onyeaka, “By overcoming production challenges through technological advancements, we can pave the way for Chlorella’s widespread adoption.”