

《财富》(中文版) 2011-02-22

Thomas D. Gorman: You know, we do an annual survey of attitudes among our audience -- which is Chinese business executives -- towards corporate social responsibility. We've been doing this now for about nine years. And what's fascinating to me is, just in the past few years, we have seen an enormous growth in the number of respondents -- with a fairly significant sample size -- who see a direct linkage between CSR being embedded in the management practice of a company and improved corporate results.
It's interesting, in and of itself, but particularly if you start to think about this major movement that's underway of Chinese companies going global, many of them through investing as reported in Fortune recently, for example, a lot of new Chinese manufacturing plants in this country, creating jobs for Americans. And making acquisitions in other parts of the world and so on and so forth. This becomes part of a core value that will be transported and translated as it moves out into global markets.
And I guess my questions is, how important is, is that (attitude towards CSR) an 'also ran', or do you think that could be a significant thing, a significant advantage, in some respect, for Chinese companies as they move out into global markets?

Jim Collins: A lot of it is unexplored territory for them. Two, very different points on this. The first is, and this is an empirical finding from "Built to Last". Not all great companies have a sense of social responsibility as part of their value set. But, some do and as we found, there's no trade off between, I mean, I look at a company like Patagonia, which is one of my favorite companies here in the United States.



吉姆·柯林斯:这里面还有许多需要探讨的未知领域。对此有两种完全不同的观点:首先是一个根据经验得出的观点,在我的书《基业长青》(Built to Last)里已提到,并不是所有企业都可以把企业社会责任看作其价值观的一部分。不过也有公司做到了,两者之间并非彼此矛盾。比如巴塔哥尼亚公司(Patagonia),这是我最喜欢的美国公司之一。
