*飓风艾琳来了又走了,很多人都感受到了它的威力。这场由飓风演变成的热带风暴也在Twitter上引起了不小的反响,先是人们批评某些电视台主持人穿雨衣进行现场采访,而事实上当时飓风艾琳尚在几百里开外;再者是有些发所谓“灾难照片”实际上都是在好几个星期以前拍的,有的根本就是灾难片《后天》(The Day After Tomorrow)的截屏。 *惠普(HP)何以在过去几年里江河日下?埃尔•刘易斯(道琼斯通讯社专栏作家——译注)接受了《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的专访,细数惠普败落的诸多诱因,例如搞“副业”webOS、12个月内两次提高财务预期却接连未能达标等。【《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)】 *科技博客All Things D撰文回忆了自2003年以来,乔布斯出席历届All Things D大会时的情景,包括他与比尔•盖茨的坐而论道。(科技博客All Things D) *苹果(Apple)可能会以何种方式使有线电视走向灭绝?(仅仅是假设一下)【《电脑世界》(Computerworld)】 *娱乐网站Wetpaint公司首席执行官本•埃洛维茨预言,Facebook明年将进军搜索市场。(科技博客Digital Quarters转自科技博客Tech Crunch) *团购网站Groupon首席执行官安德鲁•梅森在公司备忘录里向员工隐瞒了哪些内容?(商业新闻网站BNET) 译者:朴成奎 |
* Hurricane Irene came and went, and while many people felt its potent effects, the hurricane-turned-tropical storm also inspired a number of reactions via Twitter, from criticism of TV news anchors in raincoats when Irene was hundreds of miles away to over-the-top screengrabs taken from the disaster flick, The Day After Tomorrow, and disaster photos actually taken weeks before. (The New York Times) * How has HP (HPQ) blown it over the last few years? Al Lewis over at The Wall Street Journal counts the many, many ways, whether it's sidelining webOS efforts or raising financial estimates twice during the last 12 months and missing them. (The Wall Street Journal) * A handy list of Steve Jobs's appearances at All Things D's conferences since 2003, including the onstage sit-down with Bill Gates. (All Things D) * How Apple (AAPL) could maybe -- just maybe -- end up killing cable TV. (Computerworld) * Wetpaint CEO Ben Elowitz predicts that Facebook will enter the search market next year. (TechCrunch via Digital Quarters) * What Groupon CEO Andrew Mason didn't tell employees in that company memo. (BNET) |