
芬克尔斯坦表示,在实际工作中,经理的任务是“让年长的员工知道,你尊重他们的经验,同时仍要坚持对团队的领导”。在此提供三个帮助你走上正轨的小窍门: 1.寻求反馈和建议 芬克尔斯坦表示,“无论年龄多大,永远不要以一副百事通的形象示人。尤其是考虑到你手下的员工的确在某些方面比你更有见识。” 除了表示尊重而需平息怒气外,学习他人的经验也可以提升自己的优势。芬克尔斯坦称:“了解曾经奏效或不奏效的方法,都可以帮你避免无用功。” 2.你是负责人,年龄不是问题 芬克尔斯坦建议:“通过证明拥有从事管理工作的能力,你才获得了现在的职位。不要质疑自己的权威。”他补充道,年长的员工“不是你的父母。实际上,你有权对他们发号施令。”而且,在有些时候,你必须这样做。 有些人(你可能也是其中的一员)抵触作为领导者的一面。芬克尔斯坦说:“除非你的天性就是喜欢指挥别人,否则,在告诉他人该做什么,对他人的表现给予坦率反馈的时候,难免有些尴尬。而当他们的年龄与你父母年龄相当时,就更加棘手了。” 如果你在这方面有障碍是因为个性使然,那就试着询问人力资源部门,有没有针对新任经理(各年龄段)的培训。几乎所有的大型公司均提供类似的培训。毕竟,公司是希望你成功的。 3.始终把关注的焦点放在团队身上 经理的责任是让每位成员关注共同目标。芬克尔斯坦说:“不应该关注同事之间的年龄差异——或其他任何差异;相反,应该不断传递这样的信息:所有人都齐心协力,致力于满足客户需求,使公司获得成功。这是最重要的。所以,不要被次要问题分心。” 即使年龄不是问题,做领导也需要练习,认识到这一点,会对你有所帮助。你已经担任领导岗位几个月了,但是对自己的角色还没有十足的把握,这反过来也会使团队的成员对你失去信心。 补救方法:时间,以及几场漂亮的翻身仗。芬克尔斯坦说:“集中精力做一个卓越的领导,流言终将自行消散。” 反馈:你有没有在比你年轻的领导手下工作的经历?如果你是年轻的经理,你认为哪些做法能够赢得年长同事的尊重?欢迎发表评论。 译者:乔树静/汪皓 |
In practical terms, your task is "to let your older teammates know that you respect their experience while still asserting your leadership of the group," says Finkelstein. Three ways to get on the right track: 1. Ask for feedback and suggestions. "You never want to come across as a know-it-all, no matter what age you are," notes Finkelstein. "That's especially true when someone working under you may actually be more knowledgeable than you, in some areas." In addition to being a sign of respect that might smooth more than a few ruffled feathers, getting the benefit of another person's experience can work to your advantage. "Seeking out information about what has worked, or not in the past could keep you from reinventing the wheel," Finkelstein says. 2. You are in charge, regardless of your age. "You earned your current position by proving that you're capable of handling a managerial job. Don't question your own authority," Finkelstein advises. Employees who are older than you "aren't your parents. You can actually tell them what to do," he adds. In fact, sometimes you have to. Some people (you may be one of them) resist that aspect of leadership. "Unless you're bossy by nature, telling others what to do and giving them honest feedback on their performance is always a little awkward," Finkelstein says. "It's infinitely trickier when they are old enough to be your parents." If your personality type is such that you struggle with this, consider asking the human resources department if training is available for new managers (of any age). Almost all large organizations offer it since, after all, they have a vested interest in your success. 3. Keep the focus on the team. As a manager, you're responsible for keeping everyone's attention on shared goals. "Instead of focusing on age differences -- or any other differences, for that matter -- among colleagues, constantly promote the idea that you are all working toward satisfying customers and making the whole enterprise more successful," says Finkelstein. "That's what counts. So don't allow side issues to become distractions." It would probably help to recognize that, even when age is not an issue, learning to be a boss takes practice. After only a couple of months in the job, you may not yet feel secure enough in the role, which may in turn be causing your teammates to lack confidence in you. The remedy for that: Time, and a few notable wins. "Concentrate on being a great leader," Finkelstein says, "and the wisecracks will stop. Eventually." Talkback: Have you ever worked for a boss who was much younger than you? If you are a young manager, what has helped you gain the respect of older colleagues? Leave a comment below. |