






专栏 - 向Anne提问


Anne Fisher 2011年12月26日

Anne Fisher为《财富》杂志《向Anne提问》的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于1996年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。


    亲爱的未被正确评价的人: 别这样,约翰•胡佛说:“逆来顺受绝对是处理这种事的最糟方式。为什么要让自己职业生涯中如此关键的部分受制于他人呢,尤其是你已经知道老板对你的工作毫无概念,为什么还要这样继续下去?”

    胡佛在位于曼哈顿的帕特纳人力资源国际咨询公司(Partners in Human Resources International)从事企业高管培训工作。他负责对来自IBM、希尔顿酒店(Hilton Hotels)、通信公司威力众(Verizon)、施乐(Xerox)以及其它很多大型公司的经理人提供咨询服务。他还写过一本具有深刻见解的书:《如何为白痴工作:不炒老板照样成功》(How to Work for an Idiot: Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss)。





    Dear Annie: It's annual performance-evaluation time again, and my coworkers and I are, as usual, taking a grin-and-bear-it approach. We've gotten used to just getting it over with, as my out-of-touch boss does his best to come up with the pros and cons of our performance over the past 12 months. We end each year grumbling about the things our boss has gotten wrong, or things we've accomplished that he is just unaware of, but, so far, none of us has attempted any rebuttal. Are there any practical ways to correct inaccurate performance reviews, or should we just keep muddling along? I'm wondering if saying nothing is undercutting my chances for raises and promotions. Your thoughts? — Underappreciated

    Dear Underappreciated: Whoa. "'Grin and bear it' is absolutely the worst possible way to handle this situation," says John Hoover. "Why are you abdicating such an essential part of your career to someone else, especially since you already know your boss is clueless?"

    Hoover, who leads the executive coaching practice at Manhattan-based consulting firm Partners in Human Resources International, counsels managers at IBM (IBM), Hilton Hotels, Verizon (VZ), Xerox (XRX), and many other big companies. He also wrote an insightful book called How to Work for an Idiot: Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss.

    What Hoover calls "the boring HR answer" to your question is that you can indeed challenge an inaccurate or incomplete performance review. "You can go through the HR department and ask to be re-evaluated, pointing out things that were missed so they can be recorded in your personnel file," he says.

    Politically, however, that route is risky, since it's likely to embarrass your boss by making him look, well, out of touch with what you're doing. "A better approach is to go to your boss directly with a list of the things he has overlooked, and ask him to add them to your written review," says Hoover. If you don't, your suspicion that you're undercutting your own chances for advancement is probably spot on.

    Now, let's talk about how to prevent this debacle in the future. "You should be scripting your own performance evaluation 52 weeks a year," says Hoover. "As coaches, we always tell bosses to communicate with everyone under them at least once a week -- even if only very briefly -- to set goals and get progress reports, rather than blind-siding people once a year, as your boss seems to be doing.

    "But if that is not happening, you need to make it happen. Engage your boss in a conversation every week about what you're working on and how it's going, and follow up with a brief email summing up what was said," Hoover advises. "Then, as annual evaluation time approaches, write up a succinct account of your accomplishments for the year and email it to him."

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