

JP Mangalindan 2011-08-02

    ·由于推出后头三个月的销量低于预期,任天堂公司(Nintendo)对其3DS手持游戏机系统实施大幅降价,降幅达三分之一(由250美元降至170美元)。同时任天堂还降低了它的年度利润预期,降幅高达82%,令人吃惊不已。任天堂总裁岩田聪在网上的一封信中表示,这还是任天堂首次出现新产品发布不到六个月内便宣告降价的情况。此次降价正逢游戏业的多事之秋,在多用途移动设备【如苹果公司(Apple)的产品】上运行的移动游戏以及Zynga等新锐公司开发的社交游戏的夹击下,游戏业深受冲击。【《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)和《纽约时报》(New York Times)】

    ·再过几个月,美国最大团购网站Groupon就将进行首次公开募股。不过现在,Groupon独特的会计记账方式却招来了美国证监会(the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)的一些质疑。这位团购网站业界的领头羊使用了一种叫做“调整后综合营业收入”(adjusted CSOI)的会计方式来记量公司利润,但没有把它的在线营销支出包含在内。【《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)】

    ·Twitter推出了“营销推文”(Promoted Tweets),这是一种类似普通推文的付费广告,便于各企业、品牌或慈善机构在Twitter上进行营销推广。它会即时显示在你的推文列表里。已经采用了营销推文的合作公司包括戴尔(Dell)、Groupon、捷蓝航空(JetBlue)、团购网站LivingSocial和微软的Xbox。(Twitter)



    ·点评网站Yelp聘用了一位名为罗伯•克罗里克的新财务总监,他曾任房地产企业Move Inc的财务总监。(服务点评网站Yelp)

    ·《大众机械》(Popular Mechanics)杂志文章:《安迪•瑟金斯与动作捕捉技术的革命》。【《大众机械》(Popular Mechanics)】


    * Nintendo slashed the price of its 3DS handheld system by roughly one-third (from $250 to $170) because of lower-than-expected sales during the first three months. The gaming company also lowered its annual profit forecast by a stunning 82%. President Satoru Iwata said in an online letter it was the first time Nintendo has cut prices so much within the first six months of a product's launch. The cut comes during a time when the gaming industry is affected by mobile games on multi-purpose devices by companies like Apple and social games from more recent companies including Zynga. (Wall Street Journal and New York Times)

    * Groupon's unique accounting approach is drawing some heat from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the months leading up to a potential initial public offering (IPO). The leading daily deals site is using an unusual measure, adjusted consolidated segment operating income (or adjusted CSOI), to measure profits without including its online marketing expenses. (Wall Street Journal)

    * Twitter is rolling out "Promoted Tweets," paid ads resembling regular Tweets from companies, brands or charities you follow that will appear in your Twitter stream. Partners include Dell, Groupon, JetBlue, LivingSocial, and Microsoft Xbox. (Twitter)

    * Logitech CEO Gerald Quindlen resigned after the company reported a $29.6 million net loss for its first quarter compared with a $19.5 million profit the year before. Former CEO Guerrino De Luca is helming Logitech in the interim. (MarketWatch)

    * Sony reported a $199 million loss for its first fiscal quarter due to issues like the hacking of its PlayStation Network and the Japan earthquake. (Compare that with the 25.7 billion yen it made around the same time one year prior.) (VentureBeat)

    * Yelp has a new CFO in Rob Krolik, who held the same position at the real estate-focused company, Move Inc. (Yelp)

    * Andy Serkis and the evolution of motion capture technology. (Popular Mechanics)
