

Lee Hower 2012-03-16




    • LinkedIn – 股价是过去12个月营业收入的16倍以上

    • Zynga – 股价是过去12个月营业收入的8倍以上

    • Carbonite – 股价是过去12个月营业收入的3.4倍

    • Active Network –股价是过去12个月营业收入的2.4倍


    4. 上市后业绩的稳定性一如既往的重要——如果贵公司的营业收入和盈利能力仍非常不可预测,最好还是先不要上市。近期有些公司上市后的业绩弱于预期,股价都受到了严厉的惩罚。最近体验到这种痛苦的Pandora绝不是唯一一家,上周随着其2011年4季报公布,Pandora的股价下跌了约25%,已明显低于16美元的IPO价格。


    Most companies in the IT sector are profitable at least on an operating or cashflow basis, although often not on a GAAP basis when non-cash expenses are taken into account. It's pretty rare to see smaller scale businesses or wildly unprofitable ones in the IPO pipeline, which is good for the overall market normalization. And, finally, margins matter -- a $50-100M software company can go public given it's 80-90% gross margins, an e-commerce company with 20-30% gross margins and high customer acquisition costs needs to be much bigger (probably 5-10x at least).

    3. Public Markets Distinguish Strong From Weak. It takes 6-12 months for public market investors to get "comfortable" with a newly-public company, and also for idiosyncratic factors like small float and insider lockups to work themselves out. We can have a healthy debate about what the multiples of rapidly growing software and Internet companies should be in absolute terms, but the public markets are very clearly distinguishing between the stronger and weaker businesses based on profit margins, growth, competitive advantages, etc.

   Bill Gurley's post last year does a great job analyzing why some businesses are valued at 10x+ revenue and most aren't. If you look at newly-public companies in the software and Internet sector you see a wide spread. As of this week, here's a sample of multiples:

    • LinkedIn (LNKD) – 16x+ trailing revenue

    • Zynga – 8x+ trailing revenue

    • Carbonite (CARB) – 3.4x trailing revenue

    • Active Network (ACTV) – 2.4x trailing revenue

    My point isn't that Active "should" be valued at 2.4x or Zynga "should" be over 8x or any other specific company is appropriately valued. Some tech IPOs have performed very strongly in the secondary market, others have struggled. But public market investors are clearly distinguishing between companies based on a variety of intrinsic and sector-specific factors and valuing recent IPOs pretty differently. This is a good thing for the overall health and sustainability of capital markets… it's bad for the ecosystem if all recently public companies go straight up or straight down.

    4. Post IPO Consistency is as Important as Ever - If your company's revenue and profitability are still quite unpredictable, you're probably better off staying private for now. Recently public companies that surprise to the downside are brutally punished. Hardly the only one but Pandora (P) was the latest to experience it this week with its earnings announcement for Q4 2011, the stock price dropping about 25% and well below the original IPO price of $16.
