

Shelley DuBois 2012-05-23
上市只是Facebook万里长征的第一步,上市之后还要面对无数的问题。比如,如何继续保持快速成长,才能对得起这么高昂的估值呢? Zipcar首席执行官斯科特•格里菲斯作为过来人,提出了中肯建议。




    格里菲斯举例说,亚马逊(AMZN)的杰夫•贝索斯就能够泰然自若地面对市场涨落。 即使季报上的一时损失令人难堪,贝索斯也从不怯于为公司成长做重大投资。格里菲斯告诫道,华尔街也许会呱噪不已,他们的呱噪也确实带来压力,但首席执行官必须坚持己见。







Mind the market, but don't let it control your every move

    Griffith says it's also important to take the new scrutiny with a grain of salt. Yes, post-IPO CEOs need to be much more careful, but they cannot obsess over the market fluctuations and analyst responses that become part of their daily lives.

    This is especially true for companies such as Zipcar and Facebook, Griffith says, which are actually creating a new market. "These are game-changing, iconic companies that are transforming a whole industry -- you cannot get mired in the quarter." Or even the year: Zipcar's stock has dropped in value by almost 28%, year-to-date.

    Amazon's (AMZN) Jeff Bezos has been able to take the fluctuations in stride, Griffith argues. Bezos is known for making major investments to grow his company even at times when the cash loss may bruise Amazon's quarterly earnings. Wall Street may ping pong, and that is stressful, but CEOs should stick to their guns, Griffith says.

Meet your new shareholders…

    New public companies get plenty of attention from analysts and shareholders, but another crucial shift happens internally after the IPO. Namely, employees who have been busting their butts to get to this point now have stock options that have real value. CEOs have got to be on the ball about discussing those changes with as much clarity as they communicate to outside stakeholders.

    "The real benefit is there's this incentive and alignment for team members to improve performance of the company, that's the brilliance of the stock options," Griffith says. But on the other hand, employees who haven't had to think about it before now have a huge appetite to learn more about the value of the stock.

    To help with that, Griffith says, Zipcar organizes a formal internal quarterly earnings call that takes on a similar tone to that of an analyst call. Griffith says it's been successful at keeping his employees informed.

    IPO advice from someone who has been there boils down to some fairly universal principles: keeping a clear head, communicating well to the outside world but not obsessing over its reactions, and speaking clearly to your home team.

    "What I've found,"Griffith says, "is that most companies are not as good as their highest stock price would say they are, and they're probably never as bad as their lowest stock price would say. Wall Street has trouble finding truth in the middle." Fanfare aside, the middle is likely where even the most-hyped companies truly live.
