全新MacBook Pro最新实测报告

全新MacBook Pro最新实测报告

JP Mangalindan 2012-06-20
新MacBook Pro的视网膜屏体验十分出色,更轻更薄,可谓物有所值。不过它2199美元的价格可能不是所有人都消费得起的。


    苹果公司表示,这块视网膜显示屏的像素是老款Macbook Pro屏幕的四倍。屏幕上显示的所有东西都更加清晰,黑色变得更黑,而且反光性也没有老款那么强烈。(虽然在室外使用还不是很理想,但也不至于像老款那样用起来感觉像在照镜子。)由于像素点增强了,因而屏幕分辨率也提高到2880*1800,甚至比27英寸的iMac的分辨率还要高。在分辨率的设定上,新Macbook Pro秉承力求简单、便于理解的原则,并没有采取数字相乘的表现方式,而是设定了五个主要的显示设置,其中包括“文字较大”、“最佳(视网膜)”、“更多空间”等。如果把分辨率调到最大,文字就会变得很小,对于大多数人的日常使用来说不太方便,不过那些爱把所有图标都堆到桌面上的人可能会喜欢这一点。当然,没有什么东西是完美的。虽然视网膜屏的画质很清晰,但它的亮度却差强人意。虽然新iPad上的图像一般都非常明亮,但新MacBook Pro却并非如此。在将近一周的使用中,我老是想把亮度调高些,结果发现这已经是最高亮度了。(AnandTech网站最近的评测似乎也证实了这一点,新MacBook Pro的亮度实际上要老款低了20%。)


    我本人去年也有购买了一台老款的13寸MacBook Air,它搭载了一颗1.8GHz的i7处理器。我发现进行某些操作的时候,这台笔记本的发热现象很严重——比如看高清视频的时候。有时风扇的声音也很响。苹果公司称新MacBook Pro搭载了一个所谓的“非对称风扇”,而且机身底部两侧各有一些小通风孔,可以使机器运转得更加安静。我们的评测也证实了这一点。

    作为一个作家,我并不经常编辑视频,我的照片编辑技巧也仅限于摆弄一下iPhoto。因此至于新MacBook Pro和它的四核处理器是否适合那些对芯片要求极高的用户,我并没有发言权。不过我有时也常常在新MacBook Pro上运行多个任务,比如有时我会同时在Netflix上看视频,同时打开Safari浏览器、邮件、Word、流媒体音乐服务Spotify和图片处理软件iPhoto等几十个窗口。在我们的日常使用中,这台电脑完全没有出现卡顿,两次充电之间经常可以待机5个小时以上。虽然并不像宣传中的那样可以待机7个小时,但考虑到真实的日常使用需求,这个续航时间还是可以接受的,哪怕是在跨国航班上也基本够用了。2,199美元的价格显然不是每个人都消费得起的。它主要面向的是高级用户和创意工作者,他们需要一台性能卓越、显示清晰、轻薄便携的笔记本电脑。新Macbook Pro绝对是这部分人群最好的选择之一。(的确如此,视网膜屏的使用体验非常惊艳,用过之后,再用其它任何东西都会觉得有些不舒服。)不过对于普通消费者来说,这样高的价格实在难以接受,更何况价格低得多的MacBook Air就可以满足他们的日常需求。


    That screen

    Apple says the MacBook Pro's new 15-inch Retina Display packs four times the pixels of previous screens. It shows. Everything is sharper, blacks are blacker, and the screen is a lot less reflective. (It's still not great for using outdoors, but it's less of a mirror than before.) Because of all those pixels, it's possible to turn up the resolution to up to 2,880-by-1,800, even higher than that found in the 27-inch iMac. In the settings, Apple has tried to make swapping between resolutions easier to understand. So instead of relying on numbers, the company boils it down to five main settings including "Larger Text," "Best (Retina)," and "More Space." At the maximum setting, I found the text too small for everyday use, but others who want to maximize their screen real estate may be comfortable with it.

    Not everything is perfect. Sharp as the Retina Display is, it could be brighter. Whereas images seem to have a preternatural glow or pop on the new iPad, that doesn't quite happen on the MacBook Pro. During nearly a week of use, I kept trying to turn up the brightness, only to realize it was at the highest setting. (Recent tests run by AnandTech appear to corroborate this, proving the brightness on this year's MacBook Pro is actually 20% lower than last year's model.)

    Day-to-day operations

    As the owner of last year's 13-inch MacBook Air with a 1.8 GHz i7 processor, I've found the laptop can run hot when you're doing things like watching high-definition video. Sometimes, the fan may loudly kick in. The new MacBook Pro has what the company calls a new "asymmetric fan," with small vents on either side of the notebook's bottom, which the company says encourages quieter operations. We found that to be true.

    As a writer, I don't deal much with video editing, and my photo editing "skills" consist of fiddling around with iPhoto, so I can't speak to the heavy processor-intensive tasks the new MacBook Pro and its quad-core processor are clearly geared for. But I do usually have multiple tasks going -- the occasional Netflix video stream, Safari, Mail, Word, Spotify, and iPhoto to name a few -- and tens of windows going at any given time. In our day-to-day use, our notebook didn't skip a beat, and often hummed along for over five hours in between charges. It's not quite the promised 7 hours, but acceptable given real-world usage and enough for a cross-country flight.

    At $2,199, this new MacBook Pro clearly isn't for everyone. It's intended for power users and creative professionals who want uncompromising performance in a very portable notebook with an excellent display. For them, it is one of the best options around. (Indeed, the Retina Display is such an upgrade, that working on anything else afterwards feels like a step back.) But for the average consumer, it may be hard to justify the high price point when a significantly cheaper MacBook Air will probably do.
