通用汽车EV-1,1996-1999 EV-1是当代第一款量产的电动汽车。不过随着加州放宽了对零排放汽车的要求(1990年加州的《零排放法案》曾规定,1998年在加州出售的新车中,“零排放汽车”的比例要达到2%,2000达到5%,2010年达到10%,后该法案的要求被放宽——译注),因此EV-1投产不久,便失去了存在的意义。这些轿车的续航能力有限,技术落后,只有800台EV-1找到了买家。通用在每台EV-1上的损失高达数千美元,不得不终止了EV-1项目,并将已售出的车辆统统召回。在此过程中,通用在公关上也陷入了极度难堪的境地。 |
General Motors EV-1 1996-1999 The first modern mass-produced electric vehicle, EV-1 lost its reason for existence shortly after introduction when California loosened its requirements for zero-emission vehicles. Only 800 of the range-limited cars with outdated technology found customers. Losing thousands of dollars on each vehicle produced, GM discontinued the EV-1 and recalled them, suffering a huge public relations embarrassment in the process. |
铃木X-90,1996-1998 这是一款两座型SUV,采用了T-top式车型和四轮驱动,由于它的造型极为丰满,因此有人管它叫“鞋车”。由于比例不大协调,加上性能有限(只搭载了一款95匹马力的发动机,典型的小马拉大车)。因此投产后仅三年,它就被扔到了历史的垃圾箱里。在这三年中,这款车在美国只卖出了7,205台。 |
Suzuki X-90 1996-1998 A two-seat SUV with a T-top and four-wheel-drive, the X-90 was known as the "shoe car" to some because of its extreme rounded styling. Its ungainly proportions and limited functionality (it was equipped with a tiny 95 horsepower engine) consigned it to the dustbin of history after three years of production, during which just 7,205 made their way to the U.S. |