

Ryan Holmes 2012-07-03





    4)企业软件社交化:社交网络可能一开始是一种消费现象,不过它显然在企业界也可以广泛的应用。比如像Yammer一样的内部网络可以使企业内部在防火墙里进行像Facebook一样的对话。这样可以弱化等级制度,各部门的凝聚力可以超越办公室的围墙,而且大家可以以新的方式协作培养创意和项目,这是电子邮件等传统的Web 1.0渠道无论无何也做不到的。



    2) Software becomes a cloud-based service, not a product: Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe and other behemoths of enterprise software built their empires by licensing copies to individuals or companies. This system - selling software just like TVs, sofas or any other product - worked great for them. But it demanded a lot from business users, including heavy upfront costs and the need to maintain pricey on-premises servers.

    Software-as-a-service (SaaS) instead treats software as a pay-as-you-go subscription, much like cable or phone service. Hardware and software is all centrally managed by the provider on cloud-based servers, including upgrades, backups and security. For businesses, SaaS solutions - Salesforce, Google Apps, Hubspot, etc. - often represent a clear win-win, promising both lower costs and fewer headaches than licensed alternatives.

    3) The CIO gets crowd-sourced: Back in the day, writes TechCrunch's Rip Empson, the CIO was god, "sitting in his high chair in a grey suit barking orders, making the product decisions for big companies with even larger user bases." And little surprise. Stakes were exceedingly high: Choosing the wrong product could doom a company to years of clunky, ineffectual computing and cost millions.

    These days, software decisions in enterprises are increasingly made from the bottom-up. Free SaaS solutions like Dropbox and LastPass percolate through the workplace organically, introduced casually by employees. If these apps indeed fill a niche, eventually CIOs take notice, opting into premium, enterprise-wide versions (Herein lies the virtue of the freemium pricing model). Yammer's own CEO David Sacks explains a typical progression: "Employees can start using [Yammer] for free, message with their coworkers, and then the company can decide to endorse it, pay for it, that sort of thing."

    4) Enterprise software goes social: Social networking may have originated as a consumer phenomenon, but it clearly has wide-reaching business applications. Internal, Yammer-like networks enable companies to carry on Facebook-esque dialogues behind the firewall. Hierarchies are flattened; working groups can be organized that transcend office walls; ideas and projects are nurtured collaboratively in ways impossible via traditional Web 1.0 channels like email.

    Broader still, new enterprise software incorporates social features into functions as diverse as task management (Asana) and document creation (Google Docs). This mirrors how projects actually get done in real life - not in silos by lone employees but collectively, with each team member contributing a piece of the puzzle. Collaborative project execution represents one of the most profound - and widely overlooked - advantages of new-generation enterprise software.

    5) Business computing goes mobile: The CIO of SAP recently purchased 40,000 iPads for his employees - a reflection of the fact that many people were already bringing tablets to work. It's been years since we were tied to our home desktops. There are frankly very few reasons why workplace computing still needs to be desk-bound. As CNET's David Rosenberg writes, why wouldn't we want "to make business-critical data available anywhere, anytime," wherever our employees might be?
