广告 1984年,苹果公司在美国橄榄球超级碗(Super Bowl)大赛期间推出了一则由电影导演雷德利•斯科特拍摄的商业广告,此后,苹果公司的许多市场营销策略一直被认为是最具创新性的典范。1984年的广告中,一位女性运动员冲进一间坐满光头男性的房间,用力将一把长柄大锤扔向正在播放宣传资料的投影屏幕。数十年后,这则小屏幕挑战老大哥(译注:暗指当时的IBM)的广告依然为人津津乐道,但这只是苹果一系列优秀广告攻势的开始。其他优秀的广告创意包括由演员贾斯汀•朗主演的Mac与PC争锋的广告,以及风格鲜明的平面广告,广告以黑色为背景,突出人们正在通过iPod尽情享受音乐。 |
The Ads Apple's marketing through the years may well be some of the most innovative ever, starting with the 1984 Super Bowl commercial from film director Ridley Scott. In it, a female athlete bursts into a room filled with bald drones and hurls a sledgehammer at a projector screen displaying propaganda. Decades later the small screen nod to Big Brother remains notorious, but it was only the beginning of Apple's excellent foray into advertising. Other campaigns included the Mac versus PC commercials with actor Justin Long and stylized print advertisements featuring darkened silhouettes of people jamming to music on an iPod. |