最近我写了一篇关于日产(Nissan)美人奴跨界敞篷车(Murano CrossCabriolet)的文章,颇有些感慨。要创造一种全新的汽车设计理念真不是件容易的事啊!而市场对待原创设计的态度又是多么苛刻!比如你说日产公司雄心勃勃也好,有勇无谋也好,但它还是毅然推出了这款敞篷跨界车,结果恶评如潮。 无论多好的创意,要取得成功都不是容易的事。比如克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的厢式旅行车和福特(Ford)的探路者(Explorer)四门SUV,它们身上既有一鸣惊人的神来之笔,又有不落窠臼但最终却黯然退场的新理念。旁蒂克(Potiac)的阿兹特克(Aztek)更是一个经典的失败案例,它是厢式旅行车和SUV合体失败的产物。除了这几款车外,这些年来还有很多其它的设计败笔。 |
When writing about Nissan's Murano CrossCabriolet recently, I was reminded how difficult it is to create a new automotive concept -- and how harshly the market treats original ideas. The CrossCabrio is the ambitious -- or perhaps foolhardy -- attempt to create a crossover with a convertible top. Bright ideas are hard to pull off. For every Chrysler minivan or Ford Explorer four-door SUV, there are dozens of one-hit wonders and new concepts that failed to catch on. The Pontiac Aztek, an unholy combination of minivan and SUV, is the classic example, but there have been many others through the years. |