

Tom Ziegler 2012-06-14

    吉特劳斯在芝加哥为Siri辩护的时候,恰逢苹果公司刚刚在旧金山召开一年一度的世界开发者大会(World Wide Developer Conference),这也是乔布斯去世后,新任CEO蒂姆•库克第一次主持这次盛会。除了升级MacBook产品线之外,苹果还发布了下一代操作系统“美洲狮”(Mountain Lion),以及一款新设计的地图应用。另外苹果对Siri进行了一系列升级,可能会平息用户对Siri的一些报怨——至少功能比以前更强大了。

    随着iOS 6操作系统在今秋正式上市,Siri的新功能还将拓展到iPad上,并且还将包含体育信息、Yelp网的点评、通过OpenTable预订餐厅等。用户还可以通过Siri打开应用程序,在Twitter和Facebook上发言等。最重要的一个新功能叫做“Eyes Free”,这是一个可以集成到汽车上的系统。据苹果公司表示,有些汽车厂商正打算明年在汽车方向盘上添加一个Siri按键。

    吉特劳斯对《财富》透露,他最喜欢的一点就是新Siri能够播报体育赛事的比分,因为他认为这是一个非常热门的领域。“如果你想知道印第安那步行者队(NBA)或十大联盟(大学篮球赛)的比分,那么现在你省去了大量点击搜索的麻烦。它最强大的就是这一点,如果没有Siri,你要获得这个信息可能要做很多工作,但现在它省去了这个麻烦。”他也谈到了Eyes Free功能。“我从没想到汽车厂商会把Siri按钮装到汽车上。我认为这非常令人兴奋,而且也很安全。”



    Kittlaus made his Siri defense just hours after the kickoff of Apple's annual World Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco, the first helmed by CEO Tim Cook since Steve Jobs died. Along with refreshes to the MacBook line, a reveal of Apple's next-generation Mountain Lion OS, and a newly designed Maps app, Apple revealed a number of key Siri upgrades that could alleviate some of the complaints -- at least those over its lack of functionality.

    New features accompanying a revamped iOS 6 this fall will include iPad availability, sports data, Yelp (YELP) reviews and OpenTable (OPEN) reservations. Siri will also be able to launch apps and post to Twitter and Facebook (FB). One of its most significant new features is "Eyes Free," a car-integration system. According to Apple, automakers are planning to add a Siri button to steering wheels in the next year.

    Kittlaus told Fortune he is most impressed with the sports scores because he said it was such a hot domain. "If you want Indiana scores, NBA, college basketball, Big Ten -- it just eliminates a lot of clicks. It's at its most powerful when it eliminates the work that you otherwise would have to do to get to that information." He also noted the new Eyes Free feature. " I wasn't expecting to see car manufacturers putting Siri buttons in the car. I think that's really exciting. And it's safe."

    When asked how close Apple's latest round of upgrades has come to meeting his original vision for Siri, Kittlaus said, "They're just getting going, and I can't wait to see where they take it. They're in a position to have this be one of the biggest things in the world in terms of a paradigm. They're going after it, and I'm really excited to see where it goes."
