

《财富》(中文版) 2011-03-08

Thomas D. Gorman: You know, you write a lot about the importance of CEOs and Boards confronting the brutal facts. That's a big challenge; it's a challenge in all cultures, I think. It's a challenge in our culture, it's certainly a challenge in Chinese culture, where there's a tendency to not let the bad news travel up. So the question is, what can CEO's do to make sure that they get access, they get access to the bad news, the brutal facts, and that the bad news isn't filtered out or blocked on the way up?
And are there some examples of leaders, maybe corporate, maybe other, who did a particularly creative job of that?

Jim Collins: Yeah. Well one, it's hard to overstate how important this is.
When we talk about a little later, about "How The Mighty Fall", one of the things that is very scary, is that you can already be in decline, but you still look healthy on the outside, and it's easy to sort of ignore the brutal facts, e.g. your PSA just went to nine from two, above four is scary, but what if your doctors are afraid to tell you? You just exposed yourself to a very serious situation.
Or, you get micro calcification on your mammogram; you have a chest x-ray that lights up. If somebody's afraid to bring the brutal facts to you, it's not in your interest. The same thing is true of companies, right?
That there can be warning signs, markers, and things that you should be aware of, or it could be your own suppressed metastasis, we're not as good as we think we are. Which was the case in the "Good to Great" companies.



一会儿我们会谈到《巨人如何倒下》(How the Mighty Fall),人们很容易忽视残酷的事实,很可怕的一点是,你的情况可能已经开始恶化,但外表可能看起来还很健康,比如说你的前列腺特异抗原从二升到九,正常参考值是四。而如果你的医生不敢告诉你,你就会处于非常危险的境地。


应该会有一些预警信号和提示。你应该及时注意到这些问题,否则就是在自欺欺人,其实我们并没有自己想象的那么健康。就像《从优秀到卓越》(Good to Great)一书中写到的那些公司一样。
