iPhone手机 目前,虽然安卓系列(Android)可能占据了更多的市场份额,但垂死挣扎的手机市场之所以能够起死回生绝对应该归功于乔布斯。2007年,苹果公司推出iPhone手机,这款手机设计简洁,配有灵敏的大触摸屏和稳定的操作系统,率先掀起了智能手机领域的革命,也使得奔迈(Palm)和黑莓制造商RIM的苦心经营付诸东流。 据内部人士透露,公司在iPhone手机最初的开发过程投入高达1.5亿美元。乔布斯参与了初期开发的每一个步骤。并且,他还努力与辛格勒公司(Cingular,目前为AT&T公司)高层斡旋,为设备的开发争取到了前所未有的控制权。因此,iPhone手机上并没有打上AT&T(或威瑞森公司(Verizon))的标识。而且,也是由于乔布斯的坚持,用户能够使用可视语音信箱(Visual Voicemail)功能,这项功能抛弃了标准语音信箱系统,而是开发出非线性“滑动收听”界面,目前这一功能已经在其他智能手机中得到普及。 |
The iPhone Though Android may occupy a larger cut of the market these days, Jobs must be credited with turning the moribund cell phone market upside down. With the iPhone in 2007, Apple introduced a device that pioneered the smartphone revolution thanks to a minimalist design, large responsive touchscreen and solid operating system that blew Palm and RIM's efforts away. Jobs was involved in every step of the initial development process, which according to one insider cost the company $150 million. He also pushed for unprecedented control over the device's construction with Cingular (now AT&T) executives -- which is why the iPhone doesn't carry an AT&T (or Verizon) logo on it. Users also have Jobs to thank for Visual Voicemail, which chucked the standard voicemail system for a non-linear "push to listen" interface, a feature other smartphones now have too. |