

《财富》(中文版) 2011-03-15

Thomas D. Gorman: You wrote an article in Inc. Magazine back in 1995 and in that you wrote, "In a world of constant change, the fundamentals are more important than ever." Does that still hold true? It's sort of obvious, but in today's environment, we have to ask.

Jim Collins: Yeah.
So, let's just first of all, let's just look at a number of, ones that we know, in the United States. Look up the Hewlett Packard turnaround under Mark Hurd. Did he go back to some very disciplined fundamentals?
Let's look at the IBM turnaround under Lou Gerstner -- a, tremendous time of turmoil. I mean, the rise of distributed computing, the threat to the mainframe business. The challenges they had, they hadn't even come up with the idea of broad services yet. IBM on the cover of magazines as a dinosaur, did he go back to fundamentals of really great people, really good evidence-based analysis, deciding with great rigor how to allocate resources, building a team of 300?
Look at the challenges that Blake Nordstrom faced when he took over Nordstrom, a family business. And ask what it took to get them back on track. He had a company with a great history which had lost sight of some basic fundamentals, starting with things like great customer service and good systems. They were facing tremendous change in the retail industry, a world in complete flux, plus new competition like the Gap and whoever else. In the face of all that, he took them back to fundamentals.


那么,首先我们来看看美国一些家喻户晓的公司。看看惠普在马克•赫德(Mark Hurd)的带领下如何逆转。他是否回归了一些严格的基本原则呢?


再看看郭士纳(Lou Gerstner)领导下IBM如何翻盘,当时情况非常混乱。我是指,分布式计算兴起,对主机业务构成了挑战。而IBM的挑战是:他们当时甚至还没有想到要广泛转向服务业。当时杂志封面都把IBM描述为恐龙,而郭士纳不也正是回归了那些最基本的原则吗?这些基本原则包括(引入)优秀的员工,进行以实证为基础的优秀分析,及其严格地决定如何分配资源,建立一个300人的团队等等。

看看布雷克•诺德斯特龙(Blake Nordstrom)掌管诺德斯特龙这家族公司的时候都面对了哪些挑战。然后想想他们采用了什么方法回到正确的发展轨道?诺德斯特龙公司有伟大的历史,但是此前忽略了一些最基本的原则,比如一切都要从卓越的客户服务开始,同时必须拥有优秀的系统。当时的零售业市场正发生着整体的变化,还诞生了新的竞争对手,比如Gap公司等等。面对这些,诺德斯特龙带领公司回归了基本原则。
